手动制作照片地图 === 概况 --- ### Background:把照片放在地图上 我使用的Nokia Lumia 920没有一个好的照片应用,而我当时也没有钱换一个新手机 ### Showcase ![Phodal's Image](./images/onmap-demo.jpg) ###框架: EXIF & ExifRead & CartoDB **EXIF** > 可交换图像文件常被简称为EXIF(Exchangeable image file format),是专门为数码相机的照片设定的,可以记录数码照片的属性信息和拍摄数据。 EXIF信息以0xFFE1作为开头标记,后两个字节表示EXIF信息的长度。所以EXIF信息最大为64 kB,而内部采用TIFF格式。 **ExifRead** 来自官方的简述 > **Python library to extract EXIF data from tiff and jpeg files.** **ExifRead安装** ```bash pip install exifread ``` **ExifRead Exif.py** 官方写了一个exif.py的command可直接查看照片信息 ```bash EXIF.py images.jpg ``` **CartoDB** > Create dynamic maps, analyze and build location aware and geospatial applications with your data using the power using the power of PostGIS in the cloud. 步骤 --- ### Step 1: 解析读取照片信息 简单的来说,就是我们可以创建包含位置信息的内容到上面去。 主要步骤如下: - 需要遍历自己的全部图片文件 - 解析照片信息 - 生成地理信息文件 - 上传到cartodb **python 遍历文件** 代码如下,来自于《python cookbook》 ```python import os, fnmatch def all_files(root, patterns='*', single_level=False, yield_folders=False): patterns = patterns.split(';') for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root): if yield_folders: files.extend(subdirs) files.sort() for name in files: for pattern in patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern): yield os.path.join(path, name) break if single_level: break ``` **python 解析照片信息** 由于直接从照片中提取的信息是 ``` [34, 12, 51513/1000] ``` 也就是 ``` N 34� 13' 12.718 ``` 几度几分几秒的形式,我们需要转换为 ``` 34.2143091667 ``` 具体的大致就是 ```python def parse_gps(titude): first_number = titude.split(',')[0] second_number = titude.split(',')[1] third_number = titude.split(',')[2] third_number_parent = third_number.split('/')[0] third_number_child = third_number.split('/')[1] third_number_result = float(third_number_parent) / float(third_number_child) return float(first_number) + float(second_number)/60 + third_number_result/3600 ``` 也就是我们需要将second/60,还有minutes/3600。 **python 提取照片信息生成文件** ```python import json import exifread import os, fnmatch from exifread.tags import DEFAULT_STOP_TAG, FIELD_TYPES from exifread import process_file, __version__ def all_files(root, patterns='*', single_level=False, yield_folders=False): patterns = patterns.split(';') for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root): if yield_folders: files.extend(subdirs) files.sort() for name in files: for pattern in patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern): yield os.path.join(path, name) break if single_level: break def parse_gps(titude): first_number = titude.split(',')[0] second_number = titude.split(',')[1] third_number = titude.split(',')[2] third_number_parent = third_number.split('/')[0] third_number_child = third_number.split('/')[1] third_number_result = float(third_number_parent) / float(third_number_child) return float(first_number) + float(second_number)/60 + third_number_result/3600 jsonFile = open("gps.geojson", "w") jsonFile.writelines('{\n"type": "FeatureCollection","features": [\n') def write_data(paths): index = 1 for path in all_files('./' + paths, '*.jpg'): f = open(path[2:], 'rb') tags = exifread.process_file(f) # jsonFile.writelines('"type": "Feature","properties": {"cartodb_id":"'+str(index)+'"},"geometry": {"type": "Point","coordinates": [') latitude = tags['GPS GPSLatitude'].printable[1:-1] longitude = tags['GPS GPSLongitude'].printable[1:-1] print latitude print parse_gps(latitude) # print tags['GPS GPSLongitudeRef'] # print tags['GPS GPSLatitudeRef'] jsonFile.writelines('{"type": "Feature","properties": {"cartodb_id":"' + str(index) + '"') jsonFile.writelines(',"OS":"' + str(tags['Image Software']) + '","Model":"' + str(tags['Image Model']) + '","Picture":"'+str(path[7:])+'"') jsonFile.writelines('},"geometry": {"type": "Point","coordinates": [' + str(parse_gps(longitude)) + ',' + str( parse_gps(latitude)) + ']}},\n') index += 1 write_data('imgs') jsonFile.writelines(']}\n') jsonFile.close() ``` ### Step 2: 上传数据 注册CartoDB,然后上传数据。 ### 练习建议 无