module Utils module HTMLTransformer SINGLE = 1 MULTIPLE = 2 COMMA_SEPARATED = 3 SRCSET = 4 URI_ATTRIBUTES = { 'a' => { 'href' => SINGLE }, 'applet' => { 'archive' => COMMA_SEPARATED, 'codebase' => SINGLE }, 'area' => { 'href' => SINGLE }, 'audio' => { 'src' => SINGLE }, 'base' => { 'href' => SINGLE }, 'blockquote' => { 'cite' => SINGLE }, 'body' => { 'background' => SINGLE }, 'button' => { 'formaction' => SINGLE }, 'command' => { 'icon' => SINGLE }, 'del' => { 'cite' => SINGLE }, 'embed' => { 'src' => SINGLE }, 'form' => { 'action' => SINGLE }, 'frame' => { 'longdesc' => SINGLE, 'src' => SINGLE }, 'head' => { 'profile' => SINGLE }, 'html' => { 'manifest' => SINGLE }, 'iframe' => { 'longdesc' => SINGLE, 'src' => SINGLE }, 'img' => { 'longdesc' => SINGLE, 'src' => SINGLE, 'srcset' => SRCSET, 'usemap' => SINGLE }, 'input' => { 'formaction' => SINGLE, 'src' => SINGLE, 'usemap' => SINGLE }, 'ins' => { 'cite' => SINGLE }, 'link' => { 'href' => SINGLE }, 'object' => { 'archive' => MULTIPLE, 'classid' => SINGLE, 'codebase' => SINGLE, 'data' => SINGLE, 'usemap' => SINGLE }, 'q' => { 'cite' => SINGLE }, 'script' => { 'src' => SINGLE }, 'source' => { 'src' => SINGLE, 'srcset' => SRCSET }, 'video' => { 'poster' => SINGLE, 'src' => SINGLE }, } URI_ELEMENTS_XPATH = '//*[%s]' % { |name| "name()='#{name}'" }.join(' or ') module_function def transform(html, &block) block or raise ArgumentError, 'block must be given' case html when /\A\s*(?:<\?xml[\s?]|]/i # Libxml2 automatically adds DOCTYPE and , so we need to # skip them. element_name = $1 doc = Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse(html) yield doc doc.at_xpath("//#{element_name}").xpath('self::node() | following-sibling::node()').to_s else doc = Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse("#{html}") yield doc doc.xpath("/html/body/node()").to_s end end def replace_uris(html, &block) block or raise ArgumentError, 'block must be given' transform(html) { |doc| doc.xpath(URI_ELEMENTS_XPATH).each { |element| uri_attrs = URI_ATTRIBUTES[] or next uri_attrs.each { |name, format| attr = element.attribute(name) or next case format when SINGLE attr.value = when MULTIPLE attr.value = attr.value.gsub(/(\S+)/) {$1) } when COMMA_SEPARATED, SRCSET attr.value = attr.value.gsub(/((?:\A|,)\s*)(\S+)/) { $1 +$2) } end } } } end end end