module ApplicationHelper def icon_tag(name, options = {}) dom_class = options[:class] case name when /\Aglyphicon-/ "".html_safe when /\Afa-/ "".html_safe else raise "Unrecognized icon name: #{name}" end end def nav_link(name, path, options = {}, &block) content = link_to(name, path, options) active = current_page?(path) if block # Passing a block signifies that the link is a header of a hover # menu which contains what's in the block. begin @nav_in_menu = true @nav_link_active = active content += capture(&block) class_name = "dropdown dropdown-hover #{@nav_link_active ? 'active' : ''}" ensure @nav_in_menu = @nav_link_active = false end else # Mark the menu header active if it contains the current page @nav_link_active ||= active if @nav_in_menu # An "active" menu item may be an eyesore, hence `!@nav_in_menu &&`. class_name = !@nav_in_menu && active ? 'active' : '' end content_tag :li, content, class: class_name end def yes_no(bool) content_tag :span, bool ? 'Yes' : 'No', class: "label #{bool ? 'label-info' : 'label-default' }" end def working(agent) if agent.disabled? link_to 'Disabled', agent_path(agent), class: 'label label-warning' elsif agent.dependencies_missing? content_tag :span, 'Missing Gems', class: 'label label-danger' elsif agent.working? content_tag :span, 'Yes', class: 'label label-success' else link_to 'No', agent_path(agent, tab: (agent.recent_error_logs? ? 'logs' : 'details')), class: 'label label-danger' end end def omniauth_provider_icon(provider) case provider.to_sym when :twitter, :tumblr, :github, :dropbox, :google icon_tag("fa-#{provider}", class: 'fa-brands') else icon_tag("fa-lock") end end def omniauth_provider_name(provider) t("devise.omniauth_providers.#{provider}") end def omniauth_button(provider) link_to [ omniauth_provider_icon(provider), content_tag(:span, "Authenticate with #{omniauth_provider_name(provider)}") ].join.html_safe, user_omniauth_authorize_path(provider), class: "btn btn-default btn-service service-#{provider}" end def service_label_text(service) "#{omniauth_provider_name(service.provider)} - #{}" end def service_label(service) return if service.nil? content_tag :span, [ omniauth_provider_icon(service.provider), service_label_text(service) ].join.html_safe, class: "label label-default label-service service-#{service.provider}" end def load_ace_editor! unless content_for?(:ace_editor_script) content_for :ace_editor_script, javascript_include_tag('ace') end end def highlighted?(id) @highlighted_ranges ||= case value = params[:hl].presence when String value.split(/,/).flat_map { |part| case part when /\A(\d+)\z/ (part.to_i)..(part.to_i) when /\A(\d+)?-(\d+)?\z/ ($1 ? $1.to_i : 1)..($2 ? $2.to_i : Float::INFINITY) else [] end } else [] end @highlighted_ranges.any? { |range| range.cover?(id) } end def agent_type_to_human(type) type.gsub(/^.*::/, '').underscore.humanize.titleize end private def user_omniauth_authorize_path(provider) send "user_#{provider}_omniauth_authorize_path" end end