# howdoi Packaged Visual Studio Code Extension Locally install the howdoi Visual Studio Code Extension. ## Installation - Head over [here](https://github.com/gleitz/howdoi#installation) to install howdoi on your machine. - Open Visual Studio Code and open the Command Palette and run: Shell Command: Install ‘code’ command in PATH ![Image of Shell Command](https://github.com/gleitz/howdoi/tree/master/extension/vscode-pkg/img/code-command.png) Restart your terminal. - Within the `extension/vscode-pkg` folder, run: code --install-extension howdoi-0.0.1.vsix - Add the unpackaged files to your VS Code extensions folder (the path of the folder can be found [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/api/working-with-extensions/publishing-extension#your-extension-folder)). If no files were created within the `extension/vscode-pkg`, check if the files are in the extension folder path. - Look over the README within the unpackaged files for more info on how to run howdoi within VS Code.