# encoding: utf-8 require 'rails_helper' describe Agents::WeiboPublishAgent do before do @opts = { :uid => "1234567", :expected_update_period_in_days => "2", :app_key => "---", :app_secret => "---", :access_token => "---", :message_path => "text", :pic_path => "pic" } @checker = Agents::WeiboPublishAgent.new(:name => "Weibo Publisher", :options => @opts) @checker.user = users(:bob) @checker.save! @event = Event.new @event.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) @event.payload = { :text => 'Gonna rain..' } @event.save! @sent_messages = [] @sent_pictures = [] stub.any_instance_of(Agents::WeiboPublishAgent).publish_tweet { |message| @sent_messages << message} stub.any_instance_of(Agents::WeiboPublishAgent).publish_tweet_with_pic { |message, picture| @sent_pictures << picture} end describe '#receive' do it 'should publish any payload it receives' do event1 = Event.new event1.agent = agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent) event1.payload = { :text => 'Gonna rain..' } event1.save! event2 = Event.new event2.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) event2.payload = { :text => 'More payload' } event2.save! Agents::WeiboPublishAgent.async_receive(@checker.id, [event1.id, event2.id]) expect(@sent_messages.count).to eq(2) expect(@checker.events.count).to eq(2) end end describe '#receive a tweet' do it 'should publish a tweet after expanding any t.co urls' do event = Event.new event.agent = agents(:bob_twitter_user_agent) event.payload = JSON.parse(File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/one_tweet.json"))) event.save! Agents::WeiboPublishAgent.async_receive(@checker.id, [event.id]) expect(@sent_messages.count).to eq(1) expect(@sent_pictures.count).to eq(0) expect(@checker.events.count).to eq(1) expect(@sent_messages.first.include?("t.co")).not_to be_truthy end end describe '#receive payload with picture url' do before do stub_request(:head, 'http://valid.image').to_return(status: 200, headers: {"Content-Type" => "image/jpeg"}) stub_request(:head, 'http://invalid.image').to_return(status: 200, headers: {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}) end it 'should publish a tweet without a picture if image url is not valid' do event = Event.new event.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) event.payload = {:text => 'whatever', :pic => 'http://invalid.image'} event.save! Agents::WeiboPublishAgent.async_receive(@checker.id, [event.id]) expect(@sent_messages.count).to eq(1) expect(@sent_pictures.count).to eq(0) expect(@checker.events.count).to eq(1) end it 'should publish a tweet along with a picture if image url is valid' do event = Event.new event.agent = agents(:bob_weather_agent) event.payload = {:text => 'whatever', :pic => 'http://valid.image'} event.save! Agents::WeiboPublishAgent.async_receive(@checker.id, [event.id]) expect(@sent_messages.count).to eq(0) expect(@sent_pictures.count).to eq(1) expect(@checker.events.count).to eq(1) end end describe '#working?' do it 'checks if events have been received within the expected receive period' do expect(@checker).not_to be_working # No events received Agents::WeiboPublishAgent.async_receive(@checker.id, [@event.id]) expect(@checker.reload).to be_working # Just received events two_days_from_now = 2.days.from_now stub(Time).now { two_days_from_now } expect(@checker.reload).not_to be_working # More time has passed than the expected receive period without any new events end end end