@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Agents
gem_dependency_check { defined?(RTurk) }
- description <<-MD
+ description <<~MD
The Human Task Agent is used to create Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) on Mechanical Turk.
#{'## Include `rturk` in your Gemfile to use this Agent!' if dependencies_missing?}
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ module Agents
As with most Agents, `expected_receive_period_in_days` is required if `trigger_on` is set to `event`.
- event_description <<-MD
+ event_description <<~MD
Events look like:
@@ -135,24 +135,45 @@ module Agents
options['hit'] ||= {}
options['hit']['questions'] ||= []
- errors.add(:base, "'trigger_on' must be one of 'schedule' or 'event'") unless %w[schedule event].include?(options['trigger_on'])
- errors.add(:base, "'hit.assignments' should specify the number of HIT assignments to create") unless options['hit']['assignments'].present? && options['hit']['assignments'].to_i > 0
+ errors.add(
+ :base, "'trigger_on' must be one of 'schedule' or 'event'"
+ ) unless %w[schedule event].include?(options['trigger_on'])
+ errors.add(
+ :base,
+ "'hit.assignments' should specify the number of HIT assignments to create"
+ ) unless options['hit']['assignments'].present? &&
+ options['hit']['assignments'].to_i > 0
errors.add(:base, "'hit.title' must be provided") unless options['hit']['title'].present?
errors.add(:base, "'hit.description' must be provided") unless options['hit']['description'].present?
- errors.add(:base, "'hit.questions' must be provided") unless options['hit']['questions'].present? && options['hit']['questions'].length > 0
+ errors.add(:base, "'hit.questions' must be provided") unless options['hit']['questions'].present?
if options['trigger_on'] == "event"
- errors.add(:base, "'expected_receive_period_in_days' is required when 'trigger_on' is set to 'event'") unless options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].present?
+ errors.add(
+ :base,
+ "'expected_receive_period_in_days' is required when 'trigger_on' is set to 'event'"
+ ) unless options['expected_receive_period_in_days'].present?
elsif options['trigger_on'] == "schedule"
- errors.add(:base, "'submission_period' must be set to a positive number of hours when 'trigger_on' is set to 'schedule'") unless options['submission_period'].present? && options['submission_period'].to_i > 0
+ errors.add(
+ :base,
+ "'submission_period' must be set to a positive number of hours when 'trigger_on' is set to 'schedule'"
+ ) unless options['submission_period'].present? &&
+ options['submission_period'].to_i > 0
- if options['hit']['questions'].any? { |question| %w[key name required type question].any? {|k| !question[k].present? } }
+ if options['hit']['questions'].any? { |question|
+ %w[key name required type question].any? { |k| question[k].blank? }
+ }
errors.add(:base, "all questions must set 'key', 'name', 'required', 'type', and 'question'")
- if options['hit']['questions'].any? { |question| question['type'] == "selection" && (!question['selections'].present? || question['selections'].length == 0 || !question['selections'].all? {|s| s['key'].present? } || !question['selections'].all? { |s| s['text'].present? })}
- errors.add(:base, "all questions of type 'selection' must have a selections array with selections that set 'key' and 'name'")
+ if options['hit']['questions'].any? { |question|
+ question['type'] == "selection" && (
+ question['selections'].blank? ||
+ question['selections'].any? { |s| s['key'].blank? || s['text'].blank? }
+ )
+ }
+ errors.add(:base,
+ "all questions of type 'selection' must have a selections array with selections that set 'key' and 'name'")
if take_majority? && options['hit']['questions'].any? { |question| question['type'] != "selection" }
@@ -160,7 +181,14 @@ module Agents
if create_poll?
- errors.add(:base, "poll_options is required when combination_mode is set to 'poll' and must have the keys 'title', 'instructions', 'row_template', and 'assignments'") unless options['poll_options'].is_a?(Hash) && options['poll_options']['title'].present? && options['poll_options']['instructions'].present? && options['poll_options']['row_template'].present? && options['poll_options']['assignments'].to_i > 0
+ errors.add(
+ :base,
+ "poll_options is required when combination_mode is set to 'poll' and must have the keys 'title', 'instructions', 'row_template', and 'assignments'"
+ ) unless options['poll_options'].is_a?(Hash) &&
+ options['poll_options']['title'].present? &&
+ options['poll_options']['instructions'].present? &&
+ options['poll_options']['row_template'].present? &&
+ options['poll_options']['assignments'].to_i > 0
@@ -229,7 +257,6 @@ module Agents
if defined?(RTurk)
def take_majority?
interpolated['combination_mode'] == "take_majority" || interpolated['take_majority'] == "true"
@@ -266,139 +293,151 @@ module Agents
assignments = hit.assignments
log "Looking at HIT #{hit_id}. I found #{assignments.length} assignments#{" with the statuses: #{assignments.map(&:status).to_sentence}" if assignments.length > 0}"
- if assignments.length == hit.max_assignments && assignments.all? { |assignment| assignment.status == "Submitted" }
- inbound_event = event_for_hit(hit_id)
+ next unless assignments.length == hit.max_assignments &&
+ assignments.all? { |assignment|
+ assignment.status == "Submitted"
+ }
- if hit_type(hit_id) == 'poll'
- # handle completed polls
+ inbound_event = event_for_hit(hit_id)
- log "Handling a poll: #{hit_id}"
+ if hit_type(hit_id) == 'poll'
+ # handle completed polls
- scores = {}
- assignments.each do |assignment|
- assignment.answers.each do |index, rating|
- scores[index] ||= 0
- scores[index] += rating.to_i
- end
+ log "Handling a poll: #{hit_id}"
+ scores = {}
+ assignments.each do |assignment|
+ assignment.answers.each do |index, rating|
+ scores[index] ||= 0
+ scores[index] += rating.to_i
+ end
- top_answer = scores.to_a.sort {|b, a| a.last <=> b.last }.first.first
+ top_answer = scores.to_a.sort { |b, a| a.last <=> b.last }.first.first
- payload = {
- 'answers' => memory['hits'][hit_id]['answers'],
- 'poll' => assignments.map(&:answers),
- 'best_answer' => memory['hits'][hit_id]['answers'][top_answer.to_i - 1]
- }
+ payload = {
+ 'answers' => memory['hits'][hit_id]['answers'],
+ 'poll' => assignments.map(&:answers),
+ 'best_answer' => memory['hits'][hit_id]['answers'][top_answer.to_i - 1]
+ }
- event = create_event :payload => payload
- log "Event emitted with answer(s) for poll", :outbound_event => event, :inbound_event => inbound_event
- else
- # handle normal completed HITs
- payload = { 'answers' => assignments.map(&:answers) }
- if take_majority?
- counts = {}
- options['hit']['questions'].each do |question|
- question_counts = question['selections'].inject({}) { |memo, selection| memo[selection['key']] = 0; memo }
- assignments.each do |assignment|
- answers = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(assignment.answers)
- answer = answers[question['key']]
- question_counts[answer] += 1
- end
- counts[question['key']] = question_counts
+ event = create_event(payload:)
+ log("Event emitted with answer(s) for poll", outbound_event: event, inbound_event:)
+ else
+ # handle normal completed HITs
+ payload = { 'answers' => assignments.map(&:answers) }
+ if take_majority?
+ counts = {}
+ options['hit']['questions'].each do |question|
+ question_counts = question['selections'].each_with_object({}) { |selection, memo|
+ memo[selection['key']] = 0
+ }
+ assignments.each do |assignment|
+ answers = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(assignment.answers)
+ answer = answers[question['key']]
+ question_counts[answer] += 1
- payload['counts'] = counts
+ counts[question['key']] = question_counts
+ end
+ payload['counts'] = counts
- majority_answer = counts.inject({}) do |memo, (key, question_counts)|
- memo[key] = question_counts.to_a.sort {|a, b| a.last <=> b.last }.last.first
- memo
- end
- payload['majority_answer'] = majority_answer
- if all_questions_are_numeric?
- average_answer = counts.inject({}) do |memo, (key, question_counts)|
- sum = divisor = 0
- question_counts.to_a.each do |num, count|
- sum += num.to_s.to_f * count
- divisor += count
- end
- memo[key] = sum / divisor.to_f
- memo
+ majority_answer = counts.each_with_object({}) do |(key, question_counts), memo|
+ memo[key] = question_counts.to_a.sort_by(&:last).last.first
+ end
+ payload['majority_answer'] = majority_answer
+ if all_questions_are_numeric?
+ average_answer = counts.each_with_object({}) do |(key, question_counts), memo|
+ sum = divisor = 0
+ question_counts.to_a.each do |num, count|
+ sum += num.to_s.to_f * count
+ divisor += count
- payload['average_answer'] = average_answer
+ memo[key] = sum / divisor.to_f
+ payload['average_answer'] = average_answer
+ end
- if create_poll?
- questions = []
- selections = 5.times.map { |i| { 'key' => i+1, 'text' => i+1 } }.reverse
- assignments.length.times do |index|
- questions << {
- 'type' => "selection",
- 'name' => "Item #{index + 1}",
- 'key' => index,
- 'required' => "true",
- 'question' => interpolate_string(options['poll_options']['row_template'], assignments[index].answers),
- 'selections' => selections
- }
- end
+ if create_poll?
+ questions = []
+ selections = 5.times.map { |i| { 'key' => i + 1, 'text' => i + 1 } }.reverse
+ assignments.length.times do |index|
+ questions << {
+ 'type' => "selection",
+ 'name' => "Item #{index + 1}",
+ 'key' => index,
+ 'required' => "true",
+ 'question' => interpolate_string(options['poll_options']['row_template'],
+ assignments[index].answers),
+ 'selections' => selections
+ }
+ end
- poll_hit = create_hit 'title' => options['poll_options']['title'],
- 'description' => options['poll_options']['instructions'],
- 'questions' => questions,
- 'assignments' => options['poll_options']['assignments'],
- 'lifetime_in_seconds' => options['poll_options']['lifetime_in_seconds'],
- 'reward' => options['poll_options']['reward'],
- 'payload' => inbound_event && inbound_event.payload,
- 'metadata' => { 'type' => 'poll',
- 'original_hit' => hit_id,
- 'answers' => assignments.map(&:answers),
- 'event_id' => inbound_event && inbound_event.id }
- log "Poll HIT created with ID #{poll_hit.id} and URL #{poll_hit.url}. Original HIT: #{hit_id}", :inbound_event => inbound_event
- else
- if options[:separate_answers]
- payload['answers'].each.with_index do |answer, index|
- sub_payload = payload.dup
- sub_payload.delete('answers')
- sub_payload['answer'] = answer
- event = create_event :payload => sub_payload
- log "Event emitted with answer ##{index}", :outbound_event => event, :inbound_event => inbound_event
- end
- else
- event = create_event :payload => payload
- log "Event emitted with answer(s)", :outbound_event => event, :inbound_event => inbound_event
- end
+ poll_hit = create_hit(
+ 'title' => options['poll_options']['title'],
+ 'description' => options['poll_options']['instructions'],
+ 'questions' => questions,
+ 'assignments' => options['poll_options']['assignments'],
+ 'lifetime_in_seconds' => options['poll_options']['lifetime_in_seconds'],
+ 'reward' => options['poll_options']['reward'],
+ 'payload' => inbound_event && inbound_event.payload,
+ 'metadata' => {
+ 'type' => 'poll',
+ 'original_hit' => hit_id,
+ 'answers' => assignments.map(&:answers),
+ 'event_id' => inbound_event && inbound_event.id
+ }
+ )
+ log(
+ "Poll HIT created with ID #{poll_hit.id} and URL #{poll_hit.url}. Original HIT: #{hit_id}",
+ inbound_event:
+ )
+ elsif options[:separate_answers]
+ payload['answers'].each.with_index do |answer, index|
+ sub_payload = payload.dup
+ sub_payload.delete('answers')
+ sub_payload['answer'] = answer
+ event = create_event payload: sub_payload
+ log("Event emitted with answer ##{index}", outbound_event: event, inbound_event:)
+ else
+ event = create_event(payload:)
+ log("Event emitted with answer(s)", outbound_event: event, inbound_event:)
+ end
- assignments.each(&:approve!)
- hit.dispose!
+ assignments.each(&:approve!)
+ hit.dispose!
- memory['hits'].delete(hit_id)
- end
+ memory['hits'].delete(hit_id)
def all_questions_are_numeric?
interpolated['hit']['questions'].all? do |question|
question['selections'].all? do |selection|
- selection['key'] == selection['key'].to_f.to_s || selection['key'] == selection['key'].to_i.to_s
+ value = selection['key']
+ value == value.to_f.to_s || value == value.to_i.to_s
def create_basic_hit(event = nil)
- hit = create_hit 'title' => options['hit']['title'],
- 'description' => options['hit']['description'],
- 'questions' => options['hit']['questions'],
- 'assignments' => options['hit']['assignments'],
- 'lifetime_in_seconds' => options['hit']['lifetime_in_seconds'],
- 'reward' => options['hit']['reward'],
- 'payload' => event && event.payload,
- 'metadata' => { 'event_id' => event && event.id }
- log "HIT created with ID #{hit.id} and URL #{hit.url}", :inbound_event => event
+ hit = create_hit(
+ 'title' => options['hit']['title'],
+ 'description' => options['hit']['description'],
+ 'questions' => options['hit']['questions'],
+ 'assignments' => options['hit']['assignments'],
+ 'lifetime_in_seconds' => options['hit']['lifetime_in_seconds'],
+ 'reward' => options['hit']['reward'],
+ 'payload' => event && event.payload,
+ 'metadata' => { 'event_id' => event && event.id }
+ )
+ log("HIT created with ID #{hit.id} and URL #{hit.url}", inbound_event: event)
def create_hit(opts = {})
@@ -406,13 +445,13 @@ module Agents
title = interpolate_string(opts['title'], payload).strip
description = interpolate_string(opts['description'], payload).strip
questions = interpolate_options(opts['questions'], payload)
- hit = RTurk::Hit.create(title: title) do |hit|
+ hit = RTurk::Hit.create(title:) do |hit|
hit.max_assignments = (opts['assignments'] || 1).to_i
hit.description = description
hit.lifetime = (opts['lifetime_in_seconds'] || 24 * 60 * 60).to_i
- hit.question_form AgentQuestionForm.new(:title => title, :description => description, :questions => questions)
+ hit.question_form AgentQuestionForm.new(title:, description:, questions:)
hit.reward = (opts['reward'] || 0.05).to_f
- #hit.qualifications.add :approval_rate, { :gt => 80 }
+ # hit.qualifications.add :approval_rate, { gt: 80 }
memory['hits'] ||= {}
memory['hits'][hit.id] = opts['metadata'] || {}