module Agents class PostAgent < Agent include EventHeadersConcern include WebRequestConcern include FileHandling consumes_file_pointer! MIME_RE = /\A\w+\/.+\z/ can_dry_run! no_bulk_receive! default_schedule "never" description do <<~MD A Post Agent receives events from other agents (or runs periodically), merges those events with the [Liquid-interpolated]( contents of `payload`, and sends the results as POST (or GET) requests to a specified url. To skip merging in the incoming event, but still send the interpolated payload, set `no_merge` to `true`. The `post_url` field must specify where you would like to send requests. Please include the URI scheme (`http` or `https`). The `method` used can be any of `get`, `post`, `put`, `patch`, and `delete`. By default, non-GETs will be sent with form encoding (`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). Change `content_type` to `json` to send JSON instead. Change `content_type` to `xml` to send XML, where the name of the root element may be specified using `xml_root`, defaulting to `post`. When `content_type` contains a [MIME]( type, and `payload` is a string, its interpolated value will be sent as a string in the HTTP request's body and the request's `Content-Type` HTTP header will be set to `content_type`. When `payload` is a string `no_merge` has to be set to `true`. If `emit_events` is set to `true`, the server response will be emitted as an Event. The "body" value of the Event is the response body. If the `parse_body` option is set to `true` and the content type of the response is JSON, it is parsed to a JSON object. Otherwise it is raw text. A raw HTML/XML text can be fed to a WebsiteAgent for parsing (using its `data_from_event` and `type` options). The Event will also have a "headers" hash and a "status" integer value. If `output_mode` is set to `merge`, the emitted Event will be merged into the original contents of the received Event. Set `event_headers` to a list of header names, either in an array of string or in a comma-separated string, to include only some of the header values. Set `event_headers_style` to one of the following values to normalize the keys of "headers" for downstream agents' convenience: * `capitalized` (default) - Header names are capitalized; e.g. "Content-Type" * `downcased` - Header names are downcased; e.g. "content-type" * `snakecased` - Header names are snakecased; e.g. "content_type" * `raw` - Backward compatibility option to leave them unmodified from what the underlying HTTP library returns. Other Options: * `headers` - When present, it should be a hash of headers to send with the request. * `basic_auth` - Specify HTTP basic auth parameters: `"username:password"`, or `["username", "password"]`. * `disable_ssl_verification` - Set to `true` to disable ssl verification. * `user_agent` - A custom User-Agent name (default: "Faraday v#{Faraday::VERSION}"). #{receiving_file_handling_agent_description} When receiving a `file_pointer` the request will be sent with multipart encoding (`multipart/form-data`) and `content_type` is ignored. `upload_key` can be used to specify the parameter in which the file will be sent, it defaults to `file`. MD end event_description <<~MD Events look like this: { "status": 200, "headers": { "Content-Type": "text/html", ... }, "body": "Some data..." } Original event contents will be merged when `output_mode` is set to `merge`. MD def default_options { 'post_url' => "", 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => '1', 'content_type' => 'form', 'method' => 'post', 'payload' => { 'key' => 'value', 'something' => 'the event contained {{ somekey }}' }, 'headers' => {}, 'emit_events' => 'false', 'parse_body' => 'true', 'no_merge' => 'true', 'output_mode' => 'clean' } end def working? return false if recent_error_logs? if interpolated['expected_receive_period_in_days'].present? return false unless last_receive_at && last_receive_at > interpolated['expected_receive_period_in_days'].to_i.days.ago end true end def method (interpolated['method'].presence || 'post').to_s.downcase end def validate_options unless options['post_url'].present? errors.add(:base, "post_url is a required field") end if options['payload'].present? && %w[get delete].include?(method) && !(options['payload'].is_a?(Hash) || options['payload'].is_a?(Array)) errors.add(:base, "if provided, payload must be a hash or an array") end if options['payload'].present? && %w[post put patch].include?(method) if !(options['payload'].is_a?(Hash) || options['payload'].is_a?(Array)) && options['content_type'] !~ MIME_RE errors.add(:base, "if provided, payload must be a hash or an array") end end if options['content_type'] =~ MIME_RE && options['payload'].is_a?(String) && boolify(options['no_merge']) != true errors.add(:base, "when the payload is a string, `no_merge` has to be set to `true`") end if options['content_type'] == 'form' && options['payload'].present? && options['payload'].is_a?(Array) errors.add(:base, "when content_type is a form, if provided, payload must be a hash") end if options.has_key?('emit_events') && boolify(options['emit_events']).nil? errors.add(:base, "if provided, emit_events must be true or false") end validate_event_headers_options! unless %w[post get put delete patch].include?(method) errors.add(:base, "method must be 'post', 'get', 'put', 'delete', or 'patch'") end if options['no_merge'].present? && !%(true false).include?(options['no_merge'].to_s) errors.add(:base, "if provided, no_merge must be 'true' or 'false'") end if options['output_mode'].present? && !options['output_mode'].to_s.include?('{') && !%(clean merge).include?(options['output_mode'].to_s) errors.add(:base, "if provided, output_mode must be 'clean' or 'merge'") end if options['parse_body'].present? && !/\A(?:true|false)\z|\{/.match?(options['parse_body'].to_s) errors.add(:base, "if provided, parse_body must be 'true' or 'false'") end unless headers.is_a?(Hash) errors.add(:base, "if provided, headers must be a hash") end validate_web_request_options! end def parse_body? boolify(interpolated['parse_body']) end def receive(incoming_events) incoming_events.each do |event| interpolate_with(event) do outgoing = interpolated['payload'].presence || {} if boolify(interpolated['no_merge']) handle outgoing, event, headers(interpolated[:headers]) else handle outgoing.merge(event.payload), event, headers(interpolated[:headers]) end end end end def check handle interpolated['payload'].presence || {}, headers end private def handle(data, event =, headers) url = interpolated(event.payload)[:post_url] case method when 'get', 'delete' params = data body = nil when 'post', 'put', 'patch' params = nil content_type = if has_file_pointer?(event) data[interpolated(event.payload)['upload_key'].presence || 'file'] = get_upload_io(event) nil else interpolated(event.payload)['content_type'] end case content_type when 'json' headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' body = data.to_json when 'xml' headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' body = data.to_xml(root: (interpolated(event.payload)[:xml_root] || 'post')) when MIME_RE headers['Content-Type'] = content_type body = data.to_s else body = data end else error "Invalid method '#{method}'" end response = faraday.run_request(method.to_sym, url, body, headers) { |request| request.params.update(params) if params } if boolify(interpolated['emit_events']) new_event = interpolated['output_mode'].to_s == 'merge' ? event.payload.dup : {} create_event payload: new_event.merge( body: response.body, status: response.status ).merge( event_headers_payload(response.headers) ) end end def event_headers_key super || 'headers' end end end