123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306 |
- require 'spec_helper'
- describe Agent do
- describe ".run_schedule" do
- before do
- Agents::WeatherAgent.count.should > 0
- Agents::WebsiteAgent.count.should > 0
- end
- it "runs agents with the given schedule" do
- weather_agent_ids = [agents(:bob_weather_agent), agents(:jane_weather_agent)].map(&:id)
- stub(Agents::WeatherAgent).async_check(anything) {|agent_id| weather_agent_ids.delete(agent_id) }
- stub(Agents::WebsiteAgent).async_check(agents(:bob_website_agent).id)
- Agent.run_schedule("midnight")
- weather_agent_ids.should be_empty
- end
- it "groups agents by type" do
- mock(Agents::WeatherAgent).bulk_check("midnight").once
- mock(Agents::WebsiteAgent).bulk_check("midnight").once
- Agent.run_schedule("midnight")
- end
- it "only runs agents with the given schedule" do
- do_not_allow(Agents::WebsiteAgent).async_check
- Agent.run_schedule("blah")
- end
- end
- describe "changes to type" do
- it "validates types" do
- source = Agent.new
- source.type = "Agents::WeatherAgent"
- source.should have(0).errors_on(:type)
- source.type = "Agents::WebsiteAgent"
- source.should have(0).errors_on(:type)
- source.type = "Agents::Fake"
- source.should have(1).error_on(:type)
- end
- it "disallows changes to type once a record has been saved" do
- source = agents(:bob_website_agent)
- source.type = "Agents::WeatherAgent"
- source.should have(1).error_on(:type)
- end
- it "should know about available types" do
- Agent.types.should include(Agents::WeatherAgent, Agents::WebsiteAgent)
- end
- end
- describe "with an example Agent" do
- class Agents::SomethingSource < Agent
- default_schedule "2pm"
- def check
- create_event :payload => {}
- end
- def validate_options
- errors.add(:base, "bad is bad") if options[:bad]
- end
- end
- class Agents::CannotBeScheduled < Agent
- cannot_be_scheduled!
- def receive(events)
- events.each do |event|
- create_event :payload => { :events_received => 1 }
- end
- end
- end
- before do
- stub(Agents::SomethingSource).valid_type?("Agents::SomethingSource") { true }
- stub(Agents::CannotBeScheduled).valid_type?("Agents::CannotBeScheduled") { true }
- end
- describe ".default_schedule" do
- it "stores the default on the class" do
- Agents::SomethingSource.default_schedule.should == "2pm"
- Agents::SomethingSource.new.default_schedule.should == "2pm"
- end
- it "sets the default on new instances, allows setting new schedules, and prevents invalid schedules" do
- @checker = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something")
- @checker.user = users(:bob)
- @checker.schedule.should == "2pm"
- @checker.save!
- @checker.reload.schedule.should == "2pm"
- @checker.update_attribute :schedule, "5pm"
- @checker.reload.schedule.should == "5pm"
- @checker.reload.schedule.should == "5pm"
- @checker.schedule = "this_is_not_real"
- @checker.should have(1).errors_on(:schedule)
- end
- it "should have an empty schedule if it cannot_be_scheduled" do
- @checker = Agents::CannotBeScheduled.new(:name => "something")
- @checker.user = users(:bob)
- @checker.schedule.should be_nil
- @checker.should be_valid
- @checker.schedule = "5pm"
- @checker.save!
- @checker.schedule.should be_nil
- @checker.schedule = "5pm"
- @checker.should have(0).errors_on(:schedule)
- @checker.schedule.should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "#create_event" do
- before do
- @checker = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something")
- @checker.user = users(:bob)
- @checker.save!
- end
- it "should use the checker's user" do
- @checker.check
- Event.last.user.should == @checker.user
- end
- it "should log an error if the Agent has been marked with 'cannot_create_events!'" do
- mock(@checker).can_create_events? { false }
- lambda {
- @checker.check
- }.should_not change { Event.count }
- @checker.logs.first.message.should =~ /cannot create events/i
- end
- end
- describe ".async_check" do
- before do
- @checker = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something")
- @checker.user = users(:bob)
- @checker.save!
- end
- it "records last_check_at and calls check on the given Agent" do
- mock(@checker).check.once {
- @checker.options[:new] = true
- }
- mock(Agent).find(@checker.id) { @checker }
- @checker.last_check_at.should be_nil
- Agents::SomethingSource.async_check(@checker.id)
- @checker.reload.last_check_at.should be_within(2).of(Time.now)
- @checker.reload.options[:new].should be_true # Show that we save options
- end
- it "should log exceptions" do
- mock(@checker).check.once {
- raise "foo"
- }
- mock(Agent).find(@checker.id) { @checker }
- lambda {
- Agents::SomethingSource.async_check(@checker.id)
- }.should raise_error
- log = @checker.logs.first
- log.message.should =~ /Exception/
- log.level.should == 4
- end
- end
- describe ".receive! and .async_receive" do
- before do
- stub_request(:any, /wunderground/).to_return(:body => File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/weather.json")), :status => 200)
- stub.any_instance_of(Agents::WeatherAgent).is_tomorrow?(anything) { true }
- end
- it "should use available events" do
- mock.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything).once
- Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id)
- Agent.receive!
- end
- it "should log exceptions" do
- mock.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything).once {
- raise "foo"
- }
- Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id)
- lambda {
- Agent.receive!
- }.should raise_error
- log = agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).logs.first
- log.message.should =~ /Exception/
- log.level.should == 4
- end
- it "should track when events have been seen and not received them again" do
- mock.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything).once
- Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id)
- Agent.receive!
- Agent.receive!
- end
- it "should not run consumers that have nothing to do" do
- do_not_allow.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything)
- Agent.receive!
- end
- it "should group events" do
- mock.any_instance_of(Agents::TriggerAgent).receive(anything).twice { |events|
- events.map(&:user).map(&:username).uniq.length.should == 1
- }
- Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id)
- Agent.async_check(agents(:jane_weather_agent).id)
- Agent.receive!
- end
- end
- describe "creating a new agent and then calling .receive!" do
- it "should not backfill events for a newly created agent" do
- Event.delete_all
- sender = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "Sending Agent")
- sender.user = users(:bob)
- sender.save!
- sender.create_event :payload => {}
- sender.create_event :payload => {}
- sender.events.count.should == 2
- receiver = Agents::CannotBeScheduled.new(:name => "Receiving Agent")
- receiver.user = users(:bob)
- receiver.sources << sender
- receiver.save!
- receiver.events.count.should == 0
- Agent.receive!
- receiver.events.count.should == 0
- sender.create_event :payload => {}
- Agent.receive!
- receiver.events.count.should == 1
- end
- end
- describe "validations" do
- it "calls validate_options" do
- agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something")
- agent.user = users(:bob)
- agent.options[:bad] = true
- agent.should have(1).error_on(:base)
- agent.options[:bad] = false
- agent.should have(0).errors_on(:base)
- end
- it "symbolizes options before validating" do
- agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something")
- agent.user = users(:bob)
- agent.options["bad"] = true
- agent.should have(1).error_on(:base)
- agent.options["bad"] = false
- agent.should have(0).errors_on(:base)
- end
- it "symbolizes memory before validating" do
- agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something")
- agent.user = users(:bob)
- agent.memory["bad"] = :hello
- agent.save
- agent.memory[:bad].should == :hello
- end
- it "should not allow agents owned by other people" do
- agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something")
- agent.user = users(:bob)
- agent.source_ids = [agents(:bob_weather_agent).id]
- agent.should have(0).errors_on(:sources)
- agent.source_ids = [agents(:jane_weather_agent).id]
- agent.should have(1).errors_on(:sources)
- agent.user = users(:jane)
- agent.should have(0).errors_on(:sources)
- end
- end
- end
- describe "scopes" do
- describe "of_type" do
- it "should accept classes" do
- agents = Agent.of_type(Agents::WebsiteAgent)
- agents.should include(agents(:bob_website_agent))
- agents.should include(agents(:jane_website_agent))
- agents.should_not include(agents(:bob_weather_agent))
- end
- it "should accept strings" do
- agents = Agent.of_type("Agents::WebsiteAgent")
- agents.should include(agents(:bob_website_agent))
- agents.should include(agents(:jane_website_agent))
- agents.should_not include(agents(:bob_weather_agent))
- end
- it "should accept instances of an Agent" do
- agents = Agent.of_type(agents(:bob_website_agent))
- agents.should include(agents(:bob_website_agent))
- agents.should include(agents(:jane_website_agent))
- agents.should_not include(agents(:bob_weather_agent))
- end
- end
- end
- end