123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630 |
- {
- "kind": "Template",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- "name": "huginn-mysql-persistent",
- "annotations": {
- "openshift.io/display-name": "Huginn + MySQL (Persistent)",
- "description": "A Huginn deployment with a MySQL database. For more information, see https://github.com/huginn/huginn.",
- "tags": "quickstart,ruby,huginn",
- "iconClass": "icon-huginn"
- }
- },
- "message": "The following service(s) have been created in your project: ${NAME}, ${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}. Visit https://${NAME}-YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.${ROUTER_SHARD}.${CLUSTER_NAME}.openshiftapps.com and login as '${HUGINN_SEED_USERNAME}' with your password. If you'd like to make more users, you can visit https://${NAME}-YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.${ROUTER_SHARD}.${CLUSTER_NAME}.openshiftapps.com/users/sign_up and use the invitation code: ${HUGINN_INVITATION_CODE}\n\nFor more information, see https://github.com/huginn/huginn.",
- "labels": {
- "template": "huginn-mysql-persistent"
- },
- "objects": [{
- "kind": "Secret",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- "name": "${NAME}"
- },
- "stringData" : {
- "databaseName" : "${DATABASE_NAME}",
- "databaseUser" : "${DATABASE_USER}",
- "databasePassword" : "${DATABASE_PASSWORD}",
- "seedUser" : "${HUGINN_SEED_USERNAME}",
- "seedPassword" : "${HUGINN_SEED_PASSWORD}",
- "seedEmail" : "${HUGINN_SEED_EMAIL}",
- "smtpDomain" : "${HUGINN_SMTP_DOMAIN}",
- "smtpUser" : "${HUGINN_SMTP_USER_NAME}",
- "smtpPassword" : "${HUGINN_SMTP_PASSWORD}",
- "smtpServer" : "${HUGINN_SMTP_SERVER}"
- }
- }, {
- "kind": "Service",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- "name": "${NAME}",
- "annotations": {
- "description": "Exposes and load balances the application pods",
- "service.alpha.openshift.io/dependencies": "[{\"name\": \"${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}\", \"kind\": \"Service\"}]"
- }
- },
- "spec": {
- "ports": [{
- "name": "web",
- "port": 8080,
- "targetPort": 8080
- }],
- "selector": {
- "name": "${NAME}"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "kind": "Route",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- "name": "${NAME}"
- },
- "spec": {
- "host": "${APPLICATION_DOMAIN}",
- "tls": {
- "insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy": "Redirect",
- "termination": "edge"
- },
- "to": {
- "kind": "Service",
- "name": "${NAME}"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "kind": "ImageStream",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- "name": "${NAME}",
- "annotations": {
- "description": "Keeps track of changes in the application image"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "kind": "BuildConfig",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- "name": "${NAME}",
- "annotations": {
- "description": "Defines how to build the application"
- }
- },
- "spec": {
- "source": {
- "type": "Git",
- "git": {
- },
- "contextDir": "${CONTEXT_DIR}"
- },
- "strategy": {
- "type": "Source",
- "sourceStrategy": {
- "from": {
- "kind": "ImageStreamTag",
- "namespace": "${NAMESPACE}",
- "name": "ruby:4.5"
- },
- "env": [{
- "name": "APP_SECRET_TOKEN",
- "value": "${HUGINN_APP_SECRET}"
- }, {
- "value": "${DATABASE_ADAPTER}"
- }, {
- "name": "LC_ALL",
- "value": "en_US.UTF-8"
- }, {
- "name": "ON_HEROKU",
- "value": "true"
- }]
- }
- },
- "output": {
- "to": {
- "kind": "ImageStreamTag",
- "name": "${NAME}:latest"
- }
- },
- "triggers": [{
- "type": "ImageChange"
- }, {
- "type": "ConfigChange"
- }, {
- "type": "GitHub",
- "github": {
- "secret": "${GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET}"
- }
- }]
- }
- }, {
- "kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- },
- "spec": {
- "accessModes": [
- "ReadWriteOnce"
- ],
- "resources": {
- "requests": {
- "storage": "${VOLUME_CAPACITY}"
- }
- }
- }
- }, {
- "kind": "DeploymentConfig",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- "name": "${NAME}",
- "annotations": {
- "description": "Defines how to deploy the application server"
- }
- },
- "spec": {
- "strategy": {
- "type": "Recreate"
- },
- "triggers": [{
- "type": "ImageChange",
- "imageChangeParams": {
- "automatic": true,
- "containerNames": [
- "huginn-mysql-persistent"
- ],
- "from": {
- "kind": "ImageStreamTag",
- "name": "${NAME}:latest"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "type": "ConfigChange"
- }],
- "replicas": 1,
- "selector": {
- "name": "${NAME}"
- },
- "template": {
- "metadata": {
- "name": "${NAME}",
- "labels": {
- "name": "${NAME}"
- }
- },
- "spec": {
- "containers": [{
- "name": "huginn-mysql-persistent",
- "image": "${NAME}",
- "ports": [{
- "containerPort": 8080
- }],
- "readinessProbe": {
- "timeoutSeconds": 3,
- "initialDelaySeconds": 3,
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/",
- "port": 8080
- }
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "timeoutSeconds": 3,
- "initialDelaySeconds": 30,
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/",
- "port": 8080
- }
- },
- "env": [{
- "name": "SEED_USERNAME",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "seedUser"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "name": "SEED_PASSWORD",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "seedPassword"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "name": "SEED_EMAIL",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "seedEmail"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "name": "INVITATION_CODE",
- }, {
- "name": "SMTP_DOMAIN",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "smtpDomain"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "name": "SMTP_USER_NAME",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "smtpUser"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "name": "SMTP_PASSWORD",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "smtpPassword"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "name": "SMTP_SERVER",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "smtpServer"
- }
- }
- }, {
- }, {
- "value": "${APPLICATION_DOMAIN}"
- }, {
- "name": "RAILS_ENV",
- "value": "${HUGINN_RAILS_ENV}"
- }, {
- }, {
- "name": "DATABASE_NAME",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "databaseName"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "databaseUser"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "databasePassword"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "name": "DATABASE_HOST",
- }, {
- "name": "DATABASE_PORT",
- }, {
- "value": "utf8mb4"
- }, {
- "value": "1"
- }, {
- "value": "1"
- }, {
- "name": "WORKER_CMD",
- "value": "unicorn -c ./deployment/heroku/unicorn.rb --listen"
- }],
- "resources": {
- "limits": {
- "memory": "${MEMORY_LIMIT}"
- }
- }
- }]
- }
- }
- }
- }, {
- "kind": "Service",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- "annotations": {
- "description": "Exposes the database server"
- }
- },
- "spec": {
- "ports": [{
- "name": "mysql",
- "port": 3306,
- "targetPort": 3306
- }],
- "selector": {
- }
- }
- }, {
- "kind": "DeploymentConfig",
- "apiVersion": "v1",
- "metadata": {
- "annotations": {
- "description": "Defines how to deploy the database"
- }
- },
- "spec": {
- "strategy": {
- "type": "Recreate"
- },
- "triggers": [{
- "type": "ImageChange",
- "imageChangeParams": {
- "automatic": true,
- "containerNames": [
- "mysql"
- ],
- "from": {
- "kind": "ImageStreamTag",
- "namespace": "${NAMESPACE}",
- "name": "mysql:5.7"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "type": "ConfigChange"
- }],
- "replicas": 1,
- "selector": {
- },
- "template": {
- "metadata": {
- "labels": {
- }
- },
- "spec": {
- "containers": [{
- "name": "mysql",
- "image": "mysql",
- "ports": [{
- "containerPort": 3306
- }],
- "readinessProbe": {
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "initialDelaySeconds": 5,
- "exec": {
- "command": ["/bin/sh", "-i", "-c", "MYSQL_PWD='${DATABASE_PASSWORD}' mysql -h -u ${DATABASE_USER} -D ${DATABASE_NAME} -e 'SELECT 1'"]
- }
- },
- "livenessProbe": {
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "initialDelaySeconds": 30,
- "tcpSocket": {
- "port": 3306
- }
- },
- "env": [{
- "name": "MYSQL_DATABASE",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "databaseName"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "name": "MYSQL_USER",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "databaseUser"
- }
- }
- }, {
- "name": "MYSQL_PASSWORD",
- "valueFrom": {
- "secretKeyRef" : {
- "name" : "${NAME}",
- "key" : "databasePassword"
- }
- }
- }],
- "resources": {
- "limits": {
- "memory": "${MEMORY_MYSQL_LIMIT}"
- }
- },
- "volumeMounts": [{
- "name": "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}-data",
- "mountPath": "/var/lib/mysql/data"
- }]
- }],
- "volumes": [{
- "name": "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}-data",
- "persistentVolumeClaim": {
- "claimName": "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
- }
- }]
- }
- }
- }
- }],
- "parameters": [{
- "name": "NAME",
- "displayName": "Name",
- "description": "The name assigned to all of the frontend objects defined in this template.",
- "required": true,
- "value": "huginn"
- }, {
- "displayName": "Huginn SEED_USERNAME",
- "description": "Account ID for the admin user.",
- "value": "admin",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Huginn SEED_PASSWORD",
- "description": "Password for the admin user.",
- "value": "password",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "name": "HUGINN_SEED_EMAIL",
- "displayName": "Huginn SEED_EMAIL",
- "description": "Email for the admin user.",
- "value": "huginn@example.com",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Huginn INVITATION_CODE",
- "description": "If you'd like to invite more users, give them this invitation code.",
- "generate": "expression",
- "from": "[\\w]{10}"
- }, {
- "displayName": "Huginn SMTP_DOMAIN",
- "description": "Domain for outbound emails.",
- "value": "example.com",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Huginn SMTP_USER_NAME",
- "description": "SMTP user name.",
- "value": "huginn@example.com",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Huginn SMTP_PASSWORD",
- "description": "SMTP password.",
- "value": "somepassword",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Huginn SMTP_SERVER",
- "description": "SMTP server address.",
- "value": "smtp.example.com",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Huginn EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS",
- "description": "The address from which system emails will appear to be sent.",
- "value": "huginn@example.com",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "name": "HUGINN_APP_SECRET",
- "displayName": "Huginn APP_SECRET_TOKEN",
- "description": "Set this to a 64 character random string (e.g., from 'rake secret').",
- "generate": "expression",
- "from": "[\\w]{64}"
- }, {
- "displayName": "Git Repository URL",
- "description": "The URL of the repository with your application source code.",
- "value": "https://github.com/huginn/huginn.git",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Git Reference",
- "description": "Set this to a branch name, tag or other ref of your repository if you are not using the default branch."
- }, {
- "name": "CONTEXT_DIR",
- "displayName": "Context Directory",
- "description": "Set this to the relative path to your project if it is not in the root of your repository."
- }, {
- "displayName": "GitHub Webhook Secret",
- "description": "A secret string used to configure the GitHub webhook.",
- "generate": "expression",
- "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}"
- }, {
- "displayName": "Cluster Name",
- "name": "CLUSTER_NAME",
- "description": "The name of your current OpenShift cluster (console.CLUSTER_NAME.openshift.com).",
- "value": "starter-us-west-2",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Router Shard",
- "name": "ROUTER_SHARD",
- "description": "The router shard used by routes in your current OpenShift cluster (http://PROJECT_NAME-APPLICATION_NAME.ROUTER_SHARD.CLUSTER_NAME.openshiftapps.com/).",
- "value": "7e14",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Application Hostname",
- "description": "The exposed hostname that will route to the Huginn service, if left blank a value will be defaulted.",
- "value": ""
- }, {
- "name": "NAMESPACE",
- "displayName": "Namespace",
- "description": "The OpenShift Namespace where the ImageStream resides.",
- "required": true,
- "value": "openshift"
- }, {
- "displayName": "Database Service Name",
- "value": "mysql",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "name": "HUGINN_RAILS_ENV",
- "displayName": "Huginn Application Environment",
- "description": "Determines the 'environment' your application is currently.",
- "value": "production",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "OPcache Revalidation Frequency",
- "description": "How often to check script timestamps for updates, in seconds. 0 will result in OPcache checking for updates on every request.",
- "value": "0"
- }, {
- "name": "MEMORY_LIMIT",
- "displayName": "Memory Limit",
- "description": "Maximum amount of memory the Huginn container can use.",
- "value": "512Mi",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Memory Limit (MySQL)",
- "description": "Maximum amount of memory the MySQL container can use.",
- "value": "512Mi",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "name": "VOLUME_CAPACITY",
- "displayName": "Volume Capacity",
- "description": "Volume space available for data, e.g. 512Mi, 2Gi",
- "value": "1Gi",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "displayName": "Database Engine",
- "description": "Database engine: mysql2 (default) or postgresql.",
- "value": "mysql2",
- "required": true
- }, {
- "name": "DATABASE_NAME",
- "displayName": "Database Name",
- "generate": "expression",
- "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}"
- }, {
- "name": "DATABASE_USER",
- "displayName": "Database User",
- "generate": "expression",
- "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}"
- }, {
- "displayName": "Database Password",
- "generate": "expression",
- "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}"
- }]
- }