(function () { let escapeMap = undefined; let createEscaper = undefined; const Cls = (this.Utils = class Utils { static initClass() { // _.escape from underscore: https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore/blob/1e68f06610fa4ecb7f2c45d1eb2ad0173d6a2cc1/underscore.js#L1411-L1436 escapeMap = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'", "`": "`", }; createEscaper = function (map) { const escaper = (match) => map[match]; // Regexes for identifying a key that needs to be escaped. const source = "(?:" + Object.keys(map).join("|") + ")"; const testRegexp = RegExp(source); const replaceRegexp = RegExp(source, "g"); return function (string) { string = string === null ? "" : "" + string; if (testRegexp.test(string)) { return string.replace(replaceRegexp, escaper); } else { return string; } }; }; this.escape = createEscaper(escapeMap); } static navigatePath(path) { if (!path.match(/^\//)) { path = "/" + path; } return (window.location.href = path); } static currentPath() { return window.location.href.replace(/https?:\/\/.*?\//g, ""); } static registerPage(klass, options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } if (options.forPathsMatching != null) { if (Utils.currentPath().match(options.forPathsMatching)) { return (window.currentPage = new klass()); } } else { return new klass(); } } static showDynamicModal(content, param) { if (content == null) { content = ""; } if (param == null) { param = {}; } const { title, body, onHide } = param; $("body").append(`\ \ `); const modal = document.querySelector("#dynamic-modal"); $(modal) .find(".modal-title") .text(title || "") .end() .on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { $("#dynamic-modal").remove(); return typeof onHide === "function" ? onHide() : undefined; }); if (typeof body === "function") { body(modal.querySelector(".modal-body")); } return $(modal).modal("show"); } static handleDryRunButton(button, data) { if (data == null) { data = button.form ? $(':input[name!="_method"]', button.form).serialize() : ""; } $(button).prop("disabled", true); const cleanup = () => $(button).prop("disabled", false); const url = $(button).data("action-url"); const with_event_mode = $(button).data("with-event-mode"); if (with_event_mode === "no") { return this.invokeDryRun(url, data, cleanup); } return $.ajax(url, { method: "GET", data: { with_event_mode, source_ids: $.map($(".link-region select option:selected"), (el) => $(el).val() ), }, success: (modal_data) => { return Utils.showDynamicModal(modal_data, { body: (body) => { let previous; const form = $(body).find(".dry-run-form"); const payload_editor = form.find(".payload-editor"); if ((previous = $(button).data("payload"))) { payload_editor.text(previous); } const editor = window.setupJsonEditor(payload_editor)[0]; $(body) .find(".dry-run-event-sample") .click((e) => { e.preventDefault(); editor.json = $(e.currentTarget).data("payload"); return editor.rebuild(); }); form.submit((e) => { let dry_run_data; e.preventDefault(); let json = $(e.target).find(".payload-editor").val(); if (json === "") { json = "{}"; } try { const payload = JSON.parse( json.replace(/\\\\([n|r|t])/g, "\\$1") ); if (payload.constructor !== Object) { throw true; } if (Object.keys(payload).length === 0) { json = ""; } else { json = JSON.stringify(payload); } } catch (error) { alert("Invalid JSON object."); return; } if (json === "") { if (with_event_mode === "yes") { alert("Event is required for this agent to run."); return; } dry_run_data = data; $(button).data("payload", null); } else { dry_run_data = `event=${encodeURIComponent(json)}&${data}`; $(button).data("payload", json); } return $(body) .closest("[role=dialog]") .on("hidden.bs.modal", () => { return this.invokeDryRun(url, dry_run_data, cleanup); }) .modal("hide"); }); return $(body) .closest("[role=dialog]") .on("shown.bs.modal", function () { return $(this).find(".btn-primary").focus(); }); }, title: "Dry Run", onHide: cleanup, }); }, }); } static invokeDryRun(url, data, callback) { $("body").css({ cursor: "progress" }); return $.ajax({ type: "POST", url, dataType: "html", data }) .always(() => { return $("body").css({ cursor: "auto" }); }) .done((modal_data) => { return Utils.showDynamicModal(modal_data, { title: "Dry Run Results", onHide: callback, }); }) .fail(function (xhr, status, error) { alert("Error: " + error); return callback(); }); } static select2TagClickHandler(e, elem) { if (e.which === 1) { return (window.location = $(elem).attr("href")); } else { return window.open($(elem).attr("href")); } } }); Cls.initClass(); return Cls; })();