@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
require 'nokogiri'
-require 'typhoeus'
+require 'faraday'
+require 'faraday_middleware'
require 'date'
module Agents
class WebsiteAgent < Agent
- cannot_receive_events!
default_schedule "every_12h"
@@ -22,30 +22,36 @@ module Agents
To tell the Agent how to parse the content, specify `extract` as a hash with keys naming the extractions and values of hashes.
- When parsing HTML or XML, these sub-hashes specify how to extract with either a `css` CSS selector or a `xpath` XPath expression and either `'text': true` or `attr` pointing to an attribute name to grab. An example:
+ When parsing HTML or XML, these sub-hashes specify how to extract with either a `css` CSS selector or a `xpath` XPath expression and either `"text": true` or `attr` pointing to an attribute name to grab. An example:
- 'extract': {
- 'url': { 'css': "#comic img", 'attr': "src" },
- 'title': { 'css': "#comic img", 'attr': "title" },
- 'body_text': { 'css': "div.main", 'text': true }
+ "extract": {
+ "url": { "css": "#comic img", "attr": "src" },
+ "title": { "css": "#comic img", "attr": "title" },
+ "body_text": { "css": "div.main", "text": true }
When parsing JSON, these sub-hashes specify [JSONPaths](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) to the values that you care about. For example:
- 'extract': {
- 'title': { 'path': "results.data[*].title" },
- 'description': { 'path': "results.data[*].description" }
+ "extract": {
+ "title": { "path": "results.data[*].title" },
+ "description": { "path": "results.data[*].description" }
Note that for all of the formats, whatever you extract MUST have the same number of matches for each extractor. E.g., if you're extracting rows, all extractors must match all rows. For generating CSS selectors, something like [SelectorGadget](http://selectorgadget.com) may be helpful.
- Can be configured to use HTTP basic auth by including the `basic_auth` parameter with `username:password`.
+ Can be configured to use HTTP basic auth by including the `basic_auth` parameter with `"username:password"`, or `["username", "password"]`.
Set `expected_update_period_in_days` to the maximum amount of time that you'd expect to pass between Events being created by this Agent. This is only used to set the "working" status.
Set `uniqueness_look_back` to limit the number of events checked for uniqueness (typically for performance). This defaults to the larger of #{UNIQUENESS_LOOK_BACK} or #{UNIQUENESS_FACTOR}x the number of detected received results.
Set `force_encoding` to an encoding name if the website does not return a Content-Type header with a proper charset.
+ Set `user_agent` to a custom User-Agent name if the website does not like the default value ("Faraday v#{Faraday::VERSION}").
+ The `headers` field is optional. When present, it should be a hash of headers to send with the request.
+ The WebsiteAgent can also scrape based on incoming events. It will scrape the url contained in the `url` key of the incoming event payload.
event_description do
@@ -102,30 +108,33 @@ module Agents
errors.add(:base, "force_encoding must be a string")
- end
- def check
- hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.new
- log "Fetching #{options['url']}"
- request_opts = { :followlocation => true }
- request_opts[:userpwd] = options['basic_auth'] if options['basic_auth'].present?
+ if options['user_agent'].present?
+ errors.add(:base, "user_agent must be a string") unless options['user_agent'].is_a?(String)
+ end
- requests = []
+ unless headers.is_a?(Hash)
+ errors.add(:base, "if provided, headers must be a hash")
+ end
- if options['url'].kind_of?(Array)
- options['url'].each do |url|
- requests.push(Typhoeus::Request.new(url, request_opts))
- end
- else
- requests.push(Typhoeus::Request.new(options['url'], request_opts))
+ begin
+ basic_auth_credentials()
+ rescue => e
+ errors.add(:base, e.message)
+ end
- requests.each do |request|
- request.on_failure do |response|
- error "Failed: #{response.inspect}"
- end
+ def check
+ check_url options['url']
+ end
- request.on_success do |response|
+ def check_url(in_url)
+ return unless in_url.present?
+ Array(in_url).each do |url|
+ log "Fetching #{url}"
+ response = faraday.get(url)
+ if response.success?
body = response.body
if (encoding = options['force_encoding']).present?
body = body.encode(Encoding::UTF_8, encoding)
@@ -150,7 +159,7 @@ module Agents
when xpath = extraction_details['xpath']
nodes = doc.xpath(xpath)
- error "'css' or 'xpath' is required for HTML or XML extraction"
+ error '"css" or "xpath" is required for HTML or XML extraction'
unless Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet === nodes
@@ -163,7 +172,7 @@ module Agents
elsif extraction_details['text']
- error "'attr' or 'text' is required on HTML or XML extraction patterns"
+ error '"attr" or "text" is required on HTML or XML extraction patterns'
@@ -178,14 +187,14 @@ module Agents
error "Got an uneven number of matches for #{options['name']}: #{options['extract'].inspect}"
old_events = previous_payloads num_unique_lengths.first
num_unique_lengths.first.times do |index|
result = {}
options['extract'].keys.each do |name|
result[name] = output[name][index]
if name.to_s == 'url'
- result[name] = URI.join(options['url'], result[name]).to_s if (result[name] =~ URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.regexp[:ABS_URI]).nil?
+ result[name] = (response.env[:url] + result[name]).to_s
@@ -195,10 +204,16 @@ module Agents
+ else
+ error "Failed: #{response.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
- hydra.queue request
- hydra.run
+ def receive(incoming_events)
+ incoming_events.each do |event|
+ url_to_scrape = event.payload['url']
+ check_url(url_to_scrape) if url_to_scrape =~ /^https?:\/\//i
@@ -275,5 +290,47 @@ module Agents
+ def faraday
+ @faraday ||= Faraday.new { |builder|
+ builder.headers = headers if headers.length > 0
+ if (user_agent = options['user_agent']).present?
+ builder.headers[:user_agent] = user_agent
+ end
+ builder.use FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects
+ builder.request :url_encoded
+ if userinfo = basic_auth_credentials()
+ builder.request :basic_auth, *userinfo
+ end
+ case backend = faraday_backend
+ when :typhoeus
+ require 'typhoeus/adapters/faraday'
+ end
+ builder.adapter backend
+ }
+ end
+ def faraday_backend
+ ENV.fetch('FARADAY_HTTP_BACKEND', 'typhoeus').to_sym
+ end
+ def basic_auth_credentials
+ case value = options['basic_auth']
+ when nil, ''
+ return nil
+ when Array
+ return value if value.size == 2
+ when /:/
+ return value.split(/:/, 2)
+ end
+ raise "bad value for basic_auth: #{value.inspect}"
+ end
+ def headers
+ options['headers'].presence || {}
+ end