require 'open3' module Agents class JqAgent < Agent cannot_be_scheduled! can_dry_run! def self.should_run? !!jq_version end def self.jq_command ENV['USE_JQ'].presence end def self.jq_version if command = jq_command Open3.capture2(command, '--version', 2 => IO::NULL).first[/\Ajq-\K\S+/] end end def self.jq_info if version = jq_version "jq version #{version} is installed" else "**This agent is not enabled on this server**" end end gem_dependency_check { jq_version } description <<~MD The Jq Agent allows you to process incoming Events with [jq]( the JSON processor. (#{jq_info}) It allows you to filter, transform and restructure Events in the way you want using jq's powerful features. You can specify a jq filter expression to apply to each incoming event in `filter`, and results it produces will become Events to be emitted. You can optionally pass in variables to the filter program by specifying key-value pairs of a variable name and an associated value in the `variables` key, each of which becomes a predefined variable. This Agent can be used to parse a complex JSON structure that is too hard to handle with JSONPath or Liquid templating. For example, suppose that a Post Agent created an Event which contains a `body` key with a value of the JSON formatted string of the following response body: { "status": "1", "since": "1245626956", "list": { "93817": { "item_id": "93817", "url": "", "title": "Page Title", "time_updated": "1245626956", "time_added": "1245626956", "tags": "comma,seperated,list", "state": "0" }, "935812": { "item_id": "935812", "url": "", "title": "Google", "time_updated": "1245635279", "time_added": "1245635279", "tags": "comma,seperated,list", "state": "1" } } } Then you could have a Jq Agent with the following jq filter: .body | fromjson | .list | to_entries | map(.value) | map(try(.tags |= split(",")) // .) | sort_by(.time_added | tonumber) To get the following two Events emitted out of the said incoming Event from Post Agent: [ { "item_id": "93817", "url": "", "title": "Page Title", "time_updated": "1245626956", "time_added": "1245626956", "tags": ["comma", "seperated", "list"], "state": "0" }, { "item_id": "935812", "url": "", "title": "Google", "time_updated": "1245626956", "time_added": "1245626956", "tags": ["comma", "seperated", "list"], "state": "1" } ] MD def validate_options errors.add(:base, "filter needs to be present.") if !options['filter'].is_a?(String) errors.add(:base, "variables must be a hash if present.") if options.key?('variables') && !options['variables'].is_a?(Hash) end def default_options { 'filter' => '.', 'variables' => {} } end def working? self.class.should_run? && !recent_error_logs? end def receive(incoming_events) if !self.class.should_run? log("Unable to run because this agent is not enabled. Edit the USE_JQ environment variable.") return end incoming_events.each do |event| interpolate_with(event) do process_event(event) end end end private def get_variables variables = interpolated['variables'] return {} if !variables.is_a?(Hash) { |name, value| [name.to_s, value.to_json] }.to_h end def process_event(event) Tempfile.create do |file| filter = interpolated['filter'].to_s # There seems to be no way to force jq to treat an arbitrary # string as a filter without being confused with a command # line option, so pass one via file. file.print filter file.close variables = get_variables command_args = [ self.class.jq_command, '--compact-output', '--sort-keys', '--from-file', file.path, *variables.flat_map { |name, json| ['--argjson', name, json] } ] log [ "Running jq with filter: #{filter}", * { |name, json| "variable: #{name} = #{json}" } ].join("\n") Open3.popen3(*command_args) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread| stderr_reader = { } stdout_reader = { stdout.each_line.flat_map { |line| JSON.parse(line) } } results, errout, status = begin JSON.dump(event.payload, stdin) stdin.close [ stdout_reader.value, stderr_reader.value, wait_thread.value ] rescue Errno::EPIPE end if !status.success? error "Error output from jq:\n#{errout}" return end results.keep_if do |result| if result.is_a?(Hash) true else error "Ignoring a non-object result: #{result.to_json}" false end end log "Creating #{results.size} events" results.each do |payload| create_event(payload:) end end end end end end