require 'liquid' Location =, :lng, :radius, :speed, :course) class Location include LiquidDroppable protected :[]= def initialize(data = {}) super() case data when Array raise ArgumentError, 'unsupported location data' unless data.size == 2, self.lng = data when Hash, Location data.each { |key, value| case key.to_sym when :lat, :latitude = value when :lng, :longitude self.lng = value when :radius self.radius = value when :speed self.speed = value when :course self.course = value end } else raise ArgumentError, 'unsupported location data' end yield self if block_given? end def lat=(value) self[:lat] = floatify(value) { |f| if f.abs <= 90 f else raise ArgumentError, 'out of bounds' end } end alias latitude lat alias latitude= lat= def lng=(value) self[:lng] = floatify(value) { |f| if f.abs <= 180 f else raise ArgumentError, 'out of bounds' end } end alias longitude lng alias longitude= lng= def radius=(value) self[:radius] = floatify(value) { |f| f if f >= 0 } end def speed=(value) self[:speed] = floatify(value) { |f| f if f >= 0 } end def course=(value) self[:course] = floatify(value) { |f| f if (0..360).cover?(f) } end def present? lat && lng end def empty? !present? end def latlng "#{lat},#{lng}" end private def floatify(value) case value when nil, '' nil else float = Float(value) if block_given? yield(float) else float end end end public def to_liquid end class Drop < LiquidDroppable::Drop KEYS =[latitude longitude latlng]) def liquid_method_missing(key) if KEYS.include?(key) @object.__send__(key) end end end end