@@ -94,4 +94,42 @@ describe WebRequestsController do
post :handle_request, :user_id => users(:bob).to_param, :agent_id => 454545, :secret => "my_secret", :no => "go"
response.should be_missing
+ describe "legacy update_location endpoint" do
+ before do
+ @agent = Agent.build_for_type("Agents::UserLocationAgent", users(:bob), name: "something", options: { secret: "my_secret" })
+ @agent.save!
+ end
+ it "should create events without requiring login" do
+ post :update_location, user_id: users(:bob).to_param, secret: "my_secret", longitude: 123, latitude: 45, something: "else"
+ @agent.events.last.payload.should == { 'longitude' => "123", 'latitude' => "45", 'something' => "else" }
+ @agent.events.last.lat.should == 45
+ @agent.events.last.lng.should == 123
+ end
+ it "should only consider Agents::UserLocationAgents for the given user" do
+ @jane_agent = Agent.build_for_type("Agents::UserLocationAgent", users(:jane), name: "something", options: { secret: "my_secret" })
+ @jane_agent.save!
+ post :update_location, user_id: users(:bob).to_param, secret: "my_secret", longitude: 123, latitude: 45, something: "else"
+ @agent.events.last.payload.should == { 'longitude' => "123", 'latitude' => "45", 'something' => "else" }
+ @jane_agent.events.should be_empty
+ end
+ it "should raise a 404 error when given an invalid user id" do
+ post :update_location, user_id: "123", secret: "not_my_secret", longitude: 123, latitude: 45, something: "else"
+ response.should be_missing
+ end
+ it "should only look at agents with the given secret" do
+ @agent2 = Agent.build_for_type("Agents::UserLocationAgent", users(:bob), name: "something", options: { secret: "my_secret2" })
+ @agent2.save!
+ lambda {
+ post :update_location, user_id: users(:bob).to_param, secret: "my_secret2", longitude: 123, latitude: 45, something: "else"
+ @agent2.events.last.payload.should == { 'longitude' => "123", 'latitude' => "45", 'something' => "else" }
+ }.should_not change { @agent.events.count }
+ end
+ end