123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147 |
- require 'location'
- # Events are how Huginn Agents communicate and log information about the world. Events can be emitted and received by
- # Agents. They contain a serialized `payload` of arbitrary JSON data, as well as optional `lat`, `lng`, and `expires_at`
- # fields.
- class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
- include JsonSerializedField
- include LiquidDroppable
- acts_as_mappable
- json_serialize :payload
- belongs_to :user, optional: true
- belongs_to :agent, counter_cache: true
- has_many :agent_logs_as_inbound_event, class_name: "AgentLog", foreign_key: :inbound_event_id,
- dependent: :nullify
- has_many :agent_logs_as_outbound_event, class_name: "AgentLog", foreign_key: :outbound_event_id,
- dependent: :nullify
- scope :recent, lambda { |timespan = 12.hours.ago|
- where("events.created_at > ?", timespan)
- }
- after_create :update_agent_last_event_at
- after_create :possibly_propagate
- scope :expired, lambda {
- where("expires_at IS NOT NULL AND expires_at < ?", Time.now)
- }
- case ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name
- when /\Amysql/i
- # Protect the Event table from InnoDB's AUTO_INCREMENT Counter
- # Initialization by always keeping the latest event.
- scope :to_expire, -> { expired.where.not(id: maximum(:id)) }
- else
- scope :to_expire, -> { expired }
- end
- scope :with_location, -> {
- where.not(lat: nil).where.not(lng: nil)
- }
- def location
- @location ||= Location.new(
- # lat and lng are BigDecimal, but converted to Float by the Location class
- lat:,
- lng:,
- radius:
- if (h = payload[:horizontal_accuracy].presence) &&
- (v = payload[:vertical_accuracy].presence)
- (h.to_f + v.to_f) / 2
- else
- (h || v || payload[:accuracy]).to_f
- end,
- course: payload[:course],
- speed: payload[:speed].presence
- )
- end
- def location=(location)
- case location
- when nil
- self.lat = self.lng = nil
- return
- when Location
- else
- location = Location.new(location)
- end
- self.lat = location.lat
- self.lng = location.lng
- location
- end
- # Emit this event again, as a new Event.
- def reemit!
- agent.create_event(payload:, lat:, lng:)
- end
- # Look for Events whose `expires_at` is present and in the past. Remove those events and then update affected Agents'
- # `events_counts` cache columns. This method is called by bin/schedule.rb periodically.
- def self.cleanup_expired!
- transaction do
- affected_agents = Event.expired.group("agent_id").pluck(:agent_id)
- Event.to_expire.delete_all
- Agent.where(id: affected_agents).update_all "events_count = (select count(*) from events where agent_id = agents.id)"
- end
- end
- protected
- def update_agent_last_event_at
- agent.touch :last_event_at
- end
- def possibly_propagate
- # immediately schedule agents that want immediate updates
- propagate_ids = agent.receivers.where(propagate_immediately: true).pluck(:id)
- Agent.receive!(only_receivers: propagate_ids) unless propagate_ids.empty?
- end
- public def to_liquid
- Drop.new(self)
- end
- class Drop < LiquidDroppable::Drop
- def initialize(object)
- @payload = object.payload
- super
- end
- def liquid_method_missing(key)
- @payload[key]
- end
- def each(&block)
- @payload.each(&block)
- end
- def agent
- @payload.fetch(__method__) {
- @object.agent
- }
- end
- def created_at
- @payload.fetch(__method__) {
- @object.created_at
- }
- end
- def _location_
- @object.location
- end
- def as_json
- {
- location: _location_.as_json,
- agent: @object.agent.to_liquid.as_json,
- payload: @payload.as_json,
- created_at: created_at.as_json
- }
- end
- end
- end