@@ -560,6 +560,63 @@ describe Agents::WebhookAgent do
expect(out).to eq(["Event Created", 201])
expect(Event.last.payload).to eq(payload)
+ it "should accept a request if recaptcha_secret is set and g-recaptcha-response given is verified and
+ reCAPTCHA v3 score is above score_treshold" do
+ agent.options['payload_path'] = '.'
+ agent.options['recaptcha_secret'] = 'supersupersecret'
+ agent.options['score_threshold'] = 0.5
+ webpayload = ActionDispatch::Request.new({
+ 'action_dispatch.request.request_parameters' => payload.merge({ 'g-recaptcha-response' => 'somevalue' }),
+ 'action_dispatch.request.path_parameters' => { secret: 'foobar' },
+ 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/xml',
+ 'HTTP_X_HELLO_WORLD' => "Hello Huginn"
+ })
+ checked = false
+ out = nil
+ stub_request(:any, /verify/).to_return { |request|
+ checked = true
+ { status: 200, body: '{"success":true, "score":0.9}' }
+ }
+ expect {
+ out = agent.receive_web_request(webpayload)
+ }.to change { checked }
+ expect(out).to eq(["Event Created", 201])
+ expect(Event.last.payload).to eq(payload)
+ end
+ it "should reject a request if recaptcha_secret is set and g-recaptcha-response given is verified and
+ reCAPTCHA v3 score is below score_treshold" do
+ agent.options['payload_path'] = '.'
+ agent.options['recaptcha_secret'] = 'supersupersecret'
+ agent.options['score_threshold'] = 0.5
+ webpayload = ActionDispatch::Request.new({
+ 'action_dispatch.request.request_parameters' => payload.merge({ 'g-recaptcha-response' => 'somevalue' }),
+ 'action_dispatch.request.path_parameters' => { secret: 'foobar' },
+ 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/xml',
+ 'HTTP_X_HELLO_WORLD' => "Hello Huginn"
+ })
+ checked = false
+ out = nil
+ stub_request(:any, /verify/).to_return { |request|
+ checked = true
+ { status: 200, body: '{"success":true, "score":0.1}' }
+ }
+ expect {
+ out = agent.receive_web_request(webpayload)
+ }.to change { checked }
+ expect(out).to eq(["Not Authorized", 401])
+ end
context "with headers" do