module Agents class EvernoteAgent < Agent include EvernoteConcern description <<~MD The Evernote Agent connects with a user's Evernote note store. Visit [Evernote]( to set up an Evernote app and receive an api key and secret. Store these in the Evernote environment variables in the .env file. You will also need to create a [Sandbox]( account to use during development. Next, you'll need to authenticate with Evernote in the [Services](/services) section. Options: * `mode` - Two possible values: - `update` Based on events it receives, the agent will create notes or update notes with the same `title` and `notebook` - `read` On a schedule, it will generate events containing data for newly added or updated notes * `include_xhtml_content` - Set to `true` to include the content in ENML (Evernote Markup Language) of the note * `note` - When `mode` is `update` the parameters of `note` are the attributes of the note to be added/edited. To edit a note, both `title` and `notebook` must be set. For example, to add the tags 'comic' and 'CS' to a note titled 'xkcd Survey' in the notebook 'xkcd', use: "notes": { "title": "xkcd Survey", "content": "", "notebook": "xkcd", "tagNames": "comic, CS" } If a note with the above title and notebook did note exist already, one would be created. - When `mode` is `read` the values are search parameters. Note: The `content` parameter is not used for searching. Setting `title` only filters notes whose titles contain `title` as a substring, not as the exact title. For example, to find all notes with tag 'CS' in the notebook 'xkcd', use: "notes": { "title": "", "content": "", "notebook": "xkcd", "tagNames": "CS" } MD event_description <<~MD When `mode` is `update`, events look like: { "title": "...", "content": "...", "notebook": "...", "tags": "...", "source": "...", "sourceURL": "..." } When `mode` is `read`, events look like: { "title": "...", "content": "...", "notebook": "...", "tags": "...", "source": "...", "sourceURL": "...", "resources" : [ { "url": "resource1_url", "name": "resource1_name", "mime_type": "resource1_mime_type" } ... ] } MD default_schedule "never" def working? event_created_within?(interpolated['expected_update_period_in_days']) && !recent_error_logs? end def default_options { "expected_update_period_in_days" => "2", "mode" => "update", "include_xhtml_content" => "false", "note" => { "title" => "{{title}}", "content" => "{{content}}", "notebook" => "{{notebook}}", "tagNames" => "{{tag1}}, {{tag2}}" } } end def validate_options errors.add(:base, "mode must be 'update' or 'read'") unless %w[read update].include?(options[:mode]) if options[:mode] == "update" && schedule != "never" errors.add(:base, "when mode is set to 'update', schedule must be 'never'") end if options[:mode] == "read" && schedule == "never" errors.add(:base, "when mode is set to 'read', agent must have a schedule") end errors.add(:base, "expected_update_period_in_days is required") unless options['expected_update_period_in_days'].present? if options[:mode] == "update" && options[:note].values.all?(&:empty?) errors.add(:base, "you must specify at least one note parameter to create or update a note") end end def include_xhtml_content? options[:include_xhtml_content] == "true" end def receive(incoming_events) if options[:mode] == "update" incoming_events.each do |event| note = note_store.create_or_update_note(note_params(event)) create_event payload: note.attr(include_content: include_xhtml_content?) end end end def check if options[:mode] == "read" opts = note_params(options) # convert time to evernote timestamp format: # opts.merge!(agent_created_at: created_at.to_i * 1000) opts.merge!(last_checked_at: (memory[:last_checked_at] ||= created_at.to_i * 1000)) if opts[:tagNames] notes_with_tags = memory[:notes_with_tags] ||=, { tagNames: opts[:tagNames] }).note_guids opts.merge!(notes_with_tags:) end notes =, opts).notes notes.each do |note| memory[:notes_with_tags] << note.guid unless memory[:notes_with_tags].include?(note.guid) create_event payload: note.attr(include_resources: true, include_content: include_xhtml_content?) end memory[:last_checked_at] = * 1000 end end private def note_params(options) params = interpolated(options)[:note] errors.add(:base, "only one notebook allowed") unless params[:notebook].to_s.split(/\s*,\s*/) == 1 params[:tagNames] = params[:tagNames].to_s.split(/\s*,\s*/) params[:title].strip! params[:notebook].strip! params end def evernote_note_store evernote_client.note_store end def note_store @note_store ||= end # wrapper for evernote api NoteStore # class NoteStore attr_reader :en_note_store delegate :createNote, :updateNote, :getNote, :listNotebooks, :listTags, :getNotebook, :createNotebook, :findNotesMetadata, :getNoteTagNames, to: :en_note_store def initialize(en_note_store) @en_note_store = en_note_store end def create_or_update_note(params) search =, { title: params[:title], notebook: params[:notebook] }) # evernote search can only filter notes with titles containing a substring; # this finds a note with the exact title note = search.notes.detect { |note| note.title == params[:title] } if note # a note with specified title and notebook exists, so update it update_note(params.merge(guid: note.guid, notebookGuid: note.notebookGuid)) else # create the notebook unless it already exists notebook = find_notebook(name: params[:notebook]) notebook_guid = notebook ? notebook.guid : create_notebook(params[:notebook]).guid create_note(params.merge(notebookGuid: notebook_guid)) end end def create_note(params) note = en_note = createNote(note) find_note(en_note.guid) end def update_note(params) # do not empty note properties that have not been set in `params` params.keys.each { |key| params.delete(key) unless params[key].present? } params = with_wrapped_content(params) # append specified tags instead of replacing current tags # evernote will create any new tags tags = getNoteTagNames(params[:guid]) tags.each { |tag| params[:tagNames] << tag unless params[:tagNames].include?(tag) } note = updateNote(note) find_note(params[:guid]) end def find_note(guid) # en_note = getNote(guid, true, false, false, false) build_note(en_note) end def build_note(en_note) notebook = find_notebook(guid: en_note.notebookGuid).try(:name) tags = en_note.tagNames || find_tags(en_note.tagGuids.to_a).map(&:name), notebook, tags) end def find_tags(guids) { |tag| guids.include?(tag.guid) } end def find_notebook(params) if params[:guid] listNotebooks.detect { |notebook| notebook.guid == params[:guid] } elsif params[:name] listNotebooks.detect { |notebook| == params[:name] } end end def create_notebook(name) notebook = createNotebook(notebook) end def with_wrapped_content(params) params.delete(:notebook) if params[:content] params[:content] = "" \ "" \ "#{params[:content].encode(xml: :text)}" end params end class Search attr_reader :note_store, :opts def initialize(note_store, opts) @note_store = note_store @opts = opts end def note_guids end def notes metadata = filtered_metadata if opts[:last_checked_at] && opts[:tagNames] # evernote does note change Note#updated timestamp when a tag is added to a note # the following selects recently updated notes # and notes that recently had the specified tags added! do |note_data| note_data.updated > opts[:last_checked_at] || !opts[:notes_with_tags].include?(note_data.guid) end elsif opts[:last_checked_at]! { |note_data| note_data.updated > opts[:last_checked_at] } end! { |note_data| note_store.find_note(note_data.guid) } metadata end def create_filter filter = # evernote search grammar: # query_terms = [] query_terms << "notebook:\"#{opts[:notebook]}\"" if opts[:notebook].present? query_terms << "intitle:\"#{opts[:title]}\"" if opts[:title].present? query_terms << "updated:day-1" if opts[:last_checked_at].present? opts[:tagNames].to_a.each { |tag| query_terms << "tag:#{tag}" } filter.words = query_terms.join(" ") filter end private def filtered_metadata filter = create_filter spec = create_spec metadata = note_store.findNotesMetadata(filter, 0, 100, spec).notes end def create_spec includeTitle: true, includeAttributes: true, includeNotebookGuid: true, includeTagGuids: true, includeUpdated: true, includeCreated: true ) end end end class Note attr_accessor :en_note attr_reader :notebook, :tags delegate :guid, :notebookGuid, :title, :tagGuids, :content, :resources, :attributes, to: :en_note def initialize(en_note, notebook, tags) @en_note = en_note @notebook = notebook @tags = tags end def attr(opts = {}) return_attr = { title:, notebook:, tags:, source: attributes.source, source_url: attributes.sourceURL } return_attr[:content] = content if opts[:include_content] if opts[:include_resources] && resources return_attr[:resources] = [] resources.each do |resource| return_attr[:resources] << { url: resource.attributes.sourceURL, name: resource.attributes.fileName, mime_type: resource.mime } end end return_attr end end end end