@@ -125,4 +125,149 @@ describe Agents::TwitterStreamAgent do
+ context "#setup_worker" do
+ it "ensures the dependencies are available" do
+ mock(STDERR).puts(Agents::TwitterStreamAgent.twitter_dependencies_missing)
+ mock(Agents::TwitterStreamAgent).dependencies_missing? { true }
+ expect(Agents::TwitterStreamAgent.setup_worker).to eq(false)
+ end
+ it "returns now workers if no agent is active" do
+ mock(Agents::TwitterStreamAgent).active { [] }
+ expect(Agents::TwitterStreamAgent.setup_worker).to eq([])
+ end
+ it "returns a worker for an active agent" do
+ mock(Agents::TwitterStreamAgent).active { [@agent] }
+ workers = Agents::TwitterStreamAgent.setup_worker
+ expect(workers).to be_a(Array)
+ expect(workers.length).to eq(1)
+ expect(workers.first).to be_a(Agents::TwitterStreamAgent::Worker)
+ filter_to_agent_map = workers.first.config[:filter_to_agent_map]
+ expect(filter_to_agent_map.keys).to eq(['keyword1', 'keyword2'])
+ expect(filter_to_agent_map.values).to eq([[@agent], [@agent]])
+ end
+ it "correctly maps keywords to agents" do
+ agent2 = @agent.dup
+ agent2.id = 123455
+ agent2.options[:filters] = ['agent2']
+ mock(Agents::TwitterStreamAgent).active { [@agent, agent2] }
+ workers = Agents::TwitterStreamAgent.setup_worker
+ filter_to_agent_map = workers.first.config[:filter_to_agent_map]
+ expect(filter_to_agent_map.keys).to eq(['keyword1', 'keyword2', 'agent2'])
+ expect(filter_to_agent_map['keyword1']).to eq([@agent])
+ expect(filter_to_agent_map['agent2']).to eq([agent2])
+ end
+ end
+ describe Agents::TwitterStreamAgent::Worker do
+ before(:each) do
+ @mock_agent = mock!
+ @config = {agent: @agent, config: {filter_to_agent_map: {'agent' => [@mock_agent]}}}
+ @worker = Agents::TwitterStreamAgent::Worker.new(@config)
+ @worker.instance_variable_set(:@recent_tweets, [])
+ mock(@worker).schedule_in(Agents::TwitterStreamAgent::Worker::RELOAD_TIMEOUT)
+ @worker.setup!(nil, Mutex.new)
+ end
+ context "#run" do
+ it "starts the stream" do
+ mock(EventMachine).run.yields
+ mock(@worker).stream!(['agent'], @agent)
+ mock(Thread).stop
+ @worker.run
+ end
+ it "yields received tweets" do
+ mock(EventMachine).run.yields
+ mock(@worker).stream!(['agent'], @agent).yields('status' => 'hello')
+ mock(@worker).handle_status('status' => 'hello')
+ mock(Thread).stop
+ @worker.run
+ end
+ end
+ context "#stop" do
+ it "stops the thread" do
+ mock(@worker.thread).terminate
+ @worker.stop
+ end
+ end
+ context "stream!" do
+ def stub_without(method = nil)
+ stream_stub = stub!
+ stream_stub.each_item if method != :each_item
+ stream_stub.on_error if method != :on_error
+ stream_stub.on_no_data if method != :on_no_data
+ stream_stub.on_max_reconnects if method != :on_max_reconnects
+ stub(Twitter::JSONStream).connect { stream_stub }
+ stream_stub
+ end
+ it "initializes Twitter::JSONStream" do
+ mock(Twitter::JSONStream).connect({:path=>"/1/statuses/filter.json?track=agent",
+ :ssl=>true, :oauth=>{:consumer_key=>"twitteroauthkey",
+ :consumer_secret=>"twitteroauthsecret",
+ :access_key=>"1234token",
+ :access_secret=>"56789secret"}
+ }) { stub_without }
+ @worker.send(:stream!, ['agent'], @agent)
+ end
+ context "callback handling" do
+ it "logs error messages" do
+ stub_without(:on_error).on_error.yields('woups')
+ mock(STDERR).puts(" --> Twitter error: woups <--")
+ @worker.send(:stream!, ['agent'], @agent)
+ end
+ it "stop when no data was received"do
+ stub_without(:on_no_data).on_no_data.yields
+ mock(@worker).restart!
+ mock(STDERR).puts(" --> Got no data for awhile; trying to reconnect.")
+ @worker.send(:stream!, ['agent'], @agent)
+ end
+ it "sleeps for 60 seconds on_max_reconnects" do
+ stub_without(:on_max_reconnects).on_max_reconnects.yields
+ mock(STDERR).puts(" --> Oops, tried too many times! <--")
+ mock(@worker).sleep(60)
+ mock(@worker).restart!
+ @worker.send(:stream!, ['agent'], @agent)
+ end
+ it "yields every status received" do
+ stub_without(:each_item).each_item.yields({'text' => 'hello'})
+ @worker.send(:stream!, ['agent'], @agent) do |status|
+ expect(status).to eq({'text' => 'hello'})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "#handle_status" do
+ it "skips retweets" do
+ mock.instance_of(IO).puts('Skipping retweet: retweet')
+ @worker.send(:handle_status, {'text' => 'retweet', 'retweeted_status' => {one: true}})
+ end
+ it "deduplicates tweets" do
+ mock.instance_of(IO).puts("dup")
+ @worker.send(:handle_status, {'text' => 'dup', 'id_str' => 1})
+ mock.instance_of(IO).puts("Skipping duplicate tweet: dup")
+ @worker.send(:handle_status, {'text' => 'dup', 'id_str' => 1})
+ end
+ it "calls the agent to process the tweet" do
+ stub.instance_of(IO).puts
+ mock(@mock_agent).name { 'mock' }
+ mock(@mock_agent).process_tweet('agent', {'text' => 'agent'})
+ @worker.send(:handle_status, {'text' => 'agent'})
+ end
+ end
+ end