@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ describe Agents::DropboxWatchAgent do
@agent.user = users(:bob)
+ @agent.service = services(:generic)
@@ -29,11 +30,6 @@ describe Agents::DropboxWatchAgent do
describe '#valid?' do
before(:each) { expect(@agent.valid?).to eq true }
- it 'requires the "access_token"' do
- @agent.options[:access_token] = nil
- expect(@agent.valid?).to eq false
- end
it 'requires a "dir_to_watch"' do
@agent.options[:dir_to_watch] = nil
expect(@agent.valid?).to eq false
@@ -54,11 +50,11 @@ describe Agents::DropboxWatchAgent do
describe '#check' do
- let(:first_result) { 'first_result' }
+ let(:first_result) { [{ 'path' => '1.json', 'rev' => '1', 'modified' => '01-01-01' }] }
before(:each) do
- stub.proxy(Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxAPI).new('70k3n') do |api|
- stub(api).dir('/my/dropbox/dir') { first_result }
+ stub.proxy(Dropbox::API::Client).new do |api|
+ stub(api).ls('/my/dropbox/dir') { first_result }
@@ -79,13 +75,13 @@ describe Agents::DropboxWatchAgent do
context 'subsequent calls' do
- let(:second_result) { 'second_result' }
+ let(:second_result) { [{ 'path' => '2.json', 'rev' => '1', 'modified' => '02-02-02' }] }
before(:each) do
@agent.memory = { 'contents' => 'not_empty' }
- stub.proxy(Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxAPI).new('70k3n') do |api|
- stub(api).dir('/my/dropbox/dir') { second_result }
+ stub.proxy(Dropbox::API::Client).new do |api|
+ stub(api).ls('/my/dropbox/dir') { second_result }
@@ -174,68 +170,4 @@ describe Agents::DropboxWatchAgent do
- describe Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxAPI do
- let(:dir_to_watch) { '/my/dropbox/dir' }
- let(:access_token) { '70k3n' }
- let(:api_url) { "https://api.dropbox.com/1/metadata/auto#{dir_to_watch}?access_token=#{access_token}&list=true" }
- describe '#dir' do
- context 'when the provided path exists' do
- before do
- stub_request(:get, api_url).to_return(body: JSON.dump({
- contents: [
- {
- bytes: 0,
- icon: "folder",
- is_dir: true,
- modified: "Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:41:44 +0000",
- path: "#{dir_to_watch}/1.json",
- rev: "1",
- revision: 14743,
- root: "dropbox",
- size: "0 bytes",
- thumb_exists: false
- },
- {
- bytes: 0,
- icon: "folder",
- is_dir: true,
- modified: "Mon, 12 Mar 2013 15:41:44 +0000",
- path: "#{dir_to_watch}/2.json",
- rev: "4",
- revision: 113022,
- root: "dropbox",
- size: "0 bytes",
- thumb_exists: false
- }
- ],
- some: "other",
- things: "we",
- dont: "need"
- }))
- end
- it 'trims down the attributes of the response to our needs' do
- dir_list = Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxAPI.new(access_token).dir(dir_to_watch)
- expect(dir_list).to eq [
- { 'path' => "#{dir_to_watch}/1.json", 'rev' => '1', 'modified' => 'Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:41:44 +0000' },
- { 'path' => "#{dir_to_watch}/2.json", 'rev' => '4', 'modified' => 'Mon, 12 Mar 2013 15:41:44 +0000' }
- ]
- end
- end
- context 'when the provided path does not exist' do
- before { stub_request(:get, api_url).to_return(status: 404, body: '{"error": "Not Found"}') }
- it 'raises a ResourceNotFound error' do
- expect {
- Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxAPI.new(access_token).dir(dir_to_watch)
- }.to raise_error(Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxAPI::ResourceNotFound, dir_to_watch)
- end
- end
- end
- end