@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Agents::EvernoteAgent do
+ class FakeEvernoteNoteStore
+ attr_accessor :notes, :tags, :notebooks
+ def initialize
+ @notes, @tags, @notebooks = [], [], []
+ end
+ def createNote(note)
+ note.attributes = OpenStruct.new(source: nil, sourceURL: nil)
+ note.guid = @notes.length + 1
+ @notes << note
+ note
+ end
+ def updateNote(note)
+ note.attributes = OpenStruct.new(source: nil, sourceURL: nil)
+ old_note = @notes.find {|en_note| en_note.guid == note.guid}
+ @notes[@notes.index(old_note)] = note
+ note
+ end
+ def getNote(guid, *other_args)
+ @notes.find {|note| note.guid == guid}
+ end
+ def createNotebook(notebook)
+ notebook.guid = @notebooks.length + 1
+ @notebooks << notebook
+ notebook
+ end
+ def createTag(tag)
+ tag.guid = @tags.length + 1
+ @tags << tag
+ tag
+ end
+ def listNotebooks; @notebooks; end
+ def listTags; @tags; end
+ def getNoteTagNames(guid)
+ getNote(guid).try(:tagNames) || []
+ end
+ def findNotesMetadata(*args); end
+ end
+ let(:en_note_store) do
+ FakeEvernoteNoteStore.new
+ end
+ before do
+ stub.any_instance_of(Agents::EvernoteAgent).evernote_note_store { en_note_store }
+ end
+ describe "#receive" do
+ context "when mode is set to 'update'" do
+ before do
+ @options = {
+ :mode => "update",
+ :include_xhtml_content => "false",
+ :expected_update_period_in_days => "2",
+ :note => {
+ :title => "{{title}}",
+ :content => "{{content}}",
+ :notebook => "{{notebook}}",
+ :tagNames => "{{tag1}}, {{tag2}}"
+ }
+ }
+ @agent = Agents::EvernoteAgent.new(:name => "evernote updater", :options => @options)
+ @agent.service = services(:generic)
+ @agent.user = users(:bob)
+ @agent.save!
+ @event = Event.new
+ @event.agent = agents(:bob_website_agent)
+ @event.payload = { :title => "xkcd Survey",
+ :content => "The xkcd Survey: Big Data for a Big Planet",
+ :notebook => "xkcd",
+ :tag1 => "funny",
+ :tag2 => "data" }
+ @event.save!
+ tag1 = OpenStruct.new(name: "funny")
+ tag2 = OpenStruct.new(name: "data")
+ [tag1, tag2].each { |tag| en_note_store.createTag(tag) }
+ end
+ it "adds a note for any payload it receives" do
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata { OpenStruct.new(notes: []) }
+ Agents::EvernoteAgent.async_receive(@agent.id, [@event.id])
+ expect(en_note_store.notes.size).to eq(1)
+ expect(en_note_store.notes.first.title).to eq("xkcd Survey")
+ expect(en_note_store.notebooks.size).to eq(1)
+ expect(en_note_store.tags.size).to eq(2)
+ expect(@agent.events.count).to eq(1)
+ expect(@agent.events.first.payload).to eq({
+ "title" => "xkcd Survey",
+ "notebook" => "xkcd",
+ "tags" => ["funny", "data"],
+ "source" => nil,
+ "source_url" => nil
+ })
+ end
+ context "a note with the same title and notebook exists" do
+ before do
+ note1 = OpenStruct.new(title: "xkcd Survey", notebookGuid: 1)
+ note2 = OpenStruct.new(title: "Footprints", notebookGuid: 1)
+ [note1, note2].each { |note| en_note_store.createNote(note) }
+ en_note_store.createNotebook(OpenStruct.new(name: "xkcd"))
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata {
+ OpenStruct.new(notes: [note1]) }
+ end
+ it "updates the existing note" do
+ Agents::EvernoteAgent.async_receive(@agent.id, [@event.id])
+ expect(en_note_store.notes.size).to eq(2)
+ expect(en_note_store.getNote(1).tagNames).to eq(["funny", "data"])
+ expect(@agent.events.count).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "include_xhtml_content is set to 'true'" do
+ before do
+ @agent.options[:include_xhtml_content] = "true"
+ @agent.save!
+ end
+ it "creates an event with note content wrapped in ENML" do
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata { OpenStruct.new(notes: []) }
+ Agents::EvernoteAgent.async_receive(@agent.id, [@event.id])
+ payload = @agent.events.first.payload
+ expect(payload[:content]).to eq(
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" \
+ "<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd\">" \
+ "<en-note>The xkcd Survey: Big Data for a Big Planet</en-note>"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#check" do
+ context "when mode is set to 'read'" do
+ before do
+ @options = {
+ :mode => "read",
+ :include_xhtml_content => "false",
+ :expected_update_period_in_days => "2",
+ :note => {
+ :title => "",
+ :content => "",
+ :notebook => "xkcd",
+ :tagNames => "funny, comic"
+ }
+ }
+ @checker = Agents::EvernoteAgent.new(:name => "evernote reader", :options => @options)
+ @checker.service = services(:generic)
+ @checker.user = users(:bob)
+ @checker.schedule = "every_2h"
+ @checker.save!
+ @checker.created_at = 1.minute.ago
+ en_note_store.createNote(
+ OpenStruct.new(title: "xkcd Survey",
+ notebookGuid: 1,
+ updated: 2.minutes.ago.to_i * 1000,
+ tagNames: ["funny", "comic"])
+ )
+ en_note_store.createNotebook(OpenStruct.new(name: "xkcd"))
+ tag1 = OpenStruct.new(name: "funny")
+ tag2 = OpenStruct.new(name: "comic")
+ [tag1, tag2].each { |tag| en_note_store.createTag(tag) }
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata {
+ notes = en_note_store.notes.select do |note|
+ note.notebookGuid == 1 &&
+ %w(funny comic).all? { |tag_name| note.tagNames.include?(tag_name) }
+ end
+ OpenStruct.new(notes: notes)
+ }
+ end
+ context "the first time it checks" do
+ it "returns only notes created/updated since it was created" do
+ expect { @checker.check }.to change { Event.count }.by(0)
+ end
+ end
+ context "on subsequent checks" do
+ it "returns notes created/updated since the last time it checked" do
+ expect { @checker.check }.to change { Event.count }.by(0)
+ future_time = (Time.now + 1.minute).to_i * 1000
+ en_note_store.createNote(
+ OpenStruct.new(title: "Footprints",
+ notebookGuid: 1,
+ tagNames: ["funny", "comic", "recent"],
+ updated: future_time))
+ en_note_store.createNote(
+ OpenStruct.new(title: "something else",
+ notebookGuid: 2,
+ tagNames: ["funny", "comic"],
+ updated: future_time))
+ expect { @checker.check }.to change { Event.count }.by(1)
+ end
+ it "returns notes tagged since the last time it checked" do
+ en_note_store.createNote(
+ OpenStruct.new(title: "Footprints",
+ notebookGuid: 1,
+ tagNames: [],
+ created: Time.now.to_i * 1000,
+ updated: Time.now.to_i * 1000))
+ @checker.check
+ en_note_store.getNote(2).tagNames = ["funny", "comic"]
+ expect { @checker.check }.to change { Event.count }.by(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#validation" do
+ before do
+ @options = {
+ :mode => "update",
+ :include_xhtml_content => "false",
+ :expected_update_period_in_days => "2",
+ :note => {
+ :title => "{{title}}",
+ :content => "{{content}}",
+ :notebook => "{{notebook}}",
+ :tagNames => "{{tag1}}, {{tag2}}"
+ }
+ }
+ @agent = Agents::EvernoteAgent.new(:name => "evernote updater", :options => @options)
+ @agent.service = services(:generic)
+ @agent.user = users(:bob)
+ @agent.save!
+ expect(@agent).to be_valid
+ end
+ it "requires the mode to be 'update' or 'read'" do
+ @agent.options[:mode] = ""
+ expect(@agent).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ context "mode is set to 'update'" do
+ before do
+ @agent.options[:mode] = "update"
+ end
+ it "requires some note parameter to be present" do
+ @agent.options[:note].keys.each { |k| @agent.options[:note][k] = "" }
+ expect(@agent).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ it "requires schedule to be 'never'" do
+ @agent.schedule = 'never'
+ expect(@agent).to be_valid
+ @agent.schedule = 'every_1m'
+ expect(@agent).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ end
+ context "mode is set to 'read'" do
+ before do
+ @agent.options[:mode] = "read"
+ end
+ it "requires a schedule to be set" do
+ @agent.schedule = 'every_1m'
+ expect(@agent).to be_valid
+ @agent.schedule = 'never'
+ expect(@agent).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # api wrapper classes
+ describe Agents::EvernoteAgent::NoteStore do
+ let(:note_store) { Agents::EvernoteAgent::NoteStore.new(en_note_store) }
+ let(:note1) { OpenStruct.new(title: "first note") }
+ let(:note2) { OpenStruct.new(title: "second note") }
+ before do
+ en_note_store.createNote(note1)
+ en_note_store.createNote(note2)
+ end
+ describe "#create_note" do
+ it "creates a note with given params in evernote note store" do
+ note_store.create_note(title: "third note")
+ expect(en_note_store.notes.size).to eq(3)
+ expect(en_note_store.notes.last.title).to eq("third note")
+ end
+ it "returns a note" do
+ expect(note_store.create_note(title: "third note")).to be_a(Agents::EvernoteAgent::Note)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#update_note" do
+ it "updates an existing note with given params" do
+ note_store.update_note(guid: 1, content: "some words")
+ expect(en_note_store.notes.first.content).not_to be_nil
+ expect(en_note_store.notes.size).to eq(2)
+ end
+ it "returns a note" do
+ expect(note_store.update_note(guid: 1, content: "some words")).to be_a(Agents::EvernoteAgent::Note)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#find_note" do
+ it "gets a note with the given guid" do
+ note = note_store.find_note(2)
+ expect(note.title).to eq("second note")
+ expect(note).to be_a(Agents::EvernoteAgent::Note)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#find_tags" do
+ let(:tag1) { OpenStruct.new(name: "tag1") }
+ let(:tag2) { OpenStruct.new(name: "tag2") }
+ let(:tag3) { OpenStruct.new(name: "tag3") }
+ before do
+ [tag1, tag2, tag3].each { |tag| en_note_store.createTag(tag) }
+ end
+ it "finds tags with the given guids" do
+ expect(note_store.find_tags([1,3])).to eq([tag1, tag3])
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#find_notebook" do
+ let(:notebook1) { OpenStruct.new(name: "notebook1") }
+ let(:notebook2) { OpenStruct.new(name: "notebook2") }
+ before do
+ [notebook1, notebook2].each {|notebook| en_note_store.createNotebook(notebook)}
+ end
+ it "finds a notebook with given name" do
+ expect(note_store.find_notebook(name: "notebook1")).to eq(notebook1)
+ expect(note_store.find_notebook(name: "notebook3")).to be_nil
+ end
+ it "finds a notebook with a given guid" do
+ expect(note_store.find_notebook(guid: 2)).to eq(notebook2)
+ expect(note_store.find_notebook(guid: 3)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#create_or_update_note" do
+ let(:notebook1) { OpenStruct.new(name: "first notebook")}
+ before do
+ en_note_store.createNotebook(notebook1)
+ end
+ context "a note with given title and notebook does not exist" do
+ before do
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata { OpenStruct.new(notes: []) }
+ end
+ it "creates a note" do
+ result = note_store.create_or_update_note(title: "third note", notebook: "first notebook")
+ expect(result).to be_a(Agents::EvernoteAgent::Note)
+ expect(en_note_store.getNote(3)).to_not be_nil
+ end
+ it "also creates the notebook if it does not exist" do
+ note_store.create_or_update_note(title: "third note", notebook: "second notebook")
+ expect(note_store.find_notebook(name: "second notebook")).to_not be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "such a note does exist" do
+ let(:note) { OpenStruct.new(title: "a note", notebookGuid: 1) }
+ before do
+ en_note_store.createNote(note)
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata { OpenStruct.new(notes: [note]) }
+ end
+ it "updates the note" do
+ prior_note_count = en_note_store.notes.size
+ result = note_store.create_or_update_note(
+ title: "a note", notebook: "first notebook", content: "test content")
+ expect(result).to be_a(Agents::EvernoteAgent::Note)
+ expect(en_note_store.notes.size).to eq(prior_note_count)
+ expect(en_note_store.getNote(3).content).to include("test content")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe Agents::EvernoteAgent::NoteStore::Search do
+ let(:note_store) { Agents::EvernoteAgent::NoteStore.new(en_note_store) }
+ let(:note1) {
+ OpenStruct.new(title: "first note", notebookGuid: 1, tagNames: ["funny", "comic"], updated: Time.now) }
+ let(:note2) {
+ OpenStruct.new(title: "second note", tagNames: ["funny", "comic"], updated: Time.now) }
+ let(:note3) {
+ OpenStruct.new(title: "third note", notebookGuid: 1, updated: Time.now - 2.minutes) }
+ let(:search) do
+ Agents::EvernoteAgent::NoteStore::Search.new(note_store,
+ { tagNames: ["funny", "comic"], notebook: "xkcd" })
+ end
+ let(:search_with_time) do
+ Agents::EvernoteAgent::NoteStore::Search.new(note_store,
+ { notebook: "xkcd", last_checked_at: Time.now - 1.minute })
+ end
+ let(:search_with_time_and_tags) do
+ Agents::EvernoteAgent::NoteStore::Search.new(note_store,
+ { notebook: "xkcd", tagNames: ["funny", "comic"], notes_with_tags: [1], last_checked_at: Time.now - 1.minute })
+ end
+ before do
+ en_note_store.createTag(OpenStruct.new(name: "funny"))
+ en_note_store.createTag(OpenStruct.new(name: "comic"))
+ en_note_store.createNotebook(OpenStruct.new(name: "xkcd"))
+ [note1, note2, note3].each { |note| en_note_store.createNote(note) }
+ end
+ describe "#note_guids" do
+ it "returns the guids of notes satisfying search options" do
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata { OpenStruct.new(notes: [note1]) }
+ result = search.note_guids
+ expect(result.size).to eq(1)
+ expect(result.first).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#notes" do
+ context "last_checked_at is not set" do
+ it "returns notes satisfying the search options" do
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata { OpenStruct.new(notes: [note1]) }
+ result = search.notes
+ expect(result.size).to eq(1)
+ expect(result.first.title).to eq("first note")
+ expect(result.first).to be_a(Agents::EvernoteAgent::Note)
+ end
+ end
+ context "last_checked_at is set" do
+ context "notes_with_tags is not set" do
+ it "only returns notes updated since then" do
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata { OpenStruct.new(notes: [note1, note3]) }
+ result = search_with_time.notes
+ expect(result.size).to eq(1)
+ expect(result.first.title).to eq("first note")
+ end
+ end
+ context "notes_with_tags is set" do
+ it "returns notes updated since then or notes with recently added tags" do
+ note3.tagNames = ["funny", "comic"]
+ stub(en_note_store).findNotesMetadata { OpenStruct.new(notes: [note1, note3]) }
+ result = search_with_time_and_tags.notes
+ expect(result.size).to eq(2)
+ expect(result.last.title).to eq("third note")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#create_filter" do
+ it "builds an evernote search filter using search grammar" do
+ filter = search.create_filter
+ expect(filter.words).to eq("notebook:\"xkcd\" tag:funny tag:comic")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe Agents::EvernoteAgent::Note do
+ let(:resource) {
+ OpenStruct.new(mime: "image/png",
+ attributes: OpenStruct.new(sourceURL: "http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/xkcd_survey.png", fileName: "xkcd_survey.png"))
+ }
+ let(:en_note_attributes) {
+ OpenStruct.new(source: "web.clip", sourceURL: "http://xkcd.com/1572/")
+ }
+ let(:en_note) {
+ OpenStruct.new(title: "xkcd Survey",
+ tagNames: ["funny", "data"],
+ content: "The xkcd Survey: Big Data for a Big Planet",
+ attributes: en_note_attributes,
+ resources: [resource])
+ }
+ describe "#attr" do
+ let(:note) {
+ Agents::EvernoteAgent::Note.new(en_note, "xkcd", ["funny", "data"])
+ }
+ context "when no option is set" do
+ it "returns a hash with title, tags, notebook, source and source url" do
+ expect(note.attr).to eq(
+ {
+ title: en_note.title,
+ notebook: "xkcd",
+ tags: ["funny", "data"],
+ source: en_note.attributes.source,
+ source_url: en_note.attributes.sourceURL
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "when include_content is set to true" do
+ it "includes content" do
+ note_attr = note.attr(include_content: true)
+ expect(note_attr[:content]).to eq(
+ "The xkcd Survey: Big Data for a Big Planet"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "when include_resources is set to true" do
+ it "includes resources" do
+ note_attr = note.attr(include_resources: true)
+ expect(note_attr[:resources].first).to eq(
+ {
+ url: resource.attributes.sourceURL,
+ name: resource.attributes.fileName,
+ mime_type: resource.mime
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end