Howdoi stashing feature - We agree that sometimes you need to need search results for later and running the same query again and again won’t be that feasible. Hence, Howdoi has a stashing feature which allows you to save your query, view the query, delete the saved results and even empty the entire stash ! (see keep documentation for more information on stashing). Here is how you can do this:
Shortcuts for your parameters - You might run the same parameters many times and again, typing them isn’t always the best option. You can use shortcuts for your parameters by using something like:
$ alias h='function hdi(){ howdoi $* -c -n 5; }; hdi'
And the in your command line, replace your parameters with your alias i.e. h:
$ h format date bash
$ howdoi make pesto
Or use an alias for the same :
$ alias hcook='function hcook(){ howdoi $* ; }; hcook'
$ hcook make pesto
Setting up environment variables - Howdoi uses some environment variables which can be configured by the user as per his/her choice. The following are the environment variables and their usage :