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+Docker image for Huginn using the production environment and separate container for every process
+This image runs a linkable [Huginn](https://github.com/cantino/huginn) instance.
+It was inspired by the [official docker container for huginn](https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/cantino/huginn)
+The scripts/init script generates a .env file containing the variables as passed as per normal Huginn documentation.
+The same environment variables that would be used for Heroku PaaS deployment are used by this script.
+The scripts/init script is aware of mysql and postgres linked containers through the environment variables:
+Its recommended to use an image that allows you to create a database via environmental variables at docker run, like `postgresql` or `mysql`, so the db is populated when this script runs.
+Additionally, the database variables may be overridden from the above as per the standard Huginn documentation:
+ DATABASE_ADAPTER #(must be either 'postgresql' or 'mysql2')
+This script will run database migrations (rake db:migrate) which should be idempotent.
+It will also seed the database (rake db:seed) unless this is defined:
+This same seeding initially defines the "admin" user with a default password of "password" as per the standard Huginn documentation.
+If you do not wish to have the default 6 agents, you will want to set the above environment variable after your initially deploy, otherwise they will be added automatically the next time a container pointing at the database is spun up.
+The CMD launches Huginn via the scripts/init script. This may become the ENTRYPOINT later. It does take under a minute for Huginn to come up. Use environmental variables that match your DB's creds to ensure it works.
+## Usage
+Simple startup using docker compose (you need to daemonize with `-d` to persist the data):
+ cd docker/single-process
+ docker-compose up
+or if you like to use PostgreSQL:
+ docker-compose -f postgresql.yml up
+Manual startup and linking to a MySQL container:
+ docker run --name huginn_mysql \
+ -e MYSQL_DATABASE=huginn \
+ -e MYSQL_USER=huginn \
+ -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=somethingsecret \
+ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=somethingevenmoresecret \
+ mysql
+ docker run --name huginn_web \
+ --link huginn_mysql:mysql \
+ -p 3000:3000 \
+ -e DATABASE_NAME=huginn \
+ -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=somethingsecret \
+ dsander/huginn-single-process
+ docker run --name huginn_threaded \
+ --link huginn_mysql:mysql \
+ -e DATABASE_NAME=huginn \
+ -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=somethingsecret \
+ dsander/huginn-single-process /scripts/init bin/threaded.rb
+## Environment Variables
+Other Huginn 12factored environment variables of note, as generated and put into the .env file as per Huginn documentation. All variables of the [.env.example](https://github.com/cantino/huginn/blob/master/.env.example) can be used to override the defaults which a read from the current `.env.example`.
+For variables in the .env.example that are commented out, the default is to not include that variable in the generated .env file.
+## Building on your own
+You don't need to do this on your own, but if you really want:
+ docker build --rm=true --tag={yourname}/huginn .
+## Source
+The source is [available on GitHub](https://github.com/cantino/huginn/docker/single-process/).
+Please feel free to submit pull requests and/or fork at your leisure.