@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
`hub clone {{repo_name}}`
-- Clone another user's repository, using their github username and the repository name:
+- Clone another user's repository, using their GitHub username and the repository name:
`hub clone {{username}}/{{repo_name}}`
-- Create a fork of the current repository (cloned from another user) under your github profile:
+- Create a fork of the current repository (cloned from another user) under your GitHub profile:
`hub fork`
-- Push the current local branch to github and create a PR for it in the original repository:
+- Push the current local branch to GitHub and create a PR for it in the original repository:
`hub push {{remote_name}} && hub pull-request`
@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@
`hub pr checkout {{pr_number}}`
-- Upload the current (local-only) repository to your github account:
+- Upload the current (local-only) repository to your GitHub account:
`hub create`