@@ -46,6 +46,22 @@ describe AgentsController do
+ describe "GET new with :id" do
+ it "opens a clone of a given Agent" do
+ sign_in users(:bob)
+ get :new, :id => agents(:bob_website_agent).to_param
+ assigns(:agent).attributes.should eq(users(:bob).agents.build_clone(agents(:bob_website_agent)).attributes)
+ end
+ it "only allows the current user to clone his own Agent" do
+ sign_in users(:bob)
+ lambda {
+ get :new, :id => agents(:jane_website_agent).to_param
+ }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
+ end
+ end
describe "GET edit" do
it "only shows Agents for the current user" do
sign_in users(:bob)