require 'rails_helper' describe AgentsController do def valid_attributes(options = {}) { :type => "Agents::WebsiteAgent", :name => "Something", :options => agents(:bob_website_agent).options, :source_ids => [agents(:bob_weather_agent).id, ""] }.merge(options) end describe "GET index" do it "only returns Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) get :index expect(assigns(:agents).all? {|i| expect(i.user).to eq(users(:bob)) }).to be_truthy end it "should not show disabled agents if the cookie is set" do @request.cookies["huginn_view_only_enabled_agents"] = "true" sign_in users(:bob) get :index expect(assigns(:agents).map(&:disabled).uniq).to eq([false]) end end describe "POST handle_details_post" do it "passes control to handle_details_post on the agent" do sign_in users(:bob) post :handle_details_post, params: {:id => agents(:bob_manual_event_agent).to_param, :payload => { :foo => "bar" }.to_json} expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({ "success" => true }) expect(agents(:bob_manual_event_agent).events.last.payload).to eq({ 'foo' => "bar" }) end it "can only be accessed by the Agent's owner" do sign_in users(:jane) expect { post :handle_details_post, params: {:id => agents(:bob_manual_event_agent).to_param, :payload => { :foo => :bar }.to_json} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "POST run" do it "triggers Agent.async_check with the Agent's ID" do sign_in users(:bob) expect(Agent).to receive(:async_check).with(agents(:bob_manual_event_agent).id) post :run, params: {:id => agents(:bob_manual_event_agent).to_param} end it "can only be accessed by the Agent's owner" do sign_in users(:jane) expect { post :run, params: {:id => agents(:bob_manual_event_agent).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "POST reemit_events" do let(:agent) { agents(:bob_website_agent) } let(:params) { { :id => agent.to_param } } it "enqueues an AgentReemitJob" do expect(AgentReemitJob).to receive(:perform_later).with(agent,, false) sign_in users(:bob) post :reemit_events, params: params end context "when delete_old_events passed" do it "enqueues an AgentReemitJob with delete_old_events set to true" do expect(AgentReemitJob).to receive(:perform_later).with(agent,, true) sign_in users(:bob) post :reemit_events, params: params.merge('delete_old_events' => '1') end end it "can only be accessed by the Agent's owner" do sign_in users(:jane) expect { post :reemit_events, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "POST remove_events" do it "deletes all events created by the given Agent" do sign_in users(:bob) agent_event = events(:bob_website_agent_event).id other_event = events(:jane_website_agent_event).id post :remove_events, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param} expect(Event.where(:id => agent_event).count).to eq(0) expect(Event.where(:id => other_event).count).to eq(1) end it "can only be accessed by the Agent's owner" do sign_in users(:jane) expect { post :remove_events, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "PUT toggle_visibility" do it "should set the cookie" do sign_in users(:jane) put :toggle_visibility expect(response.cookies["huginn_view_only_enabled_agents"]).to eq("true") end it "should delete the cookie" do @request.cookies["huginn_view_only_enabled_agents"] = "true" sign_in users(:jane) put :toggle_visibility expect(response.cookies["huginn_view_only_enabled_agents"]).to be_nil end end describe "POST propagate" do before(:each) do sign_in users(:bob) end it "runs event propagation for all Agents" do expect(Agent).to receive(:receive!).and_call_original post :propagate end it "does not run the propagation when a job is already enqueued" do expect(AgentPropagateJob).to receive(:can_enqueue?) { false } post :propagate expect(flash[:notice]).to eq('Event propagation is already scheduled to run.') end end describe "GET show" do it "only shows Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) get :show, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param} expect(assigns(:agent)).to eq(agents(:bob_website_agent)) expect { get :show, params: {:id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "GET new" do describe "with :id" do it "opens a clone of a given Agent" do sign_in users(:bob) get :new, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param} expect(assigns(:agent).attributes).to eq(users(:bob).agents.build_clone(agents(:bob_website_agent)).attributes) end it "only allows the current user to clone his own Agent" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { get :new, params: {:id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "with a scenario_id" do it 'populates the assigned agent with the scenario' do sign_in users(:bob) get :new, params: {:scenario_id => scenarios(:bob_weather).id} expect(assigns(:agent).scenario_ids).to eq([scenarios(:bob_weather).id]) end it "does not see other user's scenarios" do sign_in users(:bob) get :new, params: {:scenario_id => scenarios(:jane_weather).id} expect(assigns(:agent).scenario_ids).to eq([]) end end end describe "GET edit" do it "only shows Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) get :edit, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param} expect(assigns(:agent)).to eq(agents(:bob_website_agent)) expect { get :edit, params: {:id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "POST create" do it "errors on bad types" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { post :create, params: {:agent => valid_attributes(:type => "Agents::ThisIsFake")} }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } expect(assigns(:agent)).to be_a(Agent) expect(assigns(:agent)).to have(1).error_on(:type) sign_in users(:bob) expect { post :create, params: {:agent => valid_attributes(:type => "Object")} }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } expect(assigns(:agent)).to be_a(Agent) expect(assigns(:agent)).to have(1).error_on(:type) sign_in users(:bob) expect { post :create, params: {:agent => valid_attributes(:type => "Agent")} }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } expect(assigns(:agent)).to be_a(Agent) expect(assigns(:agent)).to have(1).error_on(:type) expect { post :create, params: {:agent => valid_attributes(:type => "User")} }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } expect(assigns(:agent)).to be_a(Agent) expect(assigns(:agent)).to have(1).error_on(:type) end it "creates Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { expect { post :create, params: {:agent => valid_attributes} }.to change { users(:bob).agents.count }.by(1) }.to change { Link.count }.by(1) expect(assigns(:agent)).to be_a(Agents::WebsiteAgent) end it "creates Agents and accepts specifing a target agent" do sign_in users(:bob) attributes = valid_attributes(service_id: 1) attributes[:receiver_ids] = attributes[:source_ids] expect { expect { post :create, params: {:agent => attributes} }.to change { users(:bob).agents.count }.by(1) }.to change { Link.count }.by(2) expect(assigns(:agent)).to be_a(Agents::WebsiteAgent) end it "shows errors" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { post :create, params: {:agent => valid_attributes(:name => "")} }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } expect(assigns(:agent)).to have(1).errors_on(:name) expect(response).to render_template("new") end it "will not accept Agent sources owned by other users" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { expect { post :create, params: {:agent => valid_attributes(:source_ids => [agents(:jane_weather_agent).id])} }.not_to change { users(:bob).agents.count } }.not_to change { Link.count } end end describe "PUT update" do it "does not allow changing types" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:type => "Agents::WeatherAgent")} expect(assigns(:agent)).to have(1).errors_on(:type) expect(response).to render_template("edit") end it "updates attributes on Agents for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name")} expect(response).to redirect_to(agents_path) expect(agents(:bob_website_agent) eq("New name") expect { post :update, params: {:id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name")} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "accepts JSON requests" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name")}, :format => :json expect(agents(:bob_website_agent) eq("New name") expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['name']).to eq("New name") expect(response).to be_successful end it "will not accept Agent sources owned by other users" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:source_ids => [agents(:jane_weather_agent).id])} expect(assigns(:agent)).to have(1).errors_on(:sources) end it "will not accept Scenarios owned by other users" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:scenario_ids => [scenarios(:jane_weather).id])} expect(assigns(:agent)).to have(1).errors_on(:scenarios) end it "shows errors" do sign_in users(:bob) post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "")} expect(assigns(:agent)).to have(1).errors_on(:name) expect(response).to render_template("edit") end it 'does not allow to modify the agents user_id' do sign_in users(:bob) expect { post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:user_id => users(:jane).id)} }.to raise_error(ActionController::UnpermittedParameters) end describe "redirecting back" do before do sign_in users(:bob) end it "can redirect back to the show path" do post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name"), :return => "show"} expect(response).to redirect_to(agent_path(agents(:bob_website_agent))) end it "redirect back to the index path by default" do post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name")} expect(response).to redirect_to(agents_path) end it "accepts return paths to scenarios" do post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name"), :return => "/scenarios/2"} expect(response).to redirect_to("/scenarios/2") end it "sanitizes return paths" do post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name"), :return => "/scenar"} expect(response).to redirect_to(agents_path) post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name"), :return => ""} expect(response).to redirect_to(agents_path) post :update, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, :agent => valid_attributes(:name => "New name"), :return => "javascript:alert(1)"} expect(response).to redirect_to(agents_path) end end it "updates last_checked_event_id when drop_pending_events is given" do sign_in users(:bob) agent = agents(:bob_website_agent) agent.disabled = true agent.last_checked_event_id = nil! post :update, params: {id: agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param, agent: { disabled: 'false', drop_pending_events: 'true' }} agent.reload expect(agent.disabled).to eq(false) expect(agent.last_checked_event_id).to eq(Event.maximum(:id)) end end describe "PUT leave_scenario" do it "removes an Agent from the given Scenario for the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) expect(agents(:bob_weather_agent).scenarios).to include(scenarios(:bob_weather)) put :leave_scenario, params: {:id => agents(:bob_weather_agent).to_param, :scenario_id => scenarios(:bob_weather).to_param} expect(agents(:bob_weather_agent).scenarios).not_to include(scenarios(:bob_weather)) expect(Scenario.where(:id => scenarios(:bob_weather).id)).to exist expect { put :leave_scenario, params: {:id => agents(:jane_weather_agent).to_param, :scenario_id => scenarios(:jane_weather).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end describe "DELETE destroy" do it "destroys only Agents owned by the current user" do sign_in users(:bob) expect { delete :destroy, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param} }.to change(Agent, :count).by(-1) expect { delete :destroy, params: {:id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "redirects correctly when the Agent is deleted from the Agent itself" do sign_in users(:bob) delete :destroy, params: {:id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param} expect(response).to redirect_to agents_path end it "redirects correctly when the Agent is deleted from a Scenario" do sign_in users(:bob) delete :destroy, params: {:id => agents(:bob_weather_agent).to_param, :return => scenario_path(scenarios(:bob_weather)).to_param} expect(response).to redirect_to scenario_path(scenarios(:bob_weather)) end end describe "#form_configurable actions" do before(:each) do @params = {attribute: 'auth_token', agent: valid_attributes(:type => "Agents::HipchatAgent", options: {auth_token: '12345'})} sign_in users(:bob) end describe "POST validate" do it "returns with status 200 when called with a valid option" do allow_any_instance_of(Agents::HipchatAgent).to receive(:validate_option) { true } post :validate, params: @params expect(response.status).to eq 200 end it "returns with status 403 when called with an invalid option" do allow_any_instance_of(Agents::HipchatAgent).to receive(:validate_option) { false } post :validate, params: @params expect(response.status).to eq 403 end end describe "POST complete" do it "callsAgent#complete_option and renders json" do allow_any_instance_of(Agents::HipchatAgent).to receive(:complete_option) { [{name: 'test', value: 1}] } post :complete, params: @params expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(response.header['Content-Type']).to include('application/json') end end end describe "DELETE memory" do it "clears memory of the agent" do agent = agents(:bob_website_agent) agent.update!(memory: { "test" => 42 }) sign_in users(:bob) delete :destroy_memory, params: {id: agent.to_param} expect(agent.reload.memory).to eq({}) end it "does not clear memory of an agent not owned by the current user" do agent = agents(:jane_website_agent) agent.update!(memory: { "test" => 42 }) sign_in users(:bob) expect { delete :destroy_memory, params: {id: agent.to_param} }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect(agent.reload.memory).to eq({ "test" => 42}) end end describe 'DELETE undefined' do it 'removes an undefined agent from the database' do sign_in users(:bob) agent = agents(:bob_website_agent) agent.update_attribute(:type, 'Agents::UndefinedAgent') agent2 = agents(:jane_website_agent) agent2.update_attribute(:type, 'Agents::UndefinedAgent') expect { delete :destroy_undefined }.to change { Agent.count }.by(-1) end end end