@@ -171,6 +171,33 @@ describe Agent do
+ describe "creating a new agent and then .receive!" do
+ before do
+ stub_request(:any, /wunderground/).to_return(:body => File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/weather.json")), :status => 200)
+ stub.any_instance_of(Agents::WeatherAgent).is_tomorrow?(anything) { true }
+ end
+ it "should not backfill events for a newly created agent" do
+ Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id)
+ Agent.receive!
+ checker = Agents::TriggerAgent.new(:name => "New trigger agent", :options => {
+ :expected_receive_period_in_days => "2",
+ :rules => [{
+ :type => "regex",
+ :value => "rain",
+ :path => "conditions"
+ }],
+ :message => "Just so you know, it looks like '<conditions>' tomorrow in <zipcode>"
+ })
+ checker.user = users(:bob)
+ checker.sources << agents(:bob_weather_agent)
+ checker.save!
+ checker.sources.first.events.count.should be > 0
+ Agent.receive!
+ checker.events.count.should eq(0)
+ end
+ end
describe "validations" do
it "calls validate_options" do
agent = Agents::SomethingSource.new(:name => "something")