% if @twitter_agent %>
Warning! You need to update your Huginn configuration, so your agents continue to work with the new OAuth services.
To complete the migration of your Twitter agents you need to update your .env file and add the following two lines:
TWITTER_OAUTH_KEY=<%= @twitter_oauth_key %> TWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET=<%= @twitter_oauth_secret %>To authenticate new accounts with your twitter OAuth application you need to log in the to twitter application management page and set the callback URL of your application to "http<%= ENV['FORCE_SSL'] == 'true' ? 's' : '' %>://<%= ENV['DOMAIN'] %>/auth/twitter/callback". <% end %>
Warning! Your Google Calendar Publish Agents are using an outdated version of Google Auth. You need to update the agent configuration, possibly with a new keyfile from Google for it to continue to work.
PKCS12 key files (`.p12`) are no longer supported. Instead use RSA private keys. Edit the agents to see the updated instructions. The `google.key_secret` option is no longer needed, please remove it.
The format of parameters in events passed to the agent have also changed. Parameters now are expected in underscore_case instead of camelCase (to match Ruby convention). Please update upstream agents that send events to the calendar agent.
Outdated agents:
Warning! This message is informing you that the source from which the Huginn Docker image is obtained needs to be updated.
Docker Hub is discontinuing team accounts, and as a result, the Huginn Docker images will now be hosted on GitHub Container Registry (GHCR). Therefore, you need to update your configuration to the new registry.
is now ghcr.io/huginn/huginn
is now ghcr.io/huginn/huginn-single-process