require 'date' require 'cgi' module Agents class JavaScriptAgent < Agent include FormConfigurable can_dry_run! default_schedule "never" gem_dependency_check { defined?(MiniRacer) } description <<~MD The JavaScript Agent allows you to write code in JavaScript that can create and receive events. If other Agents aren't meeting your needs, try this one! #{'## Include `mini_racer` in your Gemfile to use this Agent!' if dependencies_missing?} You can put code in the `code` option, or put your code in a Credential and reference it from `code` with `credential:` (recommended). You can implement `Agent.check` and `Agent.receive` as you see fit. The following methods will be available on Agent in the JavaScript environment: * `this.createEvent(payload)` * `this.incomingEvents()` (the returned event objects will each have a `payload` property) * `this.memory()` * `this.memory(key)` * `this.memory(keyToSet, valueToSet)` * `this.setMemory(object)` (replaces the Agent's memory with the provided object) * `this.deleteKey(key)` (deletes a key from memory and returns the value) * `this.credential(name)` * `this.credential(name, valueToSet)` * `this.options()` * `this.options(key)` * `this.log(message)` * `this.error(message)` * `this.kvs` (whose properties are variables provided by KeyValueStoreAgents) * `this.escapeHtml(htmlToEscape)` * `this.unescapeHtml(htmlToUnescape)` MD form_configurable :language, type: :array, values: %w[JavaScript CoffeeScript] form_configurable :code, type: :text, ace: true form_configurable :expected_receive_period_in_days form_configurable :expected_update_period_in_days def validate_options cred_name = credential_referenced_by_code if cred_name errors.add(:base, "The credential '#{cred_name}' referenced by code cannot be found") unless credential(cred_name).present? else errors.add(:base, "The 'code' option is required") unless options['code'].present? end if interpolated['language'].present? && !interpolated['language'][javascript coffeescript]) errors.add(:base, "The 'language' must be JavaScript or CoffeeScript") end end def working? return false if recent_error_logs? if interpolated['expected_update_period_in_days'].present? return false unless event_created_within?(interpolated['expected_update_period_in_days']) end if interpolated['expected_receive_period_in_days'].present? return false unless last_receive_at && last_receive_at > interpolated['expected_receive_period_in_days'].to_i.days.ago end true end def check log_errors do execute_js("check") end end def receive(incoming_events) log_errors do execute_js("receive", incoming_events) end end def default_options js_code = <<-JS Agent.check = function() { if (this.options('make_event')) { this.createEvent({ 'message': 'I made an event!' }); var callCount = this.memory('callCount') || 0; this.memory('callCount', callCount + 1); } }; Agent.receive = function() { var events = this.incomingEvents(); for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { this.createEvent({ 'message': 'I got an event!', 'event_was': events[i].payload }); } } JS { 'code' => Utils.unindent(js_code), 'language' => 'JavaScript', 'expected_receive_period_in_days' => '2', 'expected_update_period_in_days' => '2' } end private def execute_js(js_function, incoming_events = []) js_function = js_function == "check" ? "check" : "receive" context = context.eval(setup_javascript) context.attach("doCreateEvent", ->(y) { create_event(payload: clean_nans(JSON.parse(y))).payload.to_json }) context.attach("getIncomingEvents", -> { incoming_events.to_json }) context.attach("getOptions", -> { interpolated.to_json }) context.attach("doLog", ->(x) { log x }) context.attach("doError", ->(x) { error x }) context.attach("getMemory", -> { memory.to_json }) context.attach("setMemoryKey", ->(x, y) { memory[x] = clean_nans(y) }) context.attach("setMemory", ->(x) { memory.replace(clean_nans(x)) }) context.attach("deleteKey", ->(x) { memory.delete(x).to_json }) context.attach("escapeHtml", ->(x) { CGI.escapeHTML(x) }) context.attach("unescapeHtml", ->(x) { CGI.unescapeHTML(x) }) context.attach('getCredential', ->(k) { credential(k); }) context.attach('setCredential', ->(k, v) { set_credential(k, v) }) kvs = Agents::KeyValueStoreAgent.merge(controllers).find_each.to_h { |kvs| [kvs.options[:variable], kvs.memory.as_json] } context.attach("getKeyValueStores", -> { kvs }) context.eval("Object.defineProperty(Agent, 'kvs', { get: getKeyValueStores })") if (options['language'] || '').downcase == 'coffeescript' context.eval(CoffeeScript.compile(code)) else context.eval(code) end context.eval("Agent.#{js_function}();") end def code cred = credential_referenced_by_code if cred credential(cred) || 'Agent.check = function() { this.error("Unable to find credential"); };' else interpolated['code'] end end def credential_referenced_by_code (interpolated['code'] || '').strip =~ /\Acredential:(.*)\Z/ && $1 end def set_credential(name, value) c = user.user_credentials.find_or_initialize_by(credential_name: name) c.credential_value = value! end def setup_javascript <<-JS function Agent() {}; Agent.createEvent = function(opts) { return JSON.parse(doCreateEvent(JSON.stringify(opts))); } Agent.incomingEvents = function() { return JSON.parse(getIncomingEvents()); } Agent.memory = function(key, value) { if (typeof(key) !== "undefined" && typeof(value) !== "undefined") { setMemoryKey(key, value); } else if (typeof(key) !== "undefined") { return JSON.parse(getMemory())[key]; } else { return JSON.parse(getMemory()); } } Agent.setMemory = function(obj) { setMemory(obj); } Agent.credential = function(name, value) { if (typeof(value) !== "undefined") { setCredential(name, value); } else { return getCredential(name); } } Agent.options = function(key) { if (typeof(key) !== "undefined") { return JSON.parse(getOptions())[key]; } else { return JSON.parse(getOptions()); } } Agent.log = function(message) { doLog(message); } Agent.error = function(message) { doError(message); } Agent.deleteKey = function(key) { return JSON.parse(deleteKey(key)); } Agent.escapeHtml = function(html) { return escapeHtml(html); } Agent.unescapeHtml = function(html) { return unescapeHtml(html); } Agent.check = function(){}; Agent.receive = function(){}; JS end def log_errors yield rescue MiniRacer::Error => e error "JavaScript error: #{e.message}" end def clean_nans(input) case input when Array { |v| clean_nans(v) } when Hash input.transform_values { |v| clean_nans(v) } when Float input.nan? ? 'NaN' : input else input end end end end