@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'pry'
+describe Agents::PublicTransportAgent do
+ before do
+ valid_params = {
+ "name" => "sf muni agent",
+ "options" => {
+ "alert_window_in_minutes" => "20",
+ "stops" => ['N|5221', 'N|5215'],
+ "agency" => "sf-muni"
+ }
+ }
+ @agent = Agents::PublicTransportAgent.new(valid_params)
+ @agent.user = users(:bob)
+ @agent.save!
+ end
+ describe "#check" do
+ before do
+ stub_request(:get, "http://webservices.nextbus.com/service/publicXMLFeed?a=sf-muni&command=predictionsForMultiStops&stops=N%7C5215").
+ with(:headers => {'User-Agent'=>'Typhoeus - https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/public_transport_agent.xml")), :headers => {})
+ stub(Time).now {"2014-01-14 20:21:30 +0500".to_time}
+ end
+ it "should create 4 events" do
+ lambda { @agent.check }.should change {@agent.events.count}.by(4)
+ end
+ it "should add 4 items to memory" do
+ @agent.memory.should == {}
+ @agent.check
+ @agent.memory.should == {"existing_routes" => [{"stopTag"=>"5221", "tripTag"=>"5840324", "epochTime"=>"1389706393991", "currentTime"=>"2014-01-14 20:21:30 +0500"}, {"stopTag"=>"5221", "tripTag"=>"5840083", "epochTime"=>"1389706512784", "currentTime"=>"2014-01-14 20:21:30 +0500"}, {"stopTag"=>"5215", "tripTag"=>"5840324", "epochTime"=>"1389706282012", "currentTime"=>"2014-01-14 20:21:30 +0500"}, {"stopTag"=>"5215", "tripTag"=>"5840083", "epochTime"=>"1389706400805", "currentTime"=>"2014-01-14 20:21:30 +0500"}]
+ }
+ end
+ it "should not create events twice" do
+ lambda { @agent.check }.should change {@agent.events.count}.by(4)
+ lambda { @agent.check }.should_not change {@agent.events.count}
+ end
+ end
+ describe "validation" do
+ it "should validate presence of stops" do
+ @agent.options['stops'] = nil
+ @agent.should_not be_valid
+ end
+ it "should validate presence of agency" do
+ @agent.options['agency'] = ""
+ @agent.should_not be_valid
+ end
+ it "should validate presence of alert_window_in_minutes" do
+ @agent.options['alert_window_in_minutes'] = ""
+ @agent.should_not be_valid
+ end
+ end