Andrew Cantino b466788bcc .openshift directory 10 년 전
daily b466788bcc .openshift directory 10 년 전
hourly b466788bcc .openshift directory 10 년 전
minutely b466788bcc .openshift directory 10 년 전
monthly b466788bcc .openshift directory 10 년 전
weekly b466788bcc .openshift directory 10 년 전
README.cron b466788bcc .openshift directory 10 년 전


Run scripts or jobs on a periodic basis
Any scripts or jobs added to the minutely, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly
directories will be run on a scheduled basis (frequency is as indicated by the
name of the directory) using run-parts.

run-parts ignores any files that are hidden or dotfiles (.*) or backup
files (*~ or *,) or named *.{rpmsave,rpmorig,rpmnew,swp,cfsaved}

The presence of two specially named files jobs.deny and jobs.allow controls
how run-parts executes your scripts/jobs.
jobs.deny ===> Prevents specific scripts or jobs from being executed.
jobs.allow ===> Only execute the named scripts or jobs (all other/non-named
scripts that exist in this directory are ignored).

The principles of jobs.deny and jobs.allow are the same as those of cron.deny
and cron.allow and are described in detail at:

See: man crontab or above link for more details and see the the weekly/
directory for an example.