@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'open3'
+unless `which heroku` =~ /heroku/
+ puts "It looks like the heroku command line tool hasn't been installed yet. Please install"
+ puts "the Heroku Toolback from https://toolbelt.heroku.com, run 'heroku auth:login', and then"
+ puts "run this script again."
+ exit 1
+def capture(cmd, opts = {})
+ o, s = Open3.capture2e(cmd, opts)
+ o
+def ask(question)
+ print question + " "
+ STDOUT.flush
+ gets.strip
+def nag(question)
+ answer = ''
+ while answer.length == 0
+ answer = ask(question)
+ end
+ answer
+def yes?(question)
+ ask(question) =~ /^y/i
+def grab_heroku_config
+ config_data = capture("heroku config -s")
+ config = {}
+ if config_data !~ /has no config vars/
+ config_data.split("\n").map do |line|
+ next if line =~ /^\s*(#|$)/ # skip comments and empty lines
+ first_equal_sign = line.index('=')
+ config[line.slice(0, first_equal_sign)] = line.slice(first_equal_sign + 1, line.length)
+ end
+ end
+ config
+puts "Welcome #{`heroku auth:whoami`.strip}! It looks like you're logged into Heroku."
+info = capture("heroku info")
+if info =~ /No app specified/i
+ puts "It looks like you don't have a Heroku app set up yet for this repo."
+ puts "You can either exit now and run 'heroku create', or I can do it for you."
+ if yes?("Would you like me to create a heroku app for you now in this repo? (y/n)")
+ puts `heroku create`
+ info = capture("heroku info")
+ else
+ puts "Okay, exiting so you can do it."
+ exit 0
+ end
+app_name = info.scan(/http:\/\/([\w\d-]+)\.herokuapp\.com/).flatten.first
+unless yes?("Your Heroku app name is #{app_name}. Is this correct?")
+ puts "Well, then I'm not sure what to do here, sorry."
+config = grab_heroku_config
+if config.length > 0
+ puts
+ puts "Your current Heroku config:"
+ config.each do |key, value|
+ puts ' ' + key + ' ' * (20 - key.length) + '= ' + value
+ end
+unless config['APP_SECRET_TOKEN']
+ puts "Setting up APP_SECRET_TOKEN..."
+ puts capture("heroku config:set APP_SECRET_TOKEN=`rake secret`")
+unless config['FORCE_SSL']
+ puts "Setting FORCE_SSL to true..."
+ puts capture("heroku config:set FORCE_SSL=true")
+unless config['DOMAIN']
+ puts "Setting DOMAIN to #{app_name}.herokuapp.com..."
+ puts capture("heroku config:set DOMAIN=#{app_name}.herokuapp.com")
+unless config['INVITATION_CODE']
+ puts "You need to set an invitation code for your Huginn instance. If you plan to share this instance, you will"
+ puts "tell this code to anyone who you'd like to invite. If you won't share it, then just set this to something"
+ puts "that people will not guess."
+ invitation_code = nag("What code would you like to use?")
+ puts "Setting INVITATION_CODE to #{invitation_code}..."
+ puts capture("heroku config:set INVITATION_CODE=#{invitation_code}")
+unless config['SMTP_DOMAIN'] && config['SMTP_USER_NAME'] && config['SMTP_PASSWORD'] && config['SMTP_SERVER'] && config['EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS']
+ puts "Okay, let's setup outgoing email settings. The simplest solution is to use the free sendgrid Heroku addon."
+ puts "If you'd like to use your own server, or your Gmail account, please see .env.example and set"
+ puts "SMTP_DOMAIN, SMTP_USER_NAME, SMTP_PASSWORD, and SMTP_SERVER with 'heroku config:set'."
+ if yes?("Should I enable the free sendgrid addon? (y/n)")
+ puts capture("heroku addons:add sendgrid")
+ puts capture("heroku config:set SMTP_SERVER=smtp.sendgrid.net")
+ puts capture("heroku config:set SMTP_DOMAIN=heroku.com")
+ config = grab_heroku_config
+ puts capture("heroku config:set SMTP_USER_NAME=#{config['SENDGRID_USERNAME']}")
+ puts capture("heroku config:set SMTP_PASSWORD=#{config['SENDGRID_PASSWORD']}")
+ else
+ puts "Okay, you'll need to set SMTP_DOMAIN, SMTP_USER_NAME, SMTP_PASSWORD, and SMTP_SERVER with 'heroku config:set' manually."
+ end
+ unless config['EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS']
+ email = nag("What email address would you like email to appear to be sent from?")
+ puts "Setting EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS to #{email}..."
+ puts capture("heroku config:set EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=#{email}")
+ end
+puts "Done!"