@@ -736,3 +736,98 @@ describe Agent do
+describe AgentDrop do
+ def interpolate(string, agent)
+ agent.interpolate_string(string, "agent" => agent)
+ end
+ before do
+ @wsa1 = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new(
+ name: 'XKCD',
+ options: {
+ expected_update_period_in_days: 2,
+ type: 'html',
+ url: 'http://xkcd.com/',
+ mode: 'on_change',
+ extract: {
+ url: { css: '#comic img', attr: 'src' },
+ title: { css: '#comic img', attr: 'alt' },
+ },
+ },
+ schedule: 'every_1h',
+ keep_events_for: 2)
+ @wsa1.user = users(:bob)
+ @wsa1.save!
+ @wsa2 = Agents::WebsiteAgent.new(
+ name: 'Dilbert',
+ options: {
+ expected_update_period_in_days: 2,
+ type: 'html',
+ url: 'http://dilbert.com/',
+ mode: 'on_change',
+ extract: {
+ url: { css: '[id^=strip_enlarged_] img', attr: 'src' },
+ title: { css: '.STR_DateStrip', text: true },
+ },
+ },
+ schedule: 'every_12h',
+ keep_events_for: 2)
+ @wsa2.user = users(:bob)
+ @wsa2.save!
+ @efa = Agents::EventFormattingAgent.new(
+ name: 'Formatter',
+ options: {
+ instructions: {
+ message: '{{agent.name}}: {{title}} {{url}}',
+ agent: '{{agent.type}}',
+ },
+ mode: 'clean',
+ matchers: [],
+ skip_created_at: 'false',
+ },
+ keep_events_for: 2,
+ propagate_immediately: true)
+ @efa.user = users(:bob)
+ @efa.sources << @wsa1 << @wsa2
+ @efa.memory[:test] = 1
+ @efa.save!
+ end
+ it 'should be created via Agent#to_liquid' do
+ @wsa1.to_liquid.class.should be(AgentDrop)
+ @wsa2.to_liquid.class.should be(AgentDrop)
+ @efa.to_liquid.class.should be(AgentDrop)
+ end
+ it 'should have .type and .name' do
+ t = '{{agent.type}}: {{agent.name}}'
+ interpolate(t, @wsa1).should eq('WebsiteAgent: XKCD')
+ interpolate(t, @wsa2).should eq('WebsiteAgent: Dilbert')
+ interpolate(t, @efa).should eq('EventFormattingAgent: Formatter')
+ end
+ it 'should have .options' do
+ t = '{{agent.options.url}}'
+ interpolate(t, @wsa1).should eq('http://xkcd.com/')
+ interpolate(t, @wsa2).should eq('http://dilbert.com/')
+ interpolate('{{agent.options.instructions.message}}',
+ @efa).should eq('{{agent.name}}: {{title}} {{url}}')
+ end
+ it 'should have .sources' do
+ t = '{{agent.sources.size}}: {{agent.sources | map:"name" | join:", "}}'
+ interpolate(t, @wsa1).should eq('0: ')
+ interpolate(t, @wsa2).should eq('0: ')
+ interpolate(t, @efa).should eq('2: XKCD, Dilbert')
+ end
+ it 'should have .receivers' do
+ t = '{{agent.receivers.size}}: {{agent.receivers | map:"name" | join:", "}}'
+ interpolate(t, @wsa1).should eq('1: Formatter')
+ interpolate(t, @wsa2).should eq('1: Formatter')
+ interpolate(t, @efa).should eq('0: ')
+ end