12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243 |
- require 'json_serialized_field'
- # Events are how Huginn Agents communicate and log information about the world. Events can be emitted and received by
- # Agents. They contain a serialized `payload` of arbitrary JSON data, as well as optional `lat`, `lng`, and `expires_at`
- # fields.
- class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
- include JSONSerializedField
- attr_accessible :lat, :lng, :payload, :user_id, :user, :expires_at
- acts_as_mappable
- json_serialize :payload
- belongs_to :user
- belongs_to :agent, :counter_cache => true, :touch => :last_event_at
- scope :recent, lambda { |timespan = 12.hours.ago|
- where("events.created_at > ?", timespan)
- }
- after_create :possibly_propagate
- # Emit this event again, as a new Event.
- def reemit!
- agent.create_event :payload => payload, :lat => lat, :lng => lng
- end
- # Look for Events whose `expires_at` is present and in the past. Remove those events and then update affected Agents'
- # `events_counts` cache columns. This method is called by bin/schedule.rb periodically.
- def self.cleanup_expired!
- affected_agents = Event.where("expires_at IS NOT NULL AND expires_at < ?", Time.now).group("agent_id").pluck(:agent_id)
- Event.where("expires_at IS NOT NULL AND expires_at < ?", Time.now).delete_all
- Agent.where(:id => affected_agents).update_all "events_count = (select count(*) from events where agent_id = agents.id)"
- end
- protected
- def possibly_propagate
- #immediately schedule agents that want immediate updates
- propagate_ids = agent.receivers.where(:propagate_immediately => true).pluck(:id)
- Agent.receive!(:only_receivers => propagate_ids) unless propagate_ids.empty?
- end
- end