#!/usr/bin/env python """Tests for Howdoi.""" import gzip import json import os import re import unittest from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import patch import requests from cachelib import NullCache from pyquery import PyQuery as pq # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from howdoi import howdoi # pylint: disable=protected-access original_get_result = howdoi._get_result def _format_url_to_filename(url, file_ext='html'): filename = ''.join(ch for ch in url if ch.isalnum()) return filename + '.' + file_ext def _get_result_mock(url): # pylint: disable=protected-access file_name = _format_url_to_filename(url, 'html.gz') # pylint: disable=no-member file_path = Path.joinpath(Path(howdoi.HTML_CACHE_PATH), Path(file_name)).resolve() try: with gzip.open(file_path, 'rb') as f: cached_page_content = str(f.read(), encoding='utf-8') return cached_page_content except FileNotFoundError: page_content = original_get_result(url) with gzip.open(file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(bytes(page_content, encoding='utf-8')) return page_content # pylint: disable=protected-access class HowdoiTestCase(unittest.TestCase): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods def setUp(self): self.patcher_get_result = patch.object(howdoi, '_get_result') self.mock_get_result = self.patcher_get_result.start() self.mock_get_result.side_effect = _get_result_mock # ensure no cache is used during testing. howdoi.cache = NullCache() self.queries = ['format date bash', 'print stack trace python', 'convert mp4 to animated gif', 'create tar archive', 'cat'] self.help_queries = howdoi.SUPPORTED_HELP_QUERIES self.pt_queries = ['abrir arquivo em python', 'enviar email em django', 'hello world em c'] self.bad_queries = ['moe', 'mel'] self.query_without_code_or_pre_block = 'Difference between element node and Text Node' def tearDown(self): self.patcher_get_result.stop() keys_to_remove = ['HOWDOI_URL', 'HOWDOI_SEARCH_ENGINE'] for key in keys_to_remove: if key in os.environ: del os.environ[key] howdoi.BLOCKED_ENGINES = [] def _negative_number_query(self): query = self.queries[0] howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -n -1') def _high_positive_number_query(self): query = self.queries[0] howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -n 21') def _negative_position_query(self): query = self.queries[0] howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -p -2') def _high_positive_position_query(self): query = self.queries[0] howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -p 40') def assertValidResponse(self, res): # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.assertTrue(len(res) > 0) def test_get_link_at_pos(self): self.assertEqual(howdoi.get_link_at_pos(['/questions/42/'], 1), '/questions/42/') self.assertEqual(howdoi.get_link_at_pos(['/questions/42/'], 2), '/questions/42/') self.assertEqual(howdoi.get_link_at_pos(['/howdoi', '/questions/42/'], 1), '/howdoi') self.assertEqual(howdoi.get_link_at_pos(['/howdoi', '/questions/42/'], 2), '/questions/42/') self.assertEqual(howdoi.get_link_at_pos(['/questions/42/', '/questions/142/'], 1), '/questions/42/') @patch.object(howdoi, '_get_result') def test_blockerror(self, mock_get_links): mock_get_links.side_effect = requests.HTTPError query = self.queries[0] response = howdoi.howdoi(query) self.assertEqual(response, "ERROR: \x1b[91mUnable to get a response from any search engine\n\x1b[0m") def test_answers(self): for query in self.queries: self.assertValidResponse(howdoi.howdoi(query)) for query in self.bad_queries: self.assertValidResponse(howdoi.howdoi(query)) os.environ['HOWDOI_URL'] = 'pt.stackoverflow.com' for query in self.pt_queries: self.assertValidResponse(howdoi.howdoi(query)) def test_answers_bing(self): os.environ['HOWDOI_SEARCH_ENGINE'] = 'bing' for query in self.queries: self.assertValidResponse(howdoi.howdoi(query)) for query in self.bad_queries: self.assertValidResponse(howdoi.howdoi(query)) os.environ['HOWDOI_URL'] = 'pt.stackoverflow.com' for query in self.pt_queries: self.assertValidResponse(howdoi.howdoi(query)) os.environ['HOWDOI_SEARCH_ENGINE'] = '' # commenting out duckduckgo test, re-enable when issue #404 (duckduckgo blocking requests) is resolved # def test_answers_duckduckgo(self): # os.environ['HOWDOI_SEARCH_ENGINE'] = 'duckduckgo' # for query in self.queries: # self.assertValidResponse(howdoi.howdoi(query)) # for query in self.bad_queries: # self.assertValidResponse(howdoi.howdoi(query)) # os.environ['HOWDOI_URL'] = 'pt.stackoverflow.com' # for query in self.pt_queries: # self.assertValidResponse(howdoi.howdoi(query)) # os.environ['HOWDOI_SEARCH_ENGINE'] = '' def test_answer_links_using_l_option(self): for query in self.queries: response = howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -l') self.assertNotEqual(re.match(r'http.?://.*questions/\d.*', response, re.DOTALL), None) def test_answer_links_using_all_option(self): for query in self.queries: response = howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -a') self.assertNotEqual(re.match(r'.*http.?://.*questions/\d.*', response, re.DOTALL), None) def test_position(self): query = self.queries[0] first_answer = howdoi.howdoi(query) not_first_answer = howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -p5') self.assertNotEqual(first_answer, not_first_answer) def test_all_text(self): query = self.queries[0] first_answer = howdoi.howdoi(query) second_answer = howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -a') self.assertNotEqual(first_answer, second_answer) self.assertNotEqual(re.match('.*Answer from http.?://.*', second_answer, re.DOTALL), None) def test_json_output(self): query = self.queries[0] txt_answer = howdoi.howdoi(query) json_answer = howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -j') link_answer = howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -l') json_answer = json.loads(json_answer)[0] self.assertEqual(json_answer["answer"], txt_answer) self.assertEqual(json_answer["link"], link_answer) self.assertEqual(json_answer["position"], 1) def test_multiple_answers(self): query = self.queries[0] first_answer = howdoi.howdoi(query) second_answer = howdoi.howdoi(query + ' -n3') self.assertNotEqual(first_answer, second_answer) def test_unicode_answer(self): assert howdoi.howdoi('make a log scale d3') assert howdoi.howdoi('python unittest -n3') assert howdoi.howdoi('parse html regex -a') assert howdoi.howdoi('delete remote git branch -a') def test_colorize(self): query = self.queries[0] normal = howdoi.howdoi(query) colorized = howdoi.howdoi('-c ' + query) # There is currently an issue with Github actions and colorization # so do not run checks if we are running in Github if "GITHUB_ACTION" not in os.environ: self.assertTrue(normal.find('[38;') == -1) self.assertTrue(colorized.find('[38;') != -1) # pylint: disable=line-too-long def test_get_text_without_links(self): html = '''\n
The halting problem is basically a\n formal way of asking if you can tell\n whether or not an arbitrary program\n will eventually halt.
\n \nIn other words, can you write a\n program called a halting oracle,\n HaltingOracle(program, input), which\n returns true if program(input) would\n eventually halt, and which returns\n false if it wouldn't?
\n \nThe answer is: no, you can't.
\n''' # noqa: E501 paragraph = pq(html) expected_output = '''The halting problem is basically a\n formal way of asking if you can tell\n whether or not an arbitrary program\n will eventually halt.\n\n \n \nIn other words, can you write a\n program called a halting oracle,\n HaltingOracle(program, input), which\n returns true if program(input) would\n eventually halt, and which returns\n false if it wouldn't?\n\n \n \nThe answer is: no, you can't.\n\n''' # noqa: E501 actual_output = howdoi.get_text(paragraph) self.assertEqual(actual_output, expected_output) def test_get_text_with_one_link(self): html = 'It\'s a protocol-relative URL (typically HTTP or HTTPS). So if I\'m on http://example.org
and I link (or include an image, script, etc.) to //example.com/1.png
, it goes to http://example.com/1.png
. If I\'m on https://example.org
, it goes to https://example.com/1.png
might be of help:' # noqa: E501
paragraph = pq(html)
expected_output = 'If the function is from a source file available on the filesystem, then [inspect.getsource(foo)](https://docs.python.org/3/library/inspect.html#inspect.getsource) might be of help:' # noqa: E501
actual_output = howdoi.get_text(paragraph)
self.assertEqual(actual_output, expected_output)
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
def test_get_questions(self):
links = ['https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/cat',
expected_output = [
actual_output = howdoi._get_questions(links)
self.assertSequenceEqual(actual_output, expected_output)
def test_help_queries(self):
help_queries = self.help_queries
for query in help_queries:
output = howdoi.howdoi(query)
self.assertIn('few popular howdoi commands', output)
self.assertIn('retrieve n number of answers', output)
'Specify the search engine you want to use e.g google,bing',
def test_missing_pre_or_code_query(self):
output = howdoi.howdoi(self.query_without_code_or_pre_block)
self.assertIn('XML elements present in a XML', output)
def test_format_url_to_filename(self):
url = 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/cat'
invalid_filename_characters = ['/', '\\', '%']
filename = _format_url_to_filename(url, 'html')
for invalid_character in invalid_filename_characters:
self.assertNotIn(invalid_character, filename)
def test_help_queries_are_properly_validated(self):
help_queries = self.help_queries
for query in help_queries:
is_valid_help_query = howdoi._is_help_query(query)
bad_help_queries = [self.queries[0],
self.bad_queries[0], 'use how do i']
for query in bad_help_queries:
def test_negative_and_high_positive_int_values_rejected(self):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
class HowdoiTestCaseEnvProxies(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.temp_get_proxies = howdoi.getproxies
def tearDown(self):
howdoi.getproxies = self.temp_get_proxies
def test_get_proxies1(self):
def getproxies1():
proxies = {'http': 'wwwproxy.company.com',
'https': 'wwwproxy.company.com',
'ftp': 'ftpproxy.company.com'}
return proxies
howdoi.getproxies = getproxies1
filtered_proxies = howdoi.get_proxies()
self.assertTrue('http://' in filtered_proxies['http'])
self.assertTrue('http://' in filtered_proxies['https'])
self.assertTrue('ftp' not in filtered_proxies.keys()) # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary
if __name__ == '__main__':