Pārlūkot izejas kodu

the next nine commits
squashing 36 commits into one giant commit
Create twitter_favorite agent

Agent that returns favorite tweet of given user

Added history, number and clean up

'history' is buffer to hold historical tweet.id this can be used for memory optimization, 'number' is number of latest tweets that Agent retrieve.

Update to use Array, Clean code, renamed

I put Array into 'memory' to make it simpler, that clean up some not needed code. Hope it will be included to make it more wide used.

Fix'd typos

Fix'd typos #2

Fix'd ref on null object

Fixed `undefined method `include' for nil:NilClass`

Added Pocket variable

Added POCKET_OAUTH_KEY for Pocket support

Adding first scraps

pocket_concerns.rb scrap

something for pocket

Added Pocket gem

Revert "Added Pocket gem"

This reverts commit 701ecd5393b05a8926dba9e45834592dd09774ef.

Revert "pocket_concerns.rb scrap"

This reverts commit cd1b3a751dcb3ca6f36746cfddb23b3e889fb986.

Revert "Adding first scraps"

This reverts commit 4e63b1302364218d46c062f915e1023e63886f43.

Revert "Added Pocket variable"

This reverts commit bb390680bb7bfd6cb424a283d7103dbd15966538.

renamed file with agent to make file names consistent

added in factory girl and disabled master fixture replacement

some work on spec file

spec one fail one success

rm factory girl

cleaner specs

twitter favorites spec half done

deleted extra agent

comment out one of the test

twitter favorite specs

a more proper date

changed back to starting at

fixed number to history typo

altered memory in agent

shifting memory down by one instead of halfing memory last seen

removed typo

replaced all mockobject with agent

fixed indentation issue

setting up event payload information and switched to tectonic

asserted payload looks what it is suppose to

reduced 5 events to 1 event

updated tweets json and spec file

checking out my db schema

rm date from options

rm last test

removed saved from check method

put back last spec and test passed

changed date make it change by 3 instead

moved memory shifting into the loop

moved memory last seen outside of the loop

Michał (Gore) Półrolniczak 9 gadi atpakaļ

+ 87 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+module Agents
+  class TwitterFavorites < Agent
+    include TwitterConcern
+    cannot_receive_events!
+    description <<-MD
+      The Twitter Favorites List Agent follows the favorites list of a specified Twitter user.
+      #{twitter_dependencies_missing if dependencies_missing?}
+      To be able to use this Agent you need to authenticate with Twitter in the [Services](/services) section first.
+      You must also provide the `username` of the Twitter user, `number` of latest tweets to monitor and `history' as number of tweets that will be held in memory.
+      Set `expected_update_period_in_days` to the maximum amount of time that you'd expect to pass between Events being created by this Agent.
+      Set `starting_at` to the date/time (eg. `Mon Jun 02 00:38:12 +0000 2014`) you want to start receiving tweets from (default: agent's `created_at`)
+    MD
+    event_description <<-MD
+      Events are the raw JSON provided by the [Twitter API](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/favorites/list). Should look something like:
+          {
+             ... every Tweet field, including ...
+            "text": "something",
+            "user": {
+              "name": "Mr. Someone",
+              "screen_name": "Someone",
+              "location": "Vancouver BC Canada",
+              "description":  "...",
+              "followers_count": 486,
+              "friends_count": 1983,
+              "created_at": "Mon Aug 29 23:38:14 +0000 2011",
+              "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
+              "statuses_count": 3807,
+              "lang": "en"
+            },
+            "retweet_count": 0,
+            "entities": ...
+            "lang": "en"
+          }
+    MD
+    default_schedule "every_1h"
+    def working?
+      event_created_within?(interpolated['expected_update_period_in_days']) && !recent_error_logs?
+    end
+    def default_options
+      {
+        'username' => 'tectonic',
+        'number' => '10',
+        'history' => '100',
+        'expected_update_period_in_days' => '2'
+      }
+    end
+     def validate_options
+      errors.add(:base, "username is required") unless options['username'].present?
+      errors.add(:base, "number is required") unless options['number'].present?
+      errors.add(:base, "history is required") unless options['history'].present?
+      errors.add(:base, "expected_update_period_in_days is required") unless options['expected_update_period_in_days'].present?
+      if options[:starting_at].present?
+        Time.parse(options[:starting_at]) rescue errors.add(:base, "Error parsing starting_at")
+      end
+    end
+    def starting_at
+      if interpolated[:starting_at].present?
+        Time.parse(interpolated[:starting_at]) rescue created_at
+      else
+        created_at
+      end
+    end
+    def check
+      opts = {:count => interpolated['number']}
+      tweets = twitter.favorites(interpolated['username'], opts)
+      memory[:last_seen] ||= []
+      tweets.each do |tweet|
+        unless memory[:last_seen].include?(tweet.id) || tweet.created_at < starting_at
+          memory[:last_seen].push(tweet.id)
+          memory[:last_seen].shift if memory[:last_seen].length > interpolated['history'].to_i
+          create_event payload: tweet.attrs
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end

+ 98 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
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+  "text": "@tectonic this is everything I've been afraid of",
+  "source": "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/download/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPhone<\/a>",
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+ 701 - 0

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@@ -94,6 +94,20 @@ bob_twitter_user_agent:
       :oauth_token_secret => "---"
     }.to_json.inspect %>
+  type: Agents::TwitterFavorites
+  user: tectonic
+  name: "tectonic's Twitter Favorites Watcher"
+  guid: <%= SecureRandom.hex %>
+  options: <%= {
+      :username => "tectonic",
+      :expected_update_period_in_days => "2",
+      :consumer_key => "---",
+      :consumer_secret => "---",
+      :oauth_token => "---",
+      :oauth_token_secret => "---"
+    }.to_json.inspect %>
   type: Agents::ManualEventAgent
   user: bob

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+describe Agents::TwitterFavorites do
+  before do
+    stub_request(:any, /tectonic/).to_return(body: File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/user_fav_tweets.json")), status: 200)
+  end
+  before do
+    @opts = {:username => "tectonic", :number => "10", :history => "100", :expected_update_period_in_days => "2", :starting_at => "Sat Feb 20 01:32:08 +0000 2016"}
+    @agent = Agents::TwitterFavorites.new(name: "tectonic", options: @opts)
+    @agent.service = services(:generic)
+    @agent.events.new(payload: JSON.parse(File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/one_fav_tweet.json"))))
+    @agent.user = users(:bob)
+    @agent.save!
+    @event = Event.new
+    @event.agent = agents(:tectonic_twitter_user_agent)
+    @event.payload = JSON.parse(File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/one_fav_tweet.json")))
+    @event.save!
+  end
+  describe "making sure agent last event payload is equivalent to event payload" do
+    it "expect change method to change event" do
+      expect(@agent.events.last.payload).to eq(@event.payload)
+    end
+  end
+  describe "making sure check method works" do
+    it "expect change method to change event" do
+     expect { @agent.check }.to change {Event.count}.by(3)
+    end
+  end
+  describe "#check with starting_at=future date" do
+    it "should check for changes starting_at a future date, thus not find any" do
+      opts = @opts.merge({ starting_at: "Thurs Feb 23 16:12:04 +0000 2017" })
+      @agent1 = Agents::TwitterFavorites.new(name: "tectonic", options: opts)
+      @agent1.service = services(:generic)
+      @agent1.user = users(:bob)
+      @agent1.save!
+      expect { @agent1.check }.to change { Event.count }.by(0)
+    end
+  end