@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Agents
class DataOutputAgent < Agent
+ include WebRequestConcern
description do
@@ -19,9 +21,10 @@ module Agents
* `secrets` - An array of tokens that the requestor must provide for light-weight authentication.
* `expected_receive_period_in_days` - How often you expect data to be received by this Agent from other Agents.
- * `template` - A JSON object representing a mapping between item output keys and incoming event values. Use [Liquid](https://github.com/cantino/huginn/wiki/Formatting-Events-using-Liquid) to format the values. Values of the `link`, `title`, `description` and `icon` keys will be put into the \\<channel\\> section of RSS output. The `item` key will be repeated for every Event. The `pubDate` key for each item will have the creation time of the Event unless given.
+ * `template` - A JSON object representing a mapping between item output keys and incoming event values. Use [Liquid](https://github.com/cantino/huginn/wiki/Formatting-Events-using-Liquid) to format the values. Values of the `link`, `title`, `description` and `icon` keys will be put into the \\<channel\\> section of RSS output. Value of the `self` key will be used as URL for this feed itself, which is useful when you serve it via reverse proxy. The `item` key will be repeated for every Event. The `pubDate` key for each item will have the creation time of the Event unless given.
* `events_to_show` - The number of events to output in RSS or JSON. (default: `40`)
* `ttl` - A value for the \\<ttl\\> element in RSS output. (default: `60`)
+ * `push_hubs` - Set to a list of PubSubHubbub endpoints you want to publish an update to every time this agent receives an event. (default: none) Popular hubs include [Superfeedr](https://pubsubhubbub.superfeedr.com/) and [Google](https://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/). Note that publishing updates will make your feed URL known to the public, so if you want to keep it secret, set up a reverse proxy to serve your feed via a safe URL and specify it in `template.self`.
If you'd like to output RSS tags with attributes, such as `enclosure`, use something like the following in your `template`:
@@ -95,6 +98,29 @@ module Agents
unless options['template'].present? && options['template']['item'].present? && options['template']['item'].is_a?(Hash)
errors.add(:base, "Please provide template and template.item")
+ case options['push_hubs']
+ when nil
+ when Array
+ options['push_hubs'].each do |hub|
+ case hub
+ when /\{/
+ # Liquid templating
+ when String
+ begin
+ URI.parse(hub)
+ rescue URI::Error
+ errors.add(:base, "invalid URL found in push_hubs")
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ errors.add(:base, "push_hubs must be an array of endpoint URLs")
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ errors.add(:base, "push_hubs must be an array")
+ end
def events_to_show
@@ -114,11 +140,12 @@ module Agents
def feed_url(options = {})
- feed_link + Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.
- web_requests_path(agent_id: id || ':id',
- user_id: user_id,
- secret: options[:secret],
- format: options[:format])
+ interpolated['template']['self'].presence ||
+ feed_link + Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.
+ web_requests_path(agent_id: id || ':id',
+ user_id: user_id,
+ secret: options[:secret],
+ format: options[:format])
def feed_icon
@@ -129,6 +156,10 @@ module Agents
interpolated['template']['description'].presence || "A feed of Events received by the '#{name}' Huginn Agent"
+ def push_hubs
+ interpolated['push_hubs'].presence || []
+ end
def receive_web_request(params, method, format)
unless interpolated['secrets'].include?(params['secret'])
if format =~ /json/
@@ -159,40 +190,54 @@ module Agents
+ now = Time.now
if format =~ /json/
content = {
'title' => feed_title,
'description' => feed_description,
- 'pubDate' => Time.now,
+ 'pubDate' => now,
'items' => simplify_item_for_json(items)
return [content, 200]
- content = Utils.unindent(<<-XML)
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
- <channel>
- <atom:link href=#{feed_url(secret: params['secret'], format: :xml).encode(xml: :attr)} rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
- <atom:icon>#{feed_icon.encode(xml: :text)}</atom:icon>
- <title>#{feed_title.encode(xml: :text)}</title>
- <description>#{feed_description.encode(xml: :text)}</description>
- <link>#{feed_link.encode(xml: :text)}</link>
- <lastBuildDate>#{Time.now.rfc2822.to_s.encode(xml: :text)}</lastBuildDate>
- <pubDate>#{Time.now.rfc2822.to_s.encode(xml: :text)}</pubDate>
- <ttl>#{feed_ttl}</ttl>
+ hub_links = push_hubs.map { |hub|
+ <<-XML
+ <atom:link rel="hub" href=#{hub.encode(xml: :attr)}/>
+ }.join
+ items = simplify_item_for_xml(items)
+ .to_xml(skip_types: true, root: "items", skip_instruct: true, indent: 1)
+ .gsub(%r{^</?items>\n}, '')
+ return [<<-XML, 200, 'text/xml']
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/">
+ <atom:link href=#{feed_url(secret: params['secret'], format: :xml).encode(xml: :attr)} rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
+ <atom:icon>#{feed_icon.encode(xml: :text)}</atom:icon>
+ <title>#{feed_title.encode(xml: :text)}</title>
+ <description>#{feed_description.encode(xml: :text)}</description>
+ <link>#{feed_link.encode(xml: :text)}</link>
+ <lastBuildDate>#{now.rfc2822.to_s.encode(xml: :text)}</lastBuildDate>
+ <pubDate>#{now.rfc2822.to_s.encode(xml: :text)}</pubDate>
+ <ttl>#{feed_ttl}</ttl>
+ end
+ end
+ end
- content += simplify_item_for_xml(items).to_xml(skip_types: true, root: "items", skip_instruct: true, indent: 1).gsub(/^<\/?items>/, '').strip
- content += Utils.unindent(<<-XML)
- </channel>
- </rss>
+ def receive(incoming_events)
+ url = feed_url(secret: interpolated['secrets'].first, format: :xml)
- return [content, 200, 'text/xml']
- end
+ push_hubs.each do |hub|
+ push_to_hub(hub, url)
@@ -261,5 +306,32 @@ module Agents
+ def push_to_hub(hub, url)
+ hub_uri =
+ begin
+ URI.parse(hub)
+ rescue URI::Error
+ nil
+ end
+ if !hub_uri.is_a?(URI::HTTP)
+ error "Invalid push endpoint: #{hub}"
+ return
+ end
+ log "Pushing #{url} to #{hub_uri}"
+ return if dry_run?
+ begin
+ faraday.post hub_uri, {
+ 'hub.mode' => 'publish',
+ 'hub.url' => url
+ }
+ rescue => e
+ error "Push failed: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ end