According to `stty --help`, the `-F` argument must be capital (lowercase is not recognized). Some Asian translation appears to have the same error, but I didn't want to break encoding.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- 获取设备的实际传输速度:
-`stty -f {{目标 / 文件夹 / 驱动设备文件}} speed`
+`stty -F {{目标 / 文件夹 / 驱动设备文件}} speed`
- 将当前终端的所有模式重置为合理值:
- Get the actual transfer speed of a device:
-`stty -f {{path/to/device_file}} speed`
+`stty -F {{path/to/device_file}} speed`
- Reset all modes to reasonable values for the current terminal: