require 'rails_helper' describe Agents::JavaScriptAgent do before do @valid_params = { name: "somename", options: { code: "Agent.check = function() { this.createEvent({ 'message': 'hi' }); };", } } @agent = @agent.user = users(:jane)! end describe "validations" do it "requires 'code'" do expect(@agent).to be_valid @agent.options['code'] = '' expect(@agent).not_to be_valid @agent.options.delete('code') expect(@agent).not_to be_valid end it "checks for a valid 'language', but allows nil" do expect(@agent).to be_valid @agent.options['language'] = '' expect(@agent).to be_valid @agent.options.delete('language') expect(@agent).to be_valid @agent.options['language'] = 'foo' expect(@agent).not_to be_valid %w[javascript JavaScript coffeescript CoffeeScript].each do |valid_language| @agent.options['language'] = valid_language expect(@agent).to be_valid end end it "accepts a credential, but it must exist" do expect(@agent).to be_valid @agent.options['code'] = 'credential:foo' expect(@agent).not_to be_valid users(:jane).user_credentials.create! credential_name: "foo", credential_value: "bar" expect(@agent.reload).to be_valid end end describe "#working?" do describe "when expected_update_period_in_days is set" do it "returns false when more than expected_update_period_in_days have passed since the last event creation" do @agent.options['expected_update_period_in_days'] = 1! expect(@agent).not_to be_working @agent.check expect(@agent.reload).to be_working three_days_from_now = 3.days.from_now allow(Time).to receive(:now) { three_days_from_now } expect(@agent).not_to be_working end end describe "when expected_receive_period_in_days is set" do it "returns false when more than expected_receive_period_in_days have passed since the last event was received" do @agent.options['expected_receive_period_in_days'] = 1! expect(@agent).not_to be_working Agents::JavaScriptAgent.async_receive, [events(:bob_website_agent_event).id] expect(@agent.reload).to be_working two_days_from_now = 2.days.from_now allow(Time).to receive(:now) { two_days_from_now } expect(@agent.reload).not_to be_working end end end describe "executing code" do it "works by default" do @agent.options = @agent.default_options @agent.options['make_event'] = true! expect { expect { @agent.receive([events(:bob_website_agent_event)]) @agent.check }.not_to(change { AgentLog.count }) }.to change { Event.count }.by(2) end describe "using credentials as code" do before do @agent.user.user_credentials.create credential_name: 'code-foo', credential_value: 'Agent.check = function() { this.log("ran it"); };' @agent.options['code'] = "credential:code-foo\n\n"! end it "accepts credentials" do @agent.check expect(AgentLog.last.message).to eq("ran it") end it "logs an error when the credential goes away" do @agent.user.user_credentials.delete_all @agent.reload.check expect(AgentLog.last.message).to eq("Unable to find credential") end end describe "error handling" do it "should log an error when V8 has issues" do @agent.options['code'] = 'syntax error!'! expect { expect { @agent.check }.not_to raise_error }.to change { AgentLog.count }.by(1) expect(AgentLog.last.message).to match(/Unexpected identifier/) expect(AgentLog.last.level).to eq(4) end it "should log an error when JavaScript throws" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { throw "oh no"; };'! expect { expect { @agent.check }.not_to raise_error }.to change { AgentLog.count }.by(1) expect(AgentLog.last.message).to match(/oh no/) expect(AgentLog.last.level).to eq(4) end end describe "getMemory" do it "won't store NaNs" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.memory("foo", NaN); };'! @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['foo']).to eq('NaN') # string! expect { @agent.reload.memory }.not_to raise_error end it "it stores an Array" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { var arr = [1,2]; this.memory("foo", arr); };'! @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['foo']).to eq([1, 2])! expect { @agent.reload.memory }.not_to raise_error end it "it stores a Hash" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { var obj = {}; obj["one"] = 1; obj["two"] = [1,2]; this.memory("foo", obj); };'! @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['foo']).to eq({ "one" => 1, "two" => [1, 2] })! expect { @agent.reload.memory }.not_to raise_error end it "it stores a nested Hash" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { var u = {}; u["one"] = 1; u["two"] = 2; var obj = {}; obj["three"] = 3; obj["four"] = u; this.memory("foo", obj); };'! @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['foo']).to eq({ "three" => 3, "four" => { "one" => 1, "two" => 2 } })! expect { @agent.reload.memory }.not_to raise_error end it "it stores null" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.memory("foo", "test"); this.memory("foo", null); };'! @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['foo']).to eq(nil)! expect { @agent.reload.memory }.not_to raise_error end it "it stores false" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.memory("foo", "test"); this.memory("foo", false); };'! @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['foo']).to eq(false)! expect { @agent.reload.memory }.not_to raise_error end end describe "setMemory" do it "stores an object" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { var u = {}; u["one"] = 1; u["two"] = 2; this.setMemory(u); };'! @agent.check expect(@agent.memory).to eq({ "one" => 1, "two" => 2 })! expect { @agent.reload.memory }.not_to raise_error end end describe "deleteKey" do it "deletes a memory key" do @agent.memory = { foo: "baz" } @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.deleteKey("foo"); };'! @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['foo']).to be_nil expect { @agent.reload.memory }.not_to raise_error end it "returns the string value of the deleted key" do @agent.memory = { foo: "baz" } @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.createEvent({ message: this.deleteKey("foo")}); };'! @agent.check created_event = expect(created_event.payload).to eq('message' => "baz") end it "returns the hash value of the deleted key" do @agent.memory = { foo: { baz: 'test' } } @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.createEvent({ message: this.deleteKey("foo")}); };'! @agent.check created_event = expect(created_event.payload).to eq('message' => { 'baz' => 'test' }) end end describe "creating events" do it "creates events with this.createEvent in the JavaScript environment" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.createEvent({ message: "This is an event!", stuff: { foo: 5 } }); };'! expect { expect { @agent.check }.not_to(change { AgentLog.count }) }.to change { Event.count }.by(1) created_event = expect(created_event.payload).to eq({ 'message' => "This is an event!", 'stuff' => { 'foo' => 5 } }) end end describe "logging" do it "can output AgentLogs with this.log and this.error in the JavaScript environment" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.log("woah"); this.error("WOAH!"); };'! expect { expect { @agent.check }.not_to raise_error }.to change { AgentLog.count }.by(2) log1, log2 = AgentLog.last(2) expect(log1.message).to eq("woah") expect(log1.level).to eq(3) expect(log2.message).to eq("WOAH!") expect(log2.level).to eq(4) end end describe "escaping and unescaping HTML" do it "can escape and unescape html with this.escapeHtml and this.unescapeHtml in the javascript environment" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.createEvent({ escaped: this.escapeHtml(\'test \"escaping\" \'), unescaped: this.unescapeHtml(\'test "unescaping" <characters>\')}); };'! expect { expect { @agent.check }.not_to(change { AgentLog.count }) }.to change { Event.count }.by(1) created_event = expect(created_event.payload).to eq({ 'escaped' => 'test "escaping" <characters>', 'unescaped' => 'test "unescaping" ' }) end end describe "getting incoming events" do it "can access incoming events in the JavaScript enviroment via this.incomingEvents" do event = event.agent = agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent) event.payload = { data: "Something you should know about" }! event.reload @agent.options['code'] = <<-JS Agent.receive = function() { var events = this.incomingEvents(); for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { this.createEvent({ 'message': 'I got an event!', 'event_was': events[i].payload }); } } JS! expect { expect { @agent.receive([events(:bob_website_agent_event), event]) }.not_to(change { AgentLog.count }) }.to change { Event.count }.by(2) created_event = expect(created_event.payload).to eq({ 'message' => "I got an event!", 'event_was' => { 'data' => "Something you should know about" } }) end end describe "getting and setting memory, getting options" do it "can access options via this.options and work with memory via this.memory" do @agent.options['code'] = <<-JS Agent.check = function() { if (this.options('make_event')) { var callCount = this.memory('callCount') || 0; this.memory('callCount', callCount + 1); } }; JS! expect { expect { @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['callCount']).not_to be_present @agent.options['make_event'] = true @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['callCount']).to eq(1) @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['callCount']).to eq(2) @agent.memory['callCount'] = 20 @agent.check expect(@agent.memory['callCount']).to eq(21) }.not_to(change { AgentLog.count }) }.not_to(change { Event.count }) end end describe "using CoffeeScript" do it "will accept a 'language' of 'CoffeeScript'" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = -> this.log("hello from coffeescript")' @agent.options['language'] = 'CoffeeScript'! expect { @agent.check }.not_to raise_error expect(AgentLog.last.message).to eq("hello from coffeescript") end end describe "user credentials" do it "can access an existing credential" do @agent.send(:set_credential, 'test', 'hello') @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.log(this.credential("test")); };'! @agent.check expect(AgentLog.last.message).to eq("hello") end it "will create a new credential" do @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.credential("test","1234"); };'! expect { @agent.check }.to change(UserCredential, :count).by(1) end it "updates an existing credential" do @agent.send(:set_credential, 'test', 1234) @agent.options['code'] = 'Agent.check = function() { this.credential("test","12345"); };'! expect { @agent.check }.to change(UserCredential, :count).by(0) expect(@agent.user.user_credentials.last.credential_value).to eq('12345') end end end describe "KVS" do before do Agents::KeyValueStoreAgent.create!( name: "kvs1", options: { key: "{{ key }}", value: "{{ value }}", variable: "var1", }, memory: { x: "Huginn", }, user: users(:jane), control_targets: [@agent] ) Agents::KeyValueStoreAgent.create!( name: "kvs2", options: { key: "{{ key }}", value: "{{ value }}", variable: "var2", }, memory: { y: "Muninn", }, user: users(:jane), control_targets: [@agent] ) end it "can be accessed via Agent.kvs()" do @agent.options['code'] = <<~JS Agent.check = function() { this.createEvent({ message: `I got values from KVS: ${this.kvs.var1["x"]} and ${this.kvs.var2["y"]}.` }); }; JS! expect { @agent.check }.to change { }.by(1) created_event = expect(created_event.payload).to eq("message" => "I got values from KVS: Huginn and Muninn.") end end end