123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335 |
- module Agents
- class RssAgent < Agent
- include WebRequestConcern
- cannot_receive_events!
- can_dry_run!
- default_schedule "every_1d"
- gem_dependency_check { defined?(Feedjira::Feed) }
- DEFAULT_EVENTS_ORDER = [['{{date_published}}', 'time'], ['{{last_updated}}', 'time']]
- description do
- <<-MD
- The RSS Agent consumes RSS feeds and emits events when they change.
- This agent, using [Feedjira](https://github.com/feedjira/feedjira) as a base, can parse various types of RSS and Atom feeds and has some special handlers for FeedBurner, iTunes RSS, and so on. However, supported fields are limited by its general and abstract nature. For complex feeds with additional field types, we recommend using a WebsiteAgent. See [this example](https://github.com/huginn/huginn/wiki/Agent-configuration-examples#itunes-trailers).
- If you want to *output* an RSS feed, use the DataOutputAgent.
- Options:
- * `url` - The URL of the RSS feed (an array of URLs can also be used; items with identical guids across feeds will be considered duplicates).
- * `include_feed_info` - Set to `true` to include feed information in each event.
- * `clean` - Set to `true` to sanitize `description` and `content` as HTML fragments, removing unknown/unsafe elements and attributes.
- * `expected_update_period_in_days` - How often you expect this RSS feed to change. If more than this amount of time passes without an update, the Agent will mark itself as not working.
- * `headers` - When present, it should be a hash of headers to send with the request.
- * `basic_auth` - Specify HTTP basic auth parameters: `"username:password"`, or `["username", "password"]`.
- * `disable_ssl_verification` - Set to `true` to disable ssl verification.
- * `disable_url_encoding` - Set to `true` to disable url encoding.
- * `force_encoding` - Set `force_encoding` to an encoding name if the website is known to respond with a missing, invalid or wrong charset in the Content-Type header. Note that a text content without a charset is taken as encoded in UTF-8 (not ISO-8859-1).
- * `user_agent` - A custom User-Agent name (default: "Faraday v#{Faraday::VERSION}").
- * `max_events_per_run` - Limit number of events created (items parsed) per run for feed.
- * `remembered_id_count` - Number of IDs to keep track of and avoid re-emitting (default: 500).
- # Ordering Events
- #{description_events_order}
- In this Agent, the default value for `events_order` is `#{DEFAULT_EVENTS_ORDER.to_json}`.
- MD
- end
- def default_options
- {
- 'expected_update_period_in_days' => "5",
- 'clean' => 'false',
- 'url' => "https://github.com/huginn/huginn/commits/master.atom"
- }
- end
- event_description <<-MD
- Events look like:
- {
- "feed": {
- "id": "...",
- "type": "atom",
- "generator": "...",
- "url": "http://example.com/",
- "links": [
- { "href": "http://example.com/", "rel": "alternate", "type": "text/html" },
- { "href": "http://example.com/index.atom", "rel": "self", "type": "application/atom+xml" }
- ],
- "title": "Some site title",
- "description": "Some site description",
- "copyright": "...",
- "icon": "http://example.com/icon.png",
- "authors": [ "..." ],
- "itunes_block": "no",
- "itunes_categories": [
- "Technology", "Gadgets",
- "TV & Film",
- "Arts", "Food"
- ],
- "itunes_complete": "yes",
- "itunes_explicit": "yes",
- "itunes_image": "http://...",
- "itunes_new_feed_url": "http://...",
- "itunes_owners": [ "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>" ],
- "itunes_subtitle": "...",
- "itunes_summary": "...",
- "language": "en-US",
- "date_published": "2014-09-11T01:30:00-07:00",
- "last_updated": "2014-09-11T01:30:00-07:00"
- },
- "id": "829f845279611d7925146725317b868d",
- "url": "http://example.com/...",
- "urls": [ "http://example.com/..." ],
- "links": [
- { "href": "http://example.com/...", "rel": "alternate" },
- ],
- "title": "Some title",
- "description": "Some description",
- "content": "Some content",
- "authors": [ "Some Author <email@address>" ],
- "categories": [ "..." ],
- "image": "http://example.com/...",
- "enclosure": {
- "url" => "http://example.com/file.mp3", "type" => "audio/mpeg", "length" => "123456789"
- },
- "itunes_block": "no",
- "itunes_closed_captioned": "yes",
- "itunes_duration": "04:34",
- "itunes_explicit": "yes",
- "itunes_image": "http://...",
- "itunes_order": "1",
- "itunes_subtitle": "...",
- "itunes_summary": "...",
- "date_published": "2014-09-11T01:30:00-0700",
- "last_updated": "2014-09-11T01:30:00-0700"
- }
- Some notes:
- - The `feed` key is present only if `include_feed_info` is set to true.
- - The keys starting with `itunes_`, and `language` are only present when the feed is a podcast. See [Podcasts Connect Help](https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcb54353390) for details.
- - Each element in `authors` and `itunes_owners` is a string normalized in the format "*name* <*email*> (*url*)", where each space-separated part is optional.
- - Timestamps are converted to the ISO 8601 format.
- MD
- def working?
- event_created_within?((interpolated['expected_update_period_in_days'].presence || 10).to_i) && !recent_error_logs?
- end
- def validate_options
- errors.add(:base, "url is required") unless options['url'].present?
- unless options['expected_update_period_in_days'].present? && options['expected_update_period_in_days'].to_i > 0
- errors.add(:base, "Please provide 'expected_update_period_in_days' to indicate how many days can pass without an update before this Agent is considered to not be working")
- end
- if options['remembered_id_count'].present? && options['remembered_id_count'].to_i < 1
- errors.add(:base, "Please provide 'remembered_id_count' as a number bigger than 0 indicating how many IDs should be saved to distinguish between new and old IDs in RSS feeds. Delete option to use default (500).")
- end
- validate_web_request_options!
- validate_events_order
- end
- def events_order(key = SortableEvents::EVENTS_ORDER_KEY)
- if key == SortableEvents::EVENTS_ORDER_KEY
- super.presence || DEFAULT_EVENTS_ORDER
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "unsupported key: #{key}"
- end
- end
- def check
- check_urls(Array(interpolated['url']))
- end
- protected
- def check_urls(urls)
- new_events = []
- max_events = (interpolated['max_events_per_run'].presence || 0).to_i
- urls.each do |url|
- begin
- response = faraday.get(url)
- if response.success?
- feed = Feedjira::Feed.parse(preprocessed_body(response))
- new_events.concat feed_to_events(feed)
- else
- error "Failed to fetch #{url}: #{response.inspect}"
- end
- rescue => e
- error "Failed to fetch #{url} with message '#{e.message}': #{e.backtrace}"
- end
- end
- events = sort_events(new_events).select.with_index { |event, index|
- check_and_track(event.payload[:id]) &&
- !(max_events && max_events > 0 && index >= max_events)
- }
- create_events(events)
- log "Fetched #{urls.to_sentence} and created #{events.size} event(s)."
- end
- def remembered_id_count
- (options['remembered_id_count'].presence || 500).to_i
- end
- def check_and_track(entry_id)
- memory['seen_ids'] ||= []
- if memory['seen_ids'].include?(entry_id)
- false
- else
- memory['seen_ids'].unshift entry_id
- memory['seen_ids'].pop(memory['seen_ids'].length - remembered_id_count) if memory['seen_ids'].length > remembered_id_count
- true
- end
- end
- unless dependencies_missing?
- require 'feedjira_extension'
- end
- def preprocessed_body(response)
- body = response.body
- case body.encoding
- when Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
- # Encoding is unknown from the Content-Type, so let the SAX
- # parser detect it from the content.
- else
- # Encoding is already known, so do not let the parser detect
- # it from the XML declaration in the content.
- body.sub!(/(?<noenc>\A\u{FEFF}?\s*<\?xml(?:\s+\w+(?<av>\s*=\s*(?:'[^']*'|"[^"]*")))*?)\s+encoding\g<av>/, '\\k<noenc>')
- end
- body
- end
- def feed_data(feed)
- type =
- case feed.class.name
- when /Atom/
- 'atom'
- else
- 'rss'
- end
- {
- id: feed.feed_id,
- type: type,
- url: feed.url,
- links: feed.links,
- title: feed.title,
- description: feed.description,
- copyright: feed.copyright,
- generator: feed.generator,
- icon: feed.icon,
- authors: feed.authors,
- date_published: feed.date_published,
- last_updated: feed.last_updated,
- **itunes_feed_data(feed)
- }
- end
- def itunes_feed_data(feed)
- data = {}
- case feed
- when Feedjira::Parser::ITunesRSS
- %i[
- itunes_block
- itunes_categories
- itunes_complete
- itunes_explicit
- itunes_image
- itunes_new_feed_url
- itunes_owners
- itunes_subtitle
- itunes_summary
- language
- ].each { |attr|
- if value = feed.try(attr).presence
- data[attr] =
- case attr
- when :itunes_summary
- clean_fragment(value)
- else
- value
- end
- end
- }
- end
- data
- end
- def entry_data(entry)
- {
- id: entry.id,
- url: entry.url,
- urls: entry.links.map(&:href),
- links: entry.links,
- title: entry.title,
- description: clean_fragment(entry.summary),
- content: clean_fragment(entry.content || entry.summary),
- image: entry.try(:image),
- enclosure: entry.enclosure,
- authors: entry.authors,
- categories: Array(entry.try(:categories)),
- date_published: entry.date_published,
- last_updated: entry.last_updated,
- **itunes_entry_data(entry)
- }
- end
- def itunes_entry_data(entry)
- data = {}
- case entry
- when Feedjira::Parser::ITunesRSSItem
- %i[
- itunes_block
- itunes_closed_captioned
- itunes_duration
- itunes_explicit
- itunes_image
- itunes_order
- itunes_subtitle
- itunes_summary
- ].each { |attr|
- if value = entry.try(attr).presence
- data[attr] = value
- end
- }
- end
- data
- end
- def feed_to_events(feed)
- payload_base = {}
- if boolify(interpolated['include_feed_info'])
- payload_base[:feed] = feed_data(feed)
- end
- feed.entries.map { |entry|
- Event.new(payload: payload_base.merge(entry_data(entry)))
- }
- end
- def clean_fragment(fragment)
- if boolify(interpolated['clean']) && fragment.present?
- Loofah.scrub_fragment(fragment, :prune).to_s
- else
- fragment
- end
- end
- end
- end