## Extension development You can integrate howdoi as a code editor extension. For this, you need to edit the files within the [extension/code-editor-integration](https://github.com/gleitz/howdoi/tree/master/extension/code-editor-integration) folder. To improve the Visual Studio Code howdoi extension, edit the files within the [extension/vscode-howdoi](https://github.com/gleitz/howdoi/tree/master/extension/vscode-howdoi) folder and republish the extension. #### How to integrate howdoi as a code editor extension? 1. The Code Editor Integration plug-in runs when you call ` runHowdoi` function which takes in a user’s query(type = string). The parameter is encapsulated by a single line comment and is formatted as : `// howdoi query` `runHowdoi` function returns and Object which looks like : ``` { Question: string Answer : string[] Link : string[] } ``` 2. What are these object values? - question : it contains the user’s query encapsulated by a single line comment - answer : contains the three possible answers to the user’s query. - link : link contains the three possible links to the answer encapsulated by a single line comment 3. To start with development, you need to first install howdoi on your machine. Steps to do that lie here. #### Development Next, install all important packages by running `npm install` - To compile the script, run `npm run compile` - To run the script , run `npm start` - To compile and run the script, run `npm run build` - To run the testing script, run `npm test` - Now, to utilize the plug-in to create a howdoi extension, you need to do the following #### Integration To use the plug-in to create a howdoi extension, follow these steps: - Copy the `code-editor-integration` folder in your workspace and remove `node-modules` folder. You can do this by adding the script in your `package.json` file and running it. But, first you will need to install ncp and rimraf.: ``` "copy": "ncp ../code-editor-integration/ src/code-editor-integration/" "clean": "rimraf ./src/code-editor-integration/node_modules" ``` - Import the `plugin.ts` file into your main file. - Call the `runHowdoi` function. #### Visual Code Extension development To begin the development for Visual Studio Code extension, install all the necessary packages: `npm install` Then precompile the extension : `npm run precompile` To run and test extension, utilize the Visual Studio Code’s debugging tools.