@@ -122,6 +122,27 @@ describe Agents::WebsiteAgent do
expect(@checker).to be_valid
+ context "in 'html' type" do
+ it "should ensure that all extractions have either 'xpath' or 'css'" do
+ @checker.options['type'] = 'html'
+ @checker.options['extract'] = {
+ 'url' => { 'array' => true },
+ }
+ expect(@checker).to_not be_valid
+ expect(@checker.errors_on(:base)).to include(/When type is html or xml, all extractions must have a css or xpath attribute/) & include(/Unknown key "array"/)
+ @checker.options['extract'] = {
+ 'url' => { 'xpath' => '//bar', 'single_array' => true },
+ }
+ expect(@checker).to be_valid
+ @checker.options['extract'] = {
+ 'url' => { 'css' => 'bar' },
+ }
+ expect(@checker).to be_valid
+ end
+ end
describe "#check" do
@@ -781,7 +802,7 @@ describe Agents::WebsiteAgent do
'title' => { 'xpath' => '/feed/entry', 'value' => 'normalize-space(./title)' },
'url' => { 'xpath' => '/feed/entry', 'value' => './link[1]/@href' },
'thumbnail' => { 'xpath' => '/feed/entry', 'value' => './thumbnail/@url' },
- 'page_title': { 'xpath': '/feed/title', 'value': 'string(.)', 'repeat' => true }
+ 'page_title' => { 'xpath' => '/feed/title', 'value' => 'string(.)', 'repeat' => true }
}, keep_events_for: 2.days)
@checker.user = users(:bob)
@@ -1173,7 +1194,7 @@ fire: hot
it 'returns an array of found nodes when the array extract_option is true' do
stub_request(:any, /foo/).to_return(body: File.read(Rails.root.join("spec/data_fixtures/xkcd.html")), status: 200)
- @checker.options['extract']['nav_links'] = {'css' => '#topLeft li', 'value' => 'normalize-space(.)', 'array' => 'true'}
+ @checker.options['extract']['nav_links'] = {'css' => '#topLeft li', 'value' => 'normalize-space(.)', 'single_array' => 'true'}
expect {
}.to change { Event.count }.by(1)