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+# az image
+> Manage custom Virtual Machine Images in Azure.
+> Part of `azure-cli` (also known as `az`).
+> More information: <https://learn.microsoft.com/cli/azure/image>.
+- List the custom images under a resource group:
+`az image list --resource-group {{resource_group}}`
+- Create a custom image from managed disks or snapshots:
+`az image create --resource-group {{resource_group}} --name {{name}} --os-type {{windows|linux}} --source {{os_disk_source}}`
+- Delete a custom image:
+`az image delete --name {{name}} --resource-group {{resource_group}}`
+- Show details of a custom image:
+`az image show --name {{name}} --resource-group {{resource_group}}`
+- Update custom images:
+`az image update --name {{name}} --resource-group {{resource_group}} --set {{property=value}}`