@@ -3,6 +3,34 @@ require 'rails_helper'
describe Agent do
it_behaves_like WorkingHelpers
+ describe '.active/inactive' do
+ let(:agent) { agents(:jane_website_agent) }
+ it 'is active per default' do
+ expect(Agent.active).to include(agent)
+ expect(Agent.inactive).not_to include(agent)
+ end
+ it 'is not active when disabled' do
+ agent.update_attribute(:disabled, true)
+ expect(Agent.active).not_to include(agent)
+ expect(Agent.inactive).to include(agent)
+ end
+ it 'is not active when deactivated' do
+ agent.update_attribute(:deactivated, true)
+ expect(Agent.active).not_to include(agent)
+ expect(Agent.inactive).to include(agent)
+ end
+ it 'is not active when disabled and deactivated' do
+ agent.update_attribute(:disabled, true)
+ agent.update_attribute(:deactivated, true)
+ expect(Agent.active).not_to include(agent)
+ expect(Agent.inactive).to include(agent)
+ end
+ end
describe ".bulk_check" do
before do
@weather_agent_count = Agents::WeatherAgent.where(:schedule => "midnight", :disabled => false).count
@@ -18,6 +46,12 @@ describe Agent do
mock(Agents::WeatherAgent).async_check(anything).times(@weather_agent_count - 1)
+ it "should skip agents of deactivated accounts" do
+ agents(:bob_weather_agent).user.deactivate!
+ mock(Agents::WeatherAgent).async_check(anything).times(@weather_agent_count - 1)
+ Agents::WeatherAgent.bulk_check("midnight")
+ end
describe ".run_schedule" do
@@ -335,6 +369,13 @@ describe Agent do
Agent.receive! # and we receive it
}.to change { agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).reload.last_checked_event_id }
+ it "should not run agents of deactivated accounts" do
+ agents(:bob_weather_agent).user.deactivate!
+ Agent.async_check(agents(:bob_weather_agent).id)
+ mock(Agent).async_receive(agents(:bob_rain_notifier_agent).id, anything).times(0)
+ Agent.receive!
+ end
describe ".async_receive" do