@@ -387,24 +387,11 @@ class Agent < ActiveRecord::Base
- # Given an Agent id and an array of Event ids, load the Agent, call #receive on it with the Event objects, and then
- # save it with an updated `last_receive_at` timestamp.
- #
- # This method is tagged with `handle_asynchronously` and will be delayed and run with delayed_job. It accepts Agent
- # and Event ids instead of a literal ActiveRecord models because it is preferable to serialize delayed_jobs with ids.
+ # This method will enqueue an AgentReceiveJob job. It accepts Agent and Event ids instead of a literal ActiveRecord
+ # models because it is preferable to serialize jobs with ids.
def async_receive(agent_id, event_ids)
- agent = Agent.find(agent_id)
- begin
- return if agent.unavailable?
- agent.receive(Event.where(:id => event_ids).order(:id))
- agent.last_receive_at = Time.now
- agent.save!
- rescue => e
- agent.error "Exception during receive. #{e.message}: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"
- raise
- end
+ AgentReceiveJob.perform_later(agent_id, event_ids)
- handle_asynchronously :async_receive
# Given a schedule name, run `check` via `bulk_check` on all Agents with that schedule.
# This is called by bin/schedule.rb for each schedule in `SCHEDULES`.
@@ -425,24 +412,11 @@ class Agent < ActiveRecord::Base
- # Given an Agent id, load the Agent, call #check on it, and then save it with an updated `last_check_at` timestamp.
- #
- # This method is tagged with `handle_asynchronously` and will be delayed and run with delayed_job. It accepts an Agent
- # id instead of a literal Agent because it is preferable to serialize delayed_jobs with ids, instead of with the full
- # Agents.
+ # This method will enqueue an AgentCheckJob job. It accepts an Agent id instead of a literal Agent because it is
+ # preferable to serialize job with ids, instead of with the full Agents.
def async_check(agent_id)
- agent = Agent.find(agent_id)
- begin
- return if agent.unavailable?
- agent.check
- agent.last_check_at = Time.now
- agent.save!
- rescue => e
- agent.error "Exception during check. #{e.message}: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"
- raise
- end
+ AgentCheckJob.perform_later(agent_id)
- handle_asynchronously :async_check