# Update You can also use [Capistrano](./capistrano.md) to keep your installation up to date. ### 0. Ensure dependencies are up to date ``` cd /home/huginn/huginn sudo bundle exec rake production:check ``` ### 1. Stop server ``` sudo bundle exec rake production:stop ``` When the process is stuck you can use ``` sudo bundle exec rake production:force_stop ``` to forcefully kill the process. ### 2. Store the current version ``` export OLD_VERSION=`git rev-parse HEAD` ``` ### 3. Update the code Back up changed files ``` sudo -u huginn -H cp Procfile Procfile.bak ``` Get the new code ``` sudo -u huginn -H git fetch --all sudo -u huginn -H git checkout -- Procfile sudo -u huginn -H git checkout master sudo -u huginn -H git pull ``` Restore backed up files ``` sudo -u huginn -H cp Procfile.bak Procfile ``` ### 4. Update ruby version Ensure you have Ruby 3.2 installed: ``` ruby -v ``` Upgrade when required: ``` mkdir /tmp/ruby && cd /tmp/ruby curl -L --progress https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/3.2/ruby-3.2.2.tar.bz2 | tar xj cd ruby-3.2.2 ./configure --disable-install-rdoc make -j`nproc` sudo make install sudo gem install rake bundler foreman --no-document ``` ### 5. Install gems, migrate and precompile assets Ensure you have rubygems 2.7.0+ installed: ``` gem -v # Update rubygems if the version is too old sudo gem update --system --no-document ``` ``` cd /home/huginn/huginn sudo -u huginn -H bundle install --deployment --without development test # Run database migrations sudo -u huginn -H bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production # Clean up assets and cache sudo -u huginn -H bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile tmp:cache:clear RAILS_ENV=production ``` ### 6. Update the Procfile Check for changes made to the default `Procfile` ``` sudo -u huginn -H git diff $OLD_VERSION..master Procfile ``` Update your `Procfile` if the default options of the version you are using changed ``` sudo -u huginn -H editor Procfile ``` ### 7. Update the .env file Check for changes made to the example `.env` ``` sudo -u huginn -H git diff $OLD_VERSION..master .env.example ``` Update your `.env` with new options or changed defaults ``` sudo -u huginn -H editor .env ``` ### 8. Export init script and start Huginn ``` # Export the init script sudo bundle exec rake production:export ```