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Deploy updates via Capistrano

After you followed the manual installation guide it is simple to push updates to your huginn instance using capistrano.

1. Ensure you have SSH access to your server via the huginn user

Either set a password for the huginn user or add your public SSH key:

# Set password
sudo passwd huginn

# Or add a SSH key
sudo -u huginn -H mkdir -p /home/huginn/.ssh
sudo -u huginn -H editor /home/huginn/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo -u huginn -H chmod -R 700 /home/huginn/.ssh

2. Configure Capistrano on your local machine

Add Capistrano configuration to you local .env:


3. Run Capistrano

You can now run Capistrano and update your server:

cap production deploy

If you want to deploy a different branch, pass it as environment variable:

cap production deploy CAPISTRANO_DEPLOY_BRANCH=awesome-feature

Changes to remote .env and Procfile

If you want to change the .env, Procfile or config/unicorn.rb of your installation you still need to do it on your server, do not forget to export the init scripts after your are done:

cd /home/huginn/huginn
# Whichever you want to change
sudo -u huginn -H editor Procfile
sudo -u huginn -H editor .env
sudo -u huginn -H editor config/unicorn.rb
# Export init scripts and restart huginn
sudo rake production:export