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+# Set-Volume
+> Sets or changes the file system label of an existing volume.
+> Note: This command can only be used through PowerShell.
+> More information: <https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/storage/set-volume>.
+- Change the file system label of a volume identified by drive letter:
+`Set-Volume -DriveLetter "D" -NewFileSystemLabel "DataVolume"`
+- Change the file system label of a volume identified by the system label:
+`Set-Volume -FileSystemLabel "OldLabel" -NewFileSystemLabel "NewLabel"`
+- Modify the properties of a volume using a volume object:
+`Set-Volume -InputObject $(Get-Volume -DriveLetter "E") -NewFileSystemLabel "Backup"`
+- Specify the Data Deduplication mode for the volume:
+`Set-Volume -DriveLetter "D" -DedupMode Backup`