@@ -96,4 +96,72 @@ describe LiquidInterpolatable::Filters do
expect(@agent.interpolated['foo']).to eq('/dir/foo/index.html')
+ describe 'uri_expand' do
+ before do
+ stub_request(:head, 'https://t.co.x/aaaa').
+ to_return(status: 301, headers: { Location: 'https://bit.ly.x/bbbb' })
+ stub_request(:head, 'https://bit.ly.x/bbbb').
+ to_return(status: 301, headers: { Location: 'http://tinyurl.com.x/cccc' })
+ stub_request(:head, 'http://tinyurl.com.x/cccc').
+ to_return(status: 301, headers: { Location: 'http://www.example.com/welcome' })
+ (1..5).each do |i|
+ stub_request(:head, "http://2many.x/#{i}").
+ to_return(status: 301, headers: { Location: "http://2many.x/#{i+1}" })
+ end
+ stub_request(:head, 'http://2many.x/6').
+ to_return(status: 301, headers: { 'Content-Length' => '5' })
+ end
+ it 'should follow redirects' do
+ expect(@filter.uri_expand('https://t.co.x/aaaa')).to eq('http://www.example.com/welcome')
+ end
+ it 'should respect the limit for the number of redirects' do
+ expect(@filter.uri_expand('http://2many.x/1')).to eq('http://2many.x/1')
+ expect(@filter.uri_expand('http://2many.x/1', 6)).to eq('http://2many.x/6')
+ end
+ it 'should detect a redirect loop' do
+ stub_request(:head, 'http://bad.x/aaaa').
+ to_return(status: 301, headers: { Location: 'http://bad.x/bbbb' })
+ stub_request(:head, 'http://bad.x/bbbb').
+ to_return(status: 301, headers: { Location: 'http://bad.x/aaaa' })
+ expect(@filter.uri_expand('http://bad.x/aaaa')).to eq('http://bad.x/aaaa')
+ end
+ it 'should be able to handle an FTP URL' do
+ stub_request(:head, 'http://downloads.x/aaaa').
+ to_return(status: 301, headers: { Location: 'http://downloads.x/download?file=aaaa.zip' })
+ stub_request(:head, 'http://downloads.x/download').
+ with(query: { file: 'aaaa.zip' }).
+ to_return(status: 301, headers: { Location: 'ftp://downloads.x/pub/aaaa.zip' })
+ expect(@filter.uri_expand('http://downloads.x/aaaa')).to eq('ftp://downloads.x/pub/aaaa.zip')
+ end
+ describe 'used in interpolation' do
+ before do
+ @agent = Agents::InterpolatableAgent.new(name: "test")
+ end
+ it 'should follow redirects' do
+ @agent.interpolation_context['short_url'] = 'https://t.co.x/aaaa'
+ @agent.options['long_url'] = '{{ short_url | uri_expand }}'
+ expect(@agent.interpolated['long_url']).to eq('http://www.example.com/welcome')
+ end
+ it 'should respect the limit for the number of redirects' do
+ @agent.interpolation_context['short_url'] = 'http://2many.x/1'
+ @agent.options['long_url'] = '{{ short_url | uri_expand }}'
+ expect(@agent.interpolated['long_url']).to eq('http://2many.x/1')
+ @agent.interpolation_context['short_url'] = 'http://2many.x/1'
+ @agent.options['long_url'] = '{{ short_url | uri_expand:6 }}'
+ expect(@agent.interpolated['long_url']).to eq('http://2many.x/6')
+ end
+ end
+ end