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Working public transport agent, currently works for san francisco muni by default configuration

Umar M. Sheikh há 11 anos atrás
3 ficheiros alterados com 134 adições e 0 exclusões
  1. 1 0
  2. 2 0
  3. 131 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ gem 'rails'
 gem 'rake'
 gem 'mysql2'
 gem 'devise'
+gem "patron"
 gem 'kaminari'
 gem 'bootstrap-kaminari-views'
 gem "rufus-scheduler", :require => false

+ 2 - 0

@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ GEM
       multi_xml (~> 0.5)
       rack (~> 1.2)
     orm_adapter (0.4.0)
+    patron (0.4.18)
     polyglot (0.3.3)
     pry (
       coderay (~> 1.0.5)
@@ -280,6 +281,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
+  patron

+ 131 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+require 'date'
+require 'cgi'
+module Agents
+  class PublicTransportAgent < Agent
+    cannot_receive_events!
+    description <<-MD
+      The Public Transport Agent monitors if any bus is expected to arrive at a particular stop in 5 minutes or less.
+      You must specify 5 things for it too work correctly. Your state, city, route, stop and destination. All these things
+      should be in the language that nextbus understands. For details check out and
+      Specify the following user settings:
+        - stops (array)
+        - agency (string)
+        - alert_window_in_minutes (integer)
+      This Agent generates Events based on NextBus GPS transit predictions.  First, select an agency by visiting and finding your transit system.  Once you find it, copy the part of the URL after `?a=`.  For example, for the San Francisco MUNI system, you would end up on and copy "sf-muni".  Put that into this Agent's agency setting.
+      Next, find the stop tags that you care about.  To find the tags for the sf-muni system, for the N route, visit this URL:
+      The tags are listed as tag="1234".  Copy that number and add the route before it, separated by a pipe (|) symbol.  Once you have one or more tags from that page, add them to this Agent's stop list.  E.g,
+          agency: "sf-muni"
+          stops: ["N|5221", "N|5215"]
+      This Agent will generate predictions by requesting a URL similar to the following:
+      Finally, set the arrival window that you're interested in.  E.g., 5 minutes.  Events will be created by the agent anytime a new train or bus comes into that time window.
+    alert_window_in_minutes: 5
+having the agent's default check period be every minute, and creating an Event in #check whenever a new tripTag (supplied by the predictionsForMultiStops API) shows up within alert_window_in_minutes from the stop.  Do not create events for the same tripTag more than once per stop.  I'd do this by keeping a list of [stop tag, tripTag, timestamp] tuples in memory and checking to make sure one doesn't already exist before making a new Event.  This memory should get cleaned up when timestamp is older than an hour (or something) so that it doesn't fill up all of the Agent's memory.
+The NextBusAgent doesn't need to receive Events.
+It needs to fetch XML from one URL, store a list of timestamps in memory, and make Events.
+    MD
+    default_schedule "every_2m"
+    event_description <<-MD
+    Events look like this:
+      { "routeTitle":"N-Judah",
+        "stopTag":"5215",
+        "prediction": 
+           {"epochTime":"1389622846689",
+            "seconds":"3454","minutes":"57","isDeparture":"false",
+            "affectedByLayover":"true","dirTag":"N__OB4KJU","vehicle":"1489",
+            "block":"9709","tripTag":"5840086"
+            }
+      }
+    MD
+    def session
+      @session ||=
+      @session.connect_timeout = 10
+      @session.timeout = 60
+      @session.headers['Accept-Language'] = 'en-us,en;q=0.5'
+      @session.headers['User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/9.0.584.0 Safari/534.12"
+      @session
+    end
+    def check_me
+      binding.pry
+    end
+    def check_url
+      stop_query = URI.encode(options["stops"].collect{|a| "&stops=#{a}"}.join)
+      u  = "{options["agency"]}#{stop_query}"
+      log "Fetching #{u}"
+      u
+    end
+    def stops
+      options["stops"].collect{|a| a.split("|").last}
+    end
+    def check
+      puts "*************************\n\n\n\nI get called!!!\n\n\n\n**************************************"
+      page = session.get(check_url)
+      page = Nokogiri::XML page.body
+      predictions = page.css("//prediction")
+      puts "predictions #{predictions.to_xml}"
+      puts "minutes #{predictions.collect{|a| a["minutes"]}.join(",")}"
+      predictions.each do |pr|
+        parent = pr.parent.parent
+        vals = {routeTitle: parent["routeTitle"], stopTag: parent["stopTag"]}
+        if pr["minutes"] && pr["minutes"].to_i < 60
+          vals = vals.merge Hash.from_xml(pr.to_xml)
+          if not_already_in_memory?(vals)
+            create_event(:payload => vals)
+            add_to_memory(vals)
+          else
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def add_to_memory(vals)
+      self.memory["existing_routes"] ||= []
+      self.memory["existing_routes"] << {stopTag: vals["stopTag"], tripTag: vals["prediction"]["tripTag"], epochTime: vals["prediction"]["epochTime"], currentTime:}
+    end
+    def not_already_in_memory?(vals)
+      m = self.memory["existing_routes"]
+{|h| h[:stopTag] == vals["stopTag"] &&
+                h[:tripTag] == vals["prediction"]["tripTag"] &&
+                h[:epochTime] == vals["prediction"]["epochTime"]
+              }.count == 0
+    end
+    def default_options
+      {
+        agency: "sf-muni",
+        stops: ["N|5221", "N|5215"],
+        alert_window_in_minutes: 5
+      }
+    end
+    def validate_options
+      errors.add(:base, 'agency is required') unless options['agency'].present?
+      errors.add(:base, 'alert_window_in_minutes is required') unless options['alert_window_in_minutes'].present?
+      errors.add(:base, 'stops are required') unless options['stops'].present?
+    end
+    def working?
+      event_created_within?(2) && !recent_error_logs?
+    end
+  end