@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+module DotHelper
+ def render_agents_diagram(agents)
+ if (command = ENV['USE_GRAPHVIZ_DOT']) &&
+ (svg = IO.popen([command, *%w[-Tsvg -q1 -o/dev/stdout /dev/stdin]], 'w+') { |dot|
+ dot.print agents_dot(agents, true)
+ dot.close_write
+ dot.read
+ } rescue false)
+ svg.html_safe
+ else
+ tag('img', src: URI('https://chart.googleapis.com/chart').tap { |uri|
+ uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(cht: 'gv', chl: agents_dot(agents))
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def dot_id(string)
+ # Backslash escaping seems to work for the backslash itself,
+ # despite the DOT language document.
+ '"%s"' % string.gsub(/\\/, "\\\\\\\\").gsub(/"/, "\\\\\"")
+ end
+ def agents_dot(agents, rich = false)
+ "digraph foo {".tap { |dot|
+ agents.each.with_index do |agent, index|
+ if rich
+ dot << '%s[URL=%s];' % [dot_id(agent.name), dot_id(agent_path(agent.id))]
+ else
+ dot << '%s;' % dot_id(agent.name)
+ end
+ agent.receivers.each do |receiver|
+ dot << "%s->%s;" % [dot_id(agent.name), dot_id(receiver.name)]
+ end
+ end
+ dot << "}"
+ }
+ end